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Preseason over with some early observations



The end of training camp and preseason officially over and the real thing beginning to start. I have some early observations. I like this team very much and I'm very excited for the season to start. I'm also a very big fan of coach Paganos. I think he's exactly what this team has needed.

I know it's to early to tell but so far I'm also a big fan of Grigson. I like his moves but nobody really knows how these guys will turn out. We will just have to wait and see if his moves were right or not.

This nothing new to us Colts fans. But we do have some problems on our offensive line and defensive line. So I do agree we do have holes to fill in the next couple years to build the monster.

But with having said that. I believe we will have to wait until about mid-season to really determine whether this team can be a contender or pretender. I say that unless we start off 0-8 or something then we may know a little earlier then that...lol

I do believe that Grigson and Pagano have tried very hard to put the best 53 guys they could get on the field but change will happen again at some point .

This is where the fun starts and I believe we will surprise some people.

We are very lucky to have Luck on our side along with Allen and yeah okay Fleener (catch the ball) early prediction 10-6 I'm a die-hard Colts fan and Sunday can't get here soon enough.

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