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Dudley Smith

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Posts posted by Dudley Smith

  1. Why be critical of what he said? What exactly was he expected to say in this instance? Is he supposed to say he sucks? I don't see anything wrong with what he said, and I definitely don't think he was in any way deflecting the blame for his low YPC. He didn't throw the OL under the bus and instead had an overall positive outlook on his role in the offense and was supportive of Luck and Brown. I am sure he understands there is plenty of room for improvement, but that doesn't mean that he needs to trash his own play when speaking to the public.

  2. I would stop being a Colts fan if Incognito became a Colt. He's a team cancer. I said the same about Michael Vick. A guard isn't that important. He'll hopefully never play again. He's a trash human being, always has been.


    Seriously? Incognito is not Aaron Hernandez. He may be a numbskull, but he didn't do anything so serious that if he was on the Colts you should feel ashamed to be a Colts fan and quit on the organization. That is overreaction to the extreme.

  3.   Dudley;



    I think Ty should return kickoffs and puints...



    I know its dangerous...but I think you need to give playmakers a chance...especially late in close games......



    Returning kickoffs is dangerous (returning punts really isn't) but putting an inferior player who you know wont break one back there just to avoid injury..to me...is beating yourself..


    I understand your side of the argument. And you make good points. I just cringe every time he takes a big hit on those punt returns...

  4. Saw this mentioned in another thread and thought it would make for an interesting discussion on its own.


    He's done a pretty good job returning punts in his 1 1/2 seasons, but in light of all the other injuries and the fact that he is now our #1 WR since Wayne is out, I personally feel it exposes him to risk of injury unnecessarily. He was drafted to return punts, but not only did Grigson not realize what a good WR he would be at the time, but no one knew he would end up being our #1 on top of it (for at least this season anyway). I think he is too valuable to have back there returning punts.


    If TY were to get injured our WR core would go from bad to horrendous at this point. Obviously, he is not injury-risk-free playing WR, but the punt returns definitely open him up to bigger hits and more hits.

  5. Why does T-Rich not accelerate in the backfield?


    I don't get it.


    Donald Brown accelerates hard in the back field and when he hits the holes he goes for a big gain, when he doesn't ht the holes or the holes are not there he still gets 3 or 4 yards.


    T-Rich gets the ball and slows down, almost like he's looking for a hole like a light switch in a dark room, he just needs to hit it hard in the backfield and he will be fine.


    Agreed, it looks like he is over-thinking where he should run every time he touches the ball anymore. He just needs to flat out sprint and hit whatever is there in front of him. When he gets going he is a load and very tough to bring down.

  6. I cannot find the posts that i was reading yesterday saying Fire Coach pagano and Pep.  I do believe the offense is conservative.  And i agree sometimes overly conservative.  7-3 is not a lost season.  Its still up to the players to play.  And put the right people in the game.  Tough with injuries but im sure they will get it all figured out.  Just nonsense that all this starts over 1 really bad game. 


    I didn't see the posts you are referring to, but nothing would really surprise me. If there is one thing you can count on from sports fans it is overreaction, both positive and negative.

  7. I dunno, there was a person or two saying he should be on the hot seat if Colts lost yesterday.  But on the conservative bit, I actually disagree with you.  Predictable?  At times, yes.  More on that shortly.  I don't think he is aggressive in that we don't take a ton of shots down fieldl ike we did last year.  But I don't think that he is passive either.  I wish I could recall a specific example (and if someone can help me out, please do), but there were a cuople of times where the play calling surprised me.  Like a 3rd and 1 and we passed the ball 15 yards down field.  But seems how I can't recall anythign specific, I'll just have to leave my point unproven.  Suffice it to say, I don't think he's conservative, nor aggressive, but he can be a mixture of both.


