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Dudley Smith

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Posts posted by Dudley Smith

  1. It gets harder and harder to stay enthusiastic when you scream your heart out on 3rd downs but the opposing offense keeps converting them regardless of the noise level you and other fans are generating. The team needs to give the fans something to cheer about if it wants its fans to be rowdy-- which the Colts have not done for the most part the last few games even in their wins.


    Also, just because someone isn't quite as loud doesn't make them any less of a fan or a "lazy" fan. As someone said earlier in the thread, he is older and just claps now rather than losing his voice for a few days after. That is perfectly acceptable. Also, this notion that fans who have more money are "lazier" is just downright stupid. There is zero correlation. Just because someone doesn't express themselves the same way you do doesn't make them less of a fan or a lazy fan.


    I will say that the one thing I can agree on is I do have a problem with fans asking loud fans to sit down or quiet down. That is on the opposite end of the spectrum and is equally obnoxious.

  2. There are a lot of problems on this team on both sides of the ball. The defense played well enough yesterday to win the game, and the offense moved the ball on the last drive, but there are still a lot of concerns on both sides.


    That said, the offense is definitely the most troubling. Luck is starting to look more and more uncomfortable in the pocket with every game, and with good reason. He is being hurried and/or hit on seemingly every snap, his receivers are struggling to get open, and he has an at-best inconsistent run game to help him out. Pep Hamilton is doing nothing objectively to alleviate any of these issues. He trots the same tired run formations out there and tries to slam the RBs up the middle for the same results of 1-2 yards, or throws a pitch for the same yardage or a loss. He does nothing to help Luck complete some easy throws. Honestly, Pep's pass plays look like they all are either intermediate to long pass routes. Where are the slants, screens, and other easy completions so Luck can get some rhythm and keep the chains moving?


    I wasn't sold on Arians last year, but I sure liked him a lot more than I do Pep Hamilton so far. This offense has taken a big step back this season outside of the 49ers game, which in retrospect was just a day the stars lined up for the offense (and we had Bradshaw). I don't like the idea of a 3rd OC for Luck in 3 years either, but the Colts simply can't keep a guy on the staff that doesn't have the goods to be an NFL coordinator. Especially in Luck's early years where he needs to be learning and growing as a player. Unless something changes, I hope a change is made at the OC position this off-season.

  3. Did anyone else find this very perplexing and almost conservative to fault on Pagano's part? I know it wasn't the reason we lost, but it was 3rd and 13 for the Cards, you're already down 21, there is 1:34 or so left in the 1st half, and you have Andrew Luck as your QB on the other side who thrives in the hurry-up (never mind the fact he rarely gets the opportunity this year...topic for another thread), and you decide just to let the clock run completely out? Yes, I realize the Cards completed a pass for a 1st the next play, but had the TO been called, the defense could have rested, gotten set up, and the Cards would probably have run something completely different. The Colts would then have had an opportunity to only be down 10-18 instead of 21.


    I thought that the decision not to take the TO there was a microcosm of Pagano's overly conservative mindset. I think calling it a "defeatist" attitude would be overly harsh, but it made me very angry yesterday. This coaching staff needs to realize that playing "safe" with this team is not going to win them games. Especially when you are already down 3 TDs. I thought it made no sense in light of the situation and I still am upset by it.

  4. I agree, you can't have those quality type of wins and be a fluke. What Colt fans need to concentrate on is winning the division , and getting the best seed you can for the playoffs. If you get into the dance, you have a chance, and maybe you get some injured guys back, get hot, and get some decent match ups. What is don't quite understand about the Colts is not the losses, but the blowouts and slow starts. That would concern me in the playoffs. I think the Colts problems are lack of depth and coaching. The lack of depth is showing up now with the injuries, and unfortunately I think Ariens is the better coach, although under the circumstances with Pagano last year, what could you do ? Luck helped you get Luck, but you may have drawn a bad hand in the coaching situation. Chuck is a great defensive coach, but I'm not sold on him as a HC yet.


    I like Chuck as HC, but the OC position should have gone to someone who wasn't going to treat Luck like he was still a sophomore in college behind a dominant OL. Every time Luck is in the hurry up offense he looks far more comfortable and makes great throws. This slow, plodding, power run offense is not only hurting Luck but it is hurting the team. The defense has been terrible the last few games, but it would certainly help if the offense could stay on the field and not be 3 and out for the first 3 out of 4 drives to open up the game. Pep doesn't seem to understand what this offense's strength is (Luck) and what its weaknesses are (OL and RB). He thinks he is still calling plays for a Stanford team with a dominant OL. This is more than a little concerning.


