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Irsay Loyal To Family Or Money

Michael Brown


I know I'm not the only fan that feels this way. Just pay attention to the Colts fan base. You letting Peyton Manning go is a bad move. I've heard it said by the Colts/Irsay so many times were a family organization......Im glad I'm not part of your family. Peyton has one bad year misses one season and your gonna cut him loose. Irsay you should be ashamed of yourself. Peyton is the one that put your team on the map, yes he had great help and great talent/team by his side. But without Peyton Manning for starters the "SUPERBOWL" WOULD HAVE ONLY BEEN A DREAM.

Why not keep Peyton, draft Luck and get another Superbowl in 2012. I guess Irsay not as smart as the rest of the world. Even my 5yr. old son knows getting rid of Peyton is a big mistake.



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durinng the superbowl irsay stated it was not about the 28 million but now it come just a few 48 hrs away from the 8th of march and now it being told that they are cutting manning. this is the guy that put the colts where they are today i see it to be away to say were are to cheap to pay the man that made this happen for the colts 14 yrs of giving it all he had and missed one season and now we put him of to the trash this really tell us how the colts are to anyone that are with them so getting rid of manning is bad i can see there will be a big fan drop now

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My guess is that Peyton didn't want to give up any practice reps. That's just not something i would even expect he would do.

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history tells us Peyton wouldnt give any practice reps to back ups, combine that with the 28 million he WASNT willing to renegotiate and the fact that we have holes to fill it wasnt the correct business move, sure he could have remained a colt, we could have paid him the money and been in cap room heck, if manning wanted to retire a colt he would have reworked the contract I even stated 7 million over 4 years...therefor...28 million! thank you manning for all you have done for the city, we all need to support Luck now and welcome him

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Maybe Manning should have took a major cut in salary and played on incentives with the injury and all. But this is all I can say on my side of it is,

Been a fan since I was 4!! 1958!! Will this stop me from being a Colts Fan?? That's a STUPID question. I'm actually excited for the new season to begin!! Can it be any worse then last? I doubt it. Plus I've prepared myself for this for years and knew it was coming.

Anybody who would not follow the Colts anymore because of this was never a Colts fan to begin with???? Maybe just a bandwagoneer jumper or just a Manning fan and afraid to lose?????

For me it's, TILL DEATH DO US PART!!!!!!

GO COLTS IN 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Maybe Manning should have took a major cut in salary and played on incentives with the injury and all. But this is all I can say on my side of it is,Been a fan since I was 4!! 1958!! Will this stop me from being a Colts Fan?? That's a STUPID question. I'm actually excited for the new season to begin!! Can it be any worse then last? I doubt it. Plus I've prepared myself for this for years and knew it was coming.Anybody who would not follow the Colts anymore because of this was never a Colts fan to begin with???? Maybe just a bandwagoneer jumper or just a Manning fan and afraid to lose?????For me it's, TILL DEATH DO US PART!!!!!!GO COLTS IN 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Coltsince4

colts are now dirty, they deserve what they get. I hope luck see's what's going on and never steps foot on colts soil, or uses them to get his feet wet and moves on....my guess is he wants to win and that's not going to happen for many years....call it a business all you want but what they did is shameful...go peyton you deserve better than the colts....

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