    Okay, predictability - I've stated it before.  A HUGE part of that is all of our injuries.  You've heard, I'm sure, how last year for instance, Luck was ready mentality wise to start implementing soem of the more exotic packages, but other players were not up to speed.  Okay, players like Reggie and Allen have a pretty good grasp on the packages.  When those guys go out and replace them with someone who doesn't have the same breadth of comfortability with the packages, it slims down your playbook quite a bit.  I listened to Dwayne Allen on the radio last week talking about how a guy like Reggie goes down, and close to 50% of your playbook just becomes unusable.  You hope the replacement can pick up the slack, but it doesn't always happen.  Now you lose Reggie, Allen, Bradshaw, Ballard, I mean, there were a lot of package specific plays for those guys...all gone now.  Trent might pick up some of the slack, but he's still learning to read the OL and get comfortable with the system, DHB has shown he can't carry Reggie's load, etc.  The point I'm trying to make is, with more injuries, the more your playbook diminishes, and the less plays you can run, means you will be more predictable.


    PC, I actually agree with most of your post. I think the predictable plays are what I am predominately referring to when I say conservative. Because generally speaking the predictable plays are coming on 1st down and involve a jumbo set that gets 1-2 yards. I do agree that injuries limit what an offense can do and believe I acknowledged that point. But this offense was predictable even before the injuries started piling up.


    I feel that Pep's playcalling has improved and like I said, I actually like the system. I just wish the Colts were a more aggressive team-- willing to take a chance and go for it on a makeable 4th down where it is reasonable to do so instead of punting or taking the field goal. That comes back to Pagano though, and where I feel an aggressive OC/playcaller would influence him to go for it more often than not. Pep seems conservative as well and I would guess probably agrees with the decision to play "safe" more often than not.

  8. Always quick to blame the coaches.  Some people make me sick.  Last year we were carrying Coach out on our shoulders, this year people are calling for him to be fired over three games where our PLAYERS played like crap.  I want to see power running football.  T-Rich hasnt been in town long enough and im not ready to call it a bust until he has a full off season with the team.  DB needs to start.  Hes faster, more patient and has better vision.  3 L's and a 3 game lead in the division.  Is it beautiful at times, hell no.  But its winning.  Stay the course. 


    I don't recall seeing anyone calling for Pagano's head on these boards. If it's happened I've missed it. A lot of frustration with the overly conservative decisions yes, but demanding his firing, no. I love Pagano has HC, however, I think he would benefit from a more aggressive OC to balance out his own conservative nature. Pep takes a very conservative approach to the offense, even predictable at times, and I think it makes the Colts overall play too "safe" and not take enough chances-- especially with a QB like Luck.


    I am not saying that I am not a fan of Pep, because overall I think his system is a good one. Just would like to see us playing more aggressively within it. Granted, injuries have also really limited what the Colts can do on offense.

  9. I don't see anything he can do better other than look for the open receiver but often there is no one open. Sometimes he forces it and over throws because the line gives him 0 time and the receiver isn't open. IMO the rest of the team needs to step up. Receivers have to get open and hold onto the ball. The Oline needs to give Luck some semblance of protection. Luck just needs to go through all of his progressions when possible.


    Agree, and along that same line, I didn't get to watch the Rams game, but in the Texans game, it appeared that almost none of the receivers were getting any space whatsoever from the defenders outside of TY. The combination of a porous OL and a WR core that can't separate is going to make any QB look pedestrian or downright bad, even one as talented as Luck.


    Our receiving core, which before the season looked like a strength, has become another liability with the injuries to Wayne and Allen. I worry that this season may become derailed because of injuries. I think we still make the playoffs, but I am not sure we win a single playoff game even with the first at home.

  10. Why do Browns fans feel the need to come to a Colts message board to bash one of their former players and Colts management for trading for Richardson? That is just sad. If Colts fans want to be optimistic about Richardson, myself included, then let them. I by no means want Browns fans to leave the board, but I think deep down these Browns fans are still worried that their owner/GM or whoever made the wrong decision when they let Trent go, and to help their nerves are here to say "I told you so!" while they still can without looking silly. There certainly hasn't been too much for Browns fans to be happy about over the years.


    Maybe Richardson ends up being a bust. He certainly has underperformed this season-- but by no means is that positively indicative of possible future success. He definitely has the physical tools. Whether or not the Browns made the right move is yet to be seen, and it is premature to suggest otherwise.