    Maybe Pep is being influenced by Pagano in his decision-making, but when he is the OC, and Pagano isn't an offensive-minded coach, I tend to look at Pep being responsible.

  5. Pep's play calling has left a lot to be desired. I think most of us have pointed this out since Game 1 against the Raiders. Sure it worked to perfection against the 49ers, but it appears that game was more an aberration than anything. This team needs Luck to have the ball in his hands. There also needs to be more QUICK routes than there currently are. Quick routes across the middle that Luck can utilize when no one else is open. The middle of the field right past the LOS is never utilized by this offense and would make Luck's job much easier.


    Also, enough already with the power run game. This OL simply can't do it. Like others have said already in this thread, throw to set up the run. Not vice versa. Going three and out on the first two to three drives and getting down 14+ points cannot continue to happen. Come out in the no huddle and get the lead right out of the game and dictate the game.

  6. Yes it could but we are #3 in Run Defense so I'm not sure how the Colts will game plan around that. Brown is a bruiser. I guess we will approach the Colts how we approached the Panthers. I don't know much about the Colts D but Robert Mathis and he is no slouch. How does your D look?


    The D has been very up and down. It's looked great at times (most of the Broncos and 49ers games) and terrible others (Dolphins, 1st half against Texans). I really have no idea what to expect out of it. I do think Mathis will be good for a sack or two. We got back some secondary guys this past week too which should give our pass D a much needed boost.


    My guess is your run D will have some success Sunday. Richardson has not been performing as well as hoped the whole season,  but Brown has been playing well. I think Luck's ability to pass is going to determine how successful the Colts are on offense, which makes sense since this has been the case practically the entire year anyway. In case you didn't know, since Wayne has gone down, our WRs leave a lot to be desired right now outside of TY Hilton. Although Fleener, our TE, has provided a much needed target and helped absorb the absence of Wayne in recent weeks. We will see what happens Sunday.

  7. I am a Cardinal fan and I know this game is tough. I am very nervous about it. If we want to go to the playoffs, this is a game we must win. Good luck to the Colts throughout the season except Sunday. Luck is a baller. 


    Thanks for the post. It will be a tough game for both teams. Definitely seems like one that could go either way.

  8. When teams blitz, they press the receivers hoping to blanket them long enough for pressure to get Luck sacked or throw errant and early.  I am hoping Pep andOline coach have a scheme that nullifies their blitz to a certain degree, because we will see a lot of it.  Bowles has been agreesive on D as Arians was known fon his O, but Arians seems to have toned it back a little with Palmer at the helm.


    Right. I meant it was hard for me to tell because we generally can only see a fraction of what is going on when we are watching our TVs. Hopefully Pep devises a game plan with a lot of routes to deal with the blitz, because I agree, I am sure Luck is going to be getting blitzed a ton until he and the offense make the defense pay.

  9. Our D needs to playwell. If they do, we will win....  IF... the O line can pick up the blitzes Bowles will throw at us.  We need to avoid 3rd down. They will blitz every time.  Luck is only 36% completion vs. the blitz since Reggie Wayne got hurt.  (he was 65% with Reggie in there).  AZ likes to blitz up the middle, where we are most vulnerable.  If we don't pick it up and keep Luck fairly clean, it will get ugly.  I hope Pep and Oline coach have a good plan in mind.


    It's always hard for me to tell why he struggles with the blitz, but I remember in the Texans game it definitely seemed like the receivers not named Hilton were getting zero separation. I am not sure if that is because the plays didn't provide for a short quick route, or whether the receivers just don't have much skill. Maybe a bit of both.


    I do like that Pep has been setting up more screens the last few weeks for the RBs to deal with the blitzes. I think this has really helped Luck out in those situations.

  10. I really love how hostile some people on this forum get. Guess I should know better than to post something like this. 


    It's not personal. People just get fired up about the Colts because we love our team. That's not to say there aren't a few people out there who just seem to enjoy being hostile or argumentative, which I don't understand. But in general most people here are just passionate.


    Edit: And for what it's worth, I enjoy topics like this. So keep 'em coming.

