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My Take On Our Draft: 1st Pick Edition



I will be going over our first 4 rounds. Let's say that we end up with the 1st pick in the draft. A team will want Barkley and we will get 3 first's, 2 second's, and a third. We could possibly get a 3rd third round pick for compensation from Garcon, at least a fourth. We will be at the 6th pick in the draft. We should trade down yet again, this time to 10, and pick up another second.

With this pick, we choose Chance Warmack, OG Alabama. Warmack is a beast!! He completely dominated the Michigan defensive line and I don't think his man made a tackle in the game. He had at least 6 pancakes in the game. He blocks until the whistle blows. On one play a Michigan defensive player had a step on him and got the first push and leverage on Warmack, but Warmack used his will power to eventually pancake the opposing lineman. Oh yeah, he also has never been injured in his college career. He would allow Andrew Luck to not worry about stepping up in the pocket and could finally give us a good run game.

With the first of our 2 second round picks, we select Dion Jordan, OLB Oregon. Jordan is a fast player with an always running motor and violent hands. He is a perfect fit for our hybrid scheme, because he is a hybrid OLB. He is a very good athlete with a very fast learning pace. He has only played DE/OLB for 2 years now. He has good potential and if we develop him, will become a stud for us.

With the second of our 2 second round picks, we choose Aaron Dobson, WR Marshall. Dobson is a big WR with great hands. At 6-3 and with a basketball backround, he will go over defenders to get the ball. He has great, consistent hands and will snag the ball right from a defender. He is not a great route runner, but working with Reggie should help that. He has good top end speed. Dobson will be that #1 WR we have been looking for to replace Reggie when he retires.

With one of our third rounders, we pick T.J. Mcdonald, S Texas. Mcdonald loves to hit. He is a captain for the veteran USC squad, which shows his leadership. He averaged about 6 tackles per game, which is pretty impressive to me. He could bring back that fire that we haven't had since Bob Sanders left. If we draft Mcdonald and he pans out, we could have one of the best safety tandems in the league.

With our second third round pick we pick Brennan Williams, OT UNC. Williams could play opposite Anthony Castonzo and help protect Luck. He is very athletic and strong. He flashes a meanstreak and will get nasty. He is a LT, but is probably more suited to be a right tackle. If we drafted Williams and Warmack to go with Castonzo and Satele, our O-Line would be solidified for almost all of Luck's career.

With our last third round pick, we select Jesse Williams, NT Alabama. Yes, we get another Bama NT. They seem to be the best and nastiest kind. He benched 600 pounds, so yeah, he's a strong guy!! He flashes a mean streak. He is very good in run support and is a good disruptor as a pass rusher. He has a good motor and is a powerful hitter. He has good straight line speed and gives a ton of effort. Williams would be back with his old college buddy and would provide us with a good rotation at NT.

With our fourth round pick, we select Kenjon Barner, RB Oregon. He would be our own little Darren Sproles. We would have so meany weapons for Andrew and Kenjon could be a major one. He is a quick, shifty runner who will beat the defenses with his speed. He is a home run player. He is good in the pass game as well. If we can get Kenjon, we will have a very dynamic weapon!


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