  11. It's just hard to believe that if this guy is half as good as some people seem to believe that he is sitting on the PS for as long as he was. I think he sees some time on Thursday, but I don't expect more than 2-3 catches for maybe 20-30 yards tops, which I actually would consider a positive for the team. It's production at least. I think DHB should be used more for blocking on screens or downfield-- something he is actually pretty good at.


    Does this also mean that Brazill is considered a bust? Luck is really missing not just Wayne, but Allen as well. Just thought the remaining receiving targets outside of TY would show more than they have. They have looked very ineffective the past two games.

  12. From what I can tell through the first nine games (admittedly I did not see the game yesterday as it wasn't being aired in South Bend...stupid Bears), it isn't so much the scheme that isn't working so much as it is the playcalling. The playcalling is in general far too conservative and predictable. I saw that Luck flung it almost 50 times yesterday, but I am guessing this had more to do with the Colts being down by so many points than it did a change in philosophy.  


    I think this team would benefit by adopting an aggressive mindset on both sides of the ball, but especially offense. Passing to open up the run would be beneficial rather than vice versa. I do agree with you though that a bigger emphasis on quicker/shorter routes would probably help Luck and the OL considerably.                                                          

  13. I think the one who will "break out" will be donald brown. I predict a 100 yard game from brown. T rich will have 10 carries for 32 yards.


    Aren't the Cowboys and Jags pretty bad O-lines this year? Could be wrong.


    I am in the minority in that I still like the trade for Richardson. That's not to say he hasn't been underwhelming in his six games, but I liked what I saw from him against the Texans in the second half. I think it may not be his rushing yards that defines his breakout game but a combination of rushing and receiving. Luck should get him the ball in open space more and let the man work!

  14. As others have mentioned, a bootleg on one of the downs would have been a good call. Whenever this team has a lead they play not to lose and it is maddening. I don't know if that is Pagano or Pep or both, but aggressive teams are the ones that win the Super Bowl. Being ultra-conservative works in college when a team is much more talented or has a much better defense than the other team. However, that doesn't happen in the NFL because the talent is so similar on both sides of the ball, and generally the more aggressive team is the one that ends up making the big play and winning.


    The entire second half the Colts were in attack mode and were moving the ball at will. Then, once they had the lead on the last set of downs, three runs up the middle for a net gain of 0 yards. Sure it kept the clock moving, but there were opportunities for more creative play-calling that still keeps the clock moving while picking up yards for a 1st down.  A first down ends the game right there without giving the Texans the ball back. It can and it WILL bite this team in the future if this type ultra-conservative mindset continues...I am afraid there isn't going to be a change though.

  15. QBs who live and die on  the long-bomb pass do just that. Some games they are great, like last night, but some games they can look truly awful. Think Rex Grossman, another guy who loves the long bomb and has done his share of living and dying by it. Keenum threw a lot more long bombs than I wouldn't be comfortable with going forward if I were a Texan fan. It worked for him last night, but in reality those are a lot of times 50/50 balls that can hurt the team badly. He did keep some plays alive using his feet, but again it looked like he was just looking in one spot (usually Johnson) the whole time he did and not making reads. I do like his confidence-- but I am not sure if he is the long term answer for the Texans. I think once the league has adequate film on him that the deep passes aren't going to be there nearly as often.

  16. I'm still shocked at the way the Colts played the 1st half.  This team came out and played the 1st half as if they spent the bye week reading their press clippings.  Coach Pagano said they must stop putting themselves in this hole.  Well coach, IMO, it starts with the coaching staff getting the team ready to play at the opening kickoff, and not sometime in the 3Q.


    I need to watch the last half again, but if memory serves me correctly, the O line finally figured out they could actually block someone in the 4th Q. :woah:


    Great comeback and slept much better after the Texans FG kicker missed his 3d FG at the end. 


    Viny had one FG blocked and 'boomstick' fumbled the ball on his 1st punt.  Man we have to start playing better special teams. 