  11. I agree that the Colts seem to play better as the underdog, which they understandably are on the road against a solid Cardinals squad. I just get that feeling that the Colts finally look much better this game and get another win on the road. This will be the 4th full game for Luck without Wayne, and he has had time now to see what he can and can't do at this point without Reggie out there. The key, as many have pointed out, will be not allowing the Cardinals to jump out to an early, sizable lead. If the Colts can take the lead or at least keep the game within a touchdown or less heading into the 4th, I like the Colts' chances.


    A reason this team isn't playing very well right now is because of the injuries, especially on offense. I feel like a lot of the "experts" fail to acknowledge any injury on this team outside of Wayne when in fact the offense has been decimated. If the offense still had Wayne and Allen, I think it would actually be very good. Add back in Bradshaw and Ballard, and it could have been one of the best. It is hard to move the ball when you really only have 1-2 consistent receiving threats and a hit or miss run game, even for a QB like Luck. It is what it is at this point.

  12. Oh I know, I realize that. Those are huge media markets. 





    First of all, the AFC East is bad? Three teams are at .500 or better. Just in terms of wins and losses, it's far from being the worst division in the NFL. And there's really no information overload. The Jets get coverage because they're in NY and are like a car wreck at times, and the Dolphins have been in the news for Incognito. 


    Second of all, what did I say or do that prompted, "I love the way you Patriots fans flock to every thread to make it all about you though?" 


    I didn't say I wanted more Patriots coverage, I said I'm tired of hearing about a division that could conceivably be won by an 8-8 or 9-7 team. 


    So I'm not really sure where the misguided animosity is coming from here. "Such a shame."  :thmup:


    Agreed, I am tired of hearing about the NFC East as well. The only team that could come out there and maybe do some damage in the playoffs is Dallas, and that would require them to stop beating themselves and play some defense. Don't see it happening. I guess it is hard to completely write off the Giants in light of their playoff success in recent years, but when you watch them there is nothing special about that group this year. They have been winning recently against other bad teams. Philly still doesn't have me convinced. They are so up and down it's hard to get a read on them, but typically up and down teams aren't going to do well come playoff time. Washington isn't even a threat for the playoffs at this point.

  13. You know how much time I spend thinking about RG III? 0


    I think most of us don't really care too much about Griffin, who has been mediocre this year and is on a mediocre team. However, when ESPN and other media outlets have made it a crusade to give Griffin coverage regardless of the circumstances and have a new Griffin story nearly every day, it is hard not to talk about him.


    Luck and Wilson have been far more successful this year--both individually and team wise-- yet you hear nothing about them. That's partly because of the media in Washington, but it's also partly because they don't run their mouths unnecessarily like ego-maniac Griffin.

  14. Do you think if you inserted Russell Wilson or Cam Newton as Washington's QB that they would fare better? 


    How can you not think Wilson is better than RG3 at this point? Yes, he plays on a much better team which has helped, but he also makes much better decisions with the ball. Who knows where all of them will be in 10 years, but right now Wilson is undoubtedly better.

  15. wow whalen was good.......better than dhb

    I think he is the anti-DHB. DHB has great speed with no hands; Whalen has good hands with no speed. Whenever I watched Whalen it always seemed like he had trouble getting separation from his defender because he was just so slow. I think this inability to separate from his defender is why he is being released at this juncture. DHB still provides good blocking downfield if nothing else. Hopefully Whalen is still on the PS so he is available in the future. If nothing else it is nice to have him as an option.

  16. That entire top 10 was a bust but that's no the point i was trying to make. The talent is there with Richardson, i see it, Luck does, the coaches do. Once he get's over the mental part of it and gets that one big run to help his confidence, hes gonna prove a lot of his doubters wrong.


    I agree, and I think he is getting closer. I really have liked how Pep has been augmenting his role in the passing game with screens the last couple of games. Trent has looked good in open space. I think that is where the Colts will continue to build his confidence back up.

  17. I don't see how it isn't. In fact yes he is blaming the o line pretty clearly here: "...suggesting there hasn’t often been room to run for Richardson."

    “You look at Trent’s runs, for whatever reason, there’s penetration (by defenders),” Pagano said. “You feel bad. A guy gets the ball handed off to him and all of a sudden, there’s a guy sitting there for whatever reason." 

    I wonder what he means by "for whatever reason", thats what i mean by slyly, obviously he didn't outright say it...

