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Manning's Future



Who in their right minds would let a player like Peyton Manning go? I hear all these reports on ESPN about how their 100% sure that Peyton will not return to the Colts next season and will be playing for a different team. Jim Irsay has to be crazy not to pay Peyton the money he is due in March. Look at everything Peyton has done for this team, the city, and football in general. A player like Peyton deserves to finish his career in Indianapolis. Not only is Peyton a premiere quarterback but he is a one of a kind person. How many quarterbacks tape a pre recorded message reminding you of your doctor's appointment? If I was Jim Irsay I would absolutely pay Peyton the money. Peyton's going to play in 2012 so why not let him be the quarterback he is known to be. Not only will Peyton play this upcoming year, but he will dominate as usual. Peyton's the type of quarterback that is going crazy right now because he missed a whole year of doing something he loved. If he gets his money and is guaranteed he will be playing for the Indianapolis Colts this year, he will be watching tape in March preparing for next year. If something was to happen after Peyton was paid the money and he could not play after this season, keep him around as a coach. The money you would be paying him as a player would pay off by having him around as a quarterback coach or even a consultant. If the Colts draft Andrew Luck and trade Peyton they will be making a huge mistake. Andrew Luck will not be the premier quarterback everyone thinks he will be. Even if he is half of the quarterback people are projecting him to be it will take a few years for that to come about. Why wouldn't you keep Peyton around to train and prepare Luck and have a few winning seasons while Manning is still playing. None of this makes any sense to me. Why would this even be an issue? Manning should 100% be the quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts next season. If he's not......then maybe we should trade Jim Irsay because he obviously has no clue how to run a football team. Getting rid of the Polian's obviously shows that. If #18 isn't around next year, I absolutely will not be rooting for the Colts next season....maybe the Patriots? I'm sure I won't be the only one either!

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I think everyone wants Peyton in Indy. the question for the magic 8 ball is will he be ready by the time this decision has to be made

Do the Colts bet on him?

What if he's not ok? This is a neck issue, nobody knows what is going to happen.

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There are three things I am passionate about - God, Family and Colts Football. Jim Irsay the only thing I can say to you is communicate. Peyton Manning deserves that respect. I honestly believe that if Peyton can't come back next season because of his neck injury he will have enough respect for the Colts organization to tell them and will then retire. I can't see Peyton doing anything to hurt the Colts. If he is able to play next season, you have got to be kidding me, you are talking about not bringing him back because of Andrew Luck. How do you know this kid can play in the NFL? A few years under Peyton and the kid could do great things. If Peyton has to retire I am thinking he would make a great coach. Just my thoughts and alot of frustration.

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I know that PM had 3 neck surgeries but it wasn't an in game, lights out, neck brace and strecther ,spinal/neck injury. PM had some pain and loss of arm strength caused over a period of time that culminated in his wanting surgery to get his strength back and relieve the pain. It is a viable injury and something to be concerned over but not as severe as it could have been. I believe it is something that PM can come back from 100%. Even if he comes back not fully recovered and plays I still want to see him retire in a Colts jersey!

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I know that PM had 3 neck surgeries but it wasn't an in game, lights out, neck brace and strecther ,spinal/neck injury. PM had some pain and loss of arm strength caused over a period of time that culminated in his wanting surgery to get his strength back and relieve the pain. It is a viable injury and something to be concerned over but not as severe as it could have been. I believe it is something that PM can come back from 100%. Even if he comes back not fully recovered and plays I still want to see him retire in a Colts jersey!

I had always believed that Peyton would retire as a colt. Never imagined anything else. It is a long wait till March 8

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I know it is very hard when a transition in staff occurs. All of your personal contacts are disrupted. And I understand that these changes have only been in the main office at this point. This will disrupt Peyton's Qi.But the real hurt will be when the cuts in the locker room begin.We must face it, there will be people we will lose that we as fans will be upset with, but the changes in the locker room equates to deaths in the family.I believe that this will be crushing for Peyton. I must admit that I am not a big Manning fan, I am a big Colts fan.

But I would be the first to say we could not have achieved what the Colts have done without him. Yes, he is a fantastic Quarterback; but there had to be players catching those passes in order for him to have completions. It takes an O-line to protect him to get those passes off. It also requires a great Defense to get things done so he can have good field time in which to perform.

That being said, Tony Dungy was a strong Defensive coach and so is the Pagano. I believe that we have some of the best Defensive players in the NFL. Freeney, Mathis, Bethea, Brackett, Nevis, Wheeler, and Angerer are all great. One can only hope that we can afford to keep them. Giving the time to learn a new defense this could equate to even more playing time on the field for Peyton to finish his career here with a big bang.

I most certainly hope that Peyton does heal quickly more in aspect for himself, because that is most important. But nothing would make me happier than to see him back in there with a gleam in is eye and in no uncertain terms telling the entire NFL that he is most definitely back. And as a COLT!

If we do secure any Quarterback can you imagine any one that could better mentor them into the NFL? Let the newbie see how it is done with the Big boys, and let the new guy have at it.

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Does anyone get the feeling Jim is messing with us so he can move the team again?

No I think he is playing with the league to keep them guessing.

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Please, for God's sake Mr. Irsay......Release a statement; If number 18 is healthy enough to continue his career he will be a Colt.

Sincerely, Die Hard Colts Fan of 35 years

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If Jim knows that Peyton can't play next season then he should have kept him as head coach, hello! And I'm tired of people saying Manning wont play bc it's a serious injury, what I say to that, is, until Manning comes out and says he can no longer play then I'll believe it. What Peyton is saying is that he is out there everyday giving what he can at practice. He is a strong competitor and hard worker, he gives it his all, how many qbs are out there throwing the ball and coaching at the same time. JIM KEEP PEYTON!!!!

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Also, Andrew Luck, I have no doubt he is a great college qb. But look at what hapenned to Matt Leitner, choked his first season and where is he now? If Peyton cant play he can be Andrews QB coach!

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A decision like releasing Peyton Manning from Indy is like a large needle...Make a clean break, be upfront & honest with the public & Peyton, & the whole rocky road episode will go by quicker & be much less painful for the franchise, for #18, & for all of Colts Nation Faithful...But continue to delay, stonewall, & drag your feet Mr. Irsay this situation will linger, mutate, & grow like an infected sore.

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