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open window

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Posts posted by open window

  1. I do not believe in mystacism or extra sensory powers, but I swear I had a few premonitions about this game. I almost posted that J Charles was going to get knocked out (although in my head it was gonna be a Freeman hit to do it), I saw Donnie Avery running through the secondary untouched, and the TRich fumble. I will post my pre-game premonitions next week, maybe I have a career with the phsycic friends network, Mr Cleo?

  2. Ehhh I'm not talking about what anyone can see. I don't see us trading for Revis either. But none of us saw us trading for Vontae or Trent. You said that you weren't sure we have enough in the cupboard. But we do for a squad transitioning BACK to a Tampa 2. :)

    I lean towards believing your premise that Tampa, of all teams that should run the Tampa 2 that Lovie had wild success with in Chicago. On the other hand many believe that the Tampa 2 is dead, Kiffin and the Boys did a great job killing it, everyone figured it out and it is now nothing more than a sub package and only to be employed like the prevent.

  3. I will miss those old schooler announcers though when they're gone... Things like that are just human stuff. I already miss the Madden/Summerall games and Dierdorf's last season with NBC (I believe, correct me if I'm wrong) and he's a familiar voice so will be missed as well. Just Al Michaels and a couple others are all that will be left of the older guys. Remember the old Inside the NFL cast? Can anyone name them? ha ha Happy New Year!!

    Len Dawson, Nick Buonicotti, and...Pat Summerall?

  4. The last three games have raised my confidence level significantly with this team. I think we have the will and the way at this point. Guys are playing with an apparent confidence, particulary on the offensive side of the ball. The uptempo style has brought about some recent success. If we play with the pride and "Chip on the shoulder" attitude of the San Francisco/KC/Denver games, we will be successful. How successful is the question. I don't think we are quite at a level of faring well on the road in either New England or Denver. New England's defense has continued to improve and I have a feeling they would schematically have success against our defense. I really do think they are one of the top-coached teams in all of football. It will be freezing cold, and our run game will have to take it up a couple of notches- FO REAL!! We're still quite a ways from being even a decent rushing team. I think we win with the no huddle passing attack we've been using more recently. Beating Denver I almost feel would be more likely, particularly because we have the ingredients to rattle Manning and in cold weather that may be even more likely the case.

     I want NE in the divisional round if the Colts are so fortunate to advance. I think the Colts match up well with NE receivers, and they are almost as beat up as us. An epic AFCCG against Denver would be crazy to even think about.

  5.  I believe the scenario ideally would either include a bye and visit from the Pats, or a home game vs. KC then a trip to Foxboro, then the big finale against the greatest Colt of them all, in frigid Denver. I am not one of the "realists" here at the Shoe, I really feel this team is built to play in the weather and has a better D than Denver and NE. I really like our chances vs. the Pats and Chiefs. Peyton scares me but we did it once, It might be crazy cold in the big apple in February too.

  6. Replay will all be done from a central location next season. All reviews will be looked at by replay specialists and communicated to the refs on the field. Consistancy is all that I ask for (Ben-Jarvis-Green-Ellis)! Anyway that is my prediction for when the competition comittee gets together in the off season.

  7. One thought that ran through my mind while watching this game was the cheifs had a bad game . It reminded me of beating the steelers in the regular season i believe it was 2005 ,then getting beat in the post season by them .


    Playing the cheifs in the post season would not be a given , there players are * look at the post game interviews it reminds me of the steelers back in the day...

    Troy P, Joey Porter, and the Steelers D was for real, the Chiefs D is good but not in the same zip code.

  8. If the mighty ravens couldn't beat the wounded pats at their own home, I have a really hard time believing they can beat a hungry cincy team at cincy. Buffalo has a chance if they bring todays defense but with tom terrific and coach darth Vader, you just can't count them out unless the nfl disqualifies them. The wins this year with the loss of quality players they have lost is ridiculous. The BB schemes are made for avg players and excels with good players. I can't stand the pats but damn do I wished our coaches had the creativity of BB minus the cheating

    Division games are different, plus the Ravens beat Cinci just a few weeks ago, if memory serves me.

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