    And than for Trent: “I’m not frustrated at all because I think I’ve been playing good,” Richardson said. “If you turn on the film, I don’t have any missed assignments. I haven’t had any missed reads. I’ve been playing good." 

    Like I said, not taking any blame himself. Am I wrong? Nope. Also later in the article he says that if the defense is keying for the run, than he can't be accountable for his short yardage gain. Elite/good running backs find ways to run even when it is a defensive play geared to stop the run.


    Honestly some of you people need to open your eyes, I'm done with this. I don't need to be attacked by those in denial. You can nonsense and tell me all these excuses, and that "Im a Trent Hater and only want him to fail". Nope I'm a colts fan, and would cry with joy if Trent took any step towards improvement during the rest of the season. Instead of getting stuffed, stuffed, stuffed, whilst Donal Brown outperforms him in the same plays and formations. 


    No one is attacking you. Some of us just don't share your opinion. Telling those of us who don't share your opinion that we "need to open our eyes" isn't exactly going to win you any favors either. Reasonable minds can differ.

  18. I can't go that far. That's definitely the way the Redskins are using him, and maybe that's all the proof we need. But at this point, I have to put the onus on the passing scheme, not the QB. They don't ask him to be a progression based passer.


    You may be right. It might be the scheme. Just in the couple of games I have seen Griffin this year (Cowboys and Broncos), I only remember him looking to one receiver on almost every pass play, and if it wasn't there, him making a bad play. I can't remember which of those games it was, either Collinsworth or Simms said this same exact thing-- that he essentially only ever made one read, and if wasn't there, he struggled. I have no idea what the Shannahans are asking or not asking him to do, but whatever it is it obviously isn't working this season.

  19. Yes, I would have been more satisfied if he admitted he wasn't playing well. That is a far more reasonable and sensible answer than "I think I've been playing good", when virtually everybody knows differently. The media is just making fun of him now for saying such nonsense. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging poor play when it's true.


    He seems to just be repeating what Pagano has said in the past couple of weeks. If your head coach says you are doing your job, why would you think otherwise? He might really believe he is doing a good job. I agree with you-- he isn't. He looks like he is running in wet concrete. I just think people are overreacting to what he said in this article. If he doesn't perform, he will be gone when his contract is up.


    I still have hope he turns it around. I am an optimist though so who knows.

  20. He should acknowledge that as a professional he NEEDS to get better. Also to put the blame on his shoulders somewhat because that is what a good player and leader does. Not act like im doing everything fine, but for some reason I can't get yardage or whatnot


    I also think that a major reason he thinks the way he does is that Pagano has said as much himself. Whether you agree or disagree with Pagano's assessment is irrelevant-- the fact is the coach may be telling Richardson he is doing his job and he simply has been experiencing bad luck. As a player, you will tend to trust what your coach is telling you.


    In the end it will make no difference. Either he gets better and earns a spot, or he doesn't and he is gone when his contract is up. Talk is cheap. Regardless of what he says, I can guarantee you that he knows he needs to get better. And part of what he said is actually true-- he has done a good job of blocking in the backfield for the most part.

  21. I'm having trouble excepting that explanation. Like I said in an earlier post, unless your blind or mentally slow, then nobody is buying that nonsense. If anything, he has done nothing but create more pressure on himself by not acknowledging he's stinking it up and there is no way it is just going to be dropped as long as he keeps sucking.


    Balzer, normally I agree with you 100%, but honestly, what do you want the man to say? Is he supposed to say "yes I am horribly overrated and a mediocre RB?" I suppose he could have just given a very generic answer of "I need to get better." Would you have liked that better?


    I don't think if he acknowledges to the media that he's playing poorly it's going to lessen the amount of pressure on him. I am sure he knows that if he doesn't improve, he isn't going to have a job when it is all said and done-- regardless of what he says to anyone.

  22. RGIII is a one-read QB. Plain and simple. I believe that announcers on a game I watched of the Redskins earlier in the season even stated this. He got away with it last year when the read-option confused defenses to the point that his first read was always there (not to mention wide open half the time it seemed), but defenses have adjusted, while RGIII has not. Maybe that's partly on the play-calling, but him openly voicing his frustration with it to the media would make me very alarmed as a Redskins fan.


    He has a long way to go, and I definitely would say he is behind every other starting QB of his class, including Tannehill.

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