    Agree with your post. I am concerned by the Colts performance in the 1st half. Elated by their performance in the 2nd half-- but in the playoffs if we get down 18, especially on the road (like to Denver for instance), we aren't coming back. I, along with all other Colts fans, was definitely questioning the preparation by the Colts in the 1st half. Sure, Case Keenum can throw it and I am not trying to take away credit for some good reads/passes, but that was just awful, pathetic, timid defense on Andre Johnson and against the Texans in general in the 1st half. Shades of the Chargers game only worse. The defense played better when it was aggressive. That's the way it should ALWAYS play IMO.


    The O-line was bad too-- but at this point I am not sure that can be helped. Taking Satele out and putting McGlynn at center seems like it makes the unit play better, but the coaching staff seems like it is loyal to a fault to Satele for whatever reason.


    This team is very young and is up and down for that reason. I was encouraged by TY's performance in the second half. I hope he carries that confidence over to the next game and continues to step up as the #1 receiver.

  17. True, but remember the SD playoff game where they lost Rivers and LT and still beat us?

    Or how bad the D played this year in SD? I'm still not sure who we are TBH.


    The Colts seem to play up or down to their competition which is the sign of a talented but young team. Only game where this was not the case this year was Jacksonville-- and even then the Colts got off to a painfully slow start. I think we have a great defense, but performances like the one against the Chargers definitely can make you do a double take. I feel cautiously optimistic about Sunday night's game, but I think it could go either way because Houston is going to be desperate.

  18. Why is DHB a disappointment? What did everyone really expect from him? I think he has been great at blocking on the second level and has been average in the passing game. I think he has done about as expected-- nothing more or less.


    Otherwise, I like your assessment.

  19. Do you really think that TY is a WR1 in the NFL? I really only see him as a WR2 at best. He has talent no doubt, but I don't see him ever being a "go to" guy.


    Why couldn't he be? He definitely doesn't have the greatest size, but he has explosiveness that only a handful of players in the NFL have. Once he improves his route running and his hands, I absolutely think he could be a #1 for Luck and the Colts. Not saying it is definitely going to happen but I think the potential is there.

  20. We're a little low on this poll IMO, but on the other hand ESPN had has at #2 which I think is definitely a little high. I don't understand the logic behind putting us behind San Fran right now, but otherwise a case could be made for the Broncos, Seahawks, and Saints all to be ahead us despite us having beaten two of them. Bengals have the same record I believe but our wins are more impressive.


    To be honest I feel this team does better when it plays the role of underdog which is why our next game concerns me. We seem to play up or play down to our competition. Will be interesting to see how we do in Houston in a week as a favorite and without Reggie.

  21. Wasn't Favre hardly able to move back in 2010 in his final year with the Vikings? And now the Rams expect more from him an additional three years down the road at age 44? "Desperate" is putting it lightly.


    I do agree though that I like Favre and wouldn't mind seeing him back in the league. It would certainly be at the Ram's expense, however, which is fine with me.

  22. There seems to be a lot of risk going with Gordon. The payoff could be great if he worked out, but his past history suggests that he won't. He doesn't seem to get the message. He is young and I do think Pagano would have a positive effect on him, as would Luck. But on the other hand there is only so much a person can do to help someone out and I am sure there have been positive influences on his life in the past that were unable to change him. The fact that Gordon is a repeat offender is very concerning and in the end I would rather not mess with it.


    Nicks is made of glass and wouldn't be worth trading for unless he came very cheap. Britt is just a head-case that is not really even worth mentioning because the Colts are better off without him. While the trade deadline is coming up soon I believe and I hope that the Colts are just going to stick with who we have. Put Rogers and Whalen out there and see if they can at least make up partially for the loss of Wayne.

  23. A lot of that can be attributed to the fact that the play-calling became (surprise) very predictable in the 2nd half when we began playing with the lead. Many of Luck's throws were under duress on a 3rd and long because of crap plays on 1st and 2nd down. And Luck of course took the tough throw for the whole yardage required for the 1st down because that is who he is for better or worse. Jumbo formation on 1st down with a handoff to Richardson or Brown gets a little obvious after the fifth or sixth time.


    A bit of an exaggeration but my father and I were able to call the play multiple times before it happened on first down in the second half of Sunday's game, and we are not what you would call brilliant football minds.

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