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Zurlon Tipton Should Get More Reps at RB



I have been a fan of Zurlon Tipton's powerhouse and downhill run game ability since I saw his pre-season performance.

I believe he deserves more reps at the RB position because we need a powerback guy to run the ball like that.

Tipton's running style sort of reminds me of Vick Ballard's.The more on-field experience he has, the better he will get.

What does anyone else think of this suggestion?


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He deserves a shot I donʻt like Trent, just looks like he donʻt want 2 play and Herron is not the answer but if it donʻt work out then we need the best available RB in draft or BEASTMODE

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Last past to games Z. Tipton out played TRich. To get past the Pats we need a running game I think Tiptons vision and power running is what we need cause are Oline is that bad.

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TRich should be come a dance instructor. His feet move faster in place than any back in the league.  Thanks Mr. Grigson for absolutely giving away the most valuable asset you have when building a team.  This guy can't spell talent no less spot it.  Tipton & Herron will have moments in a game but no defensive coordinator is going to lose sleep over these 2 guys. Ballard may be OK at best, but his health is a real issue. 

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Don't like the direction the team is headed with Pagano and Grigson I hope Mr Irsay wakes up before Grigson trades another 1st round pick for a punter 

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