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Colts are at Steelers!

On naional tv on NBC TV at 8pm est. As Sunday Night Football crew are there. Andrew Luck to get a better audience look. To show what he can do. And why he is the Colts face of the future, becomes the FACE OF NOW!



Luck Era Begins!

Sure this is pre-season. But see how good Andrew looked today. As he seems to be at ease. In only his first unofficial game. The fans seem so far to be pleased. One pre-season game down, three more to go before the regular season opens up.



Steelers Fan Good Sport In Training Camp!

Glad that the fan that had the Steelers uniform. Was a good sport about it. And that it ended in good fun. Don't even want to imagine what or how it would had ended badly. Had that not ended in good fun or being a good sport. Glad that all ended well.



Real Fans Do Attend Colts Camp!

Whether it is very hot and in the sweat. And also if it rains. You will see that the team has their fans. No matter what. And that their fans are very loyal. Through both thick and thin. Indy is one of the most fan based NFL cities in the nation!



People, Not Guns, Do the Killing!

In light and wake of the CO tragedy in Auora, we need to realize. That it is not guns but the people that DO THE SHOOTING that are at fault. As it is how you use a gun. Whether good or bad! As I can't stand being around guns and that even toy guns make me skirmish. Ask AZ in 2011, VT in 2007, or Columbine in 1999. Thoughts and prayers are with those that lost loved ones on Thursday night. Twelve dead and fifty-nine wounded. Let's remember them and not the person that did it.



Be Patient, As All Will Be Signed!

Like one blog says, the 2012 NFL class players have not signed. But we need to be patient. As hopefully we need to let it all play out. As just let it play out. Colts are in the beginning of a new era. And that it does take time. Just be patient.



Anybody going to watch the Olympics in two weeks?

A little more than two weeks, the London 2012 Games will start. I love the Olympics. As they alternate it once every two years. Not both once every four years. So that we won't have to wait. Thank goodness. Love the Winter games but love the summer games all in the same. Anybody going to watch?!



Happy July 4th!

Hope you all have a safe and a grand July 4th. With lots of fireworks. Well may need to lay off the fireworks a bit, tisk, tisk! But still have a great one with a BBQ and all of that. Take care and have a great one!



Can't believe it is July!

Can you all believe it is July? As it is so hot. And that it is like you are burning up? Really the months go by fast. Hope you all have a safe July! Be cool as well. During this tough heat!



Craving for some Japanese food!

I have not had Japanese food in three months or over. Will try to get some. When my parents are out of town. As I love that kind of food. Though don't get it as much! But will try to get some for lunch. As the food is expensive during the dinner hours.



Anybody Going to Training Camp?!

Would love to hear if anybody is going to training camp? Wished that I was as I live in Seymour TN. And can't afford to go. But would love to hear if anybody is going. Sure a lot of people are going. Plus bring lots of water and get cooled off a bit so you won't suffer from dehydration!



Chad O Needs to Be a Team Player, Not a "Me" Player!

Chad OchoCinco should learn to be a "team player," not a "me" player as one thing is important. It is important to be a team player and a follower. Rather than somone who puts himself first. Above the interests and sadly, to the chargin of others. You win as a team, you lose a team. The way I look at things. Guy just needs to grow up. He ain't the first nor will he be the last unfortunately there are way too much of him.



Will Be On Vacation June 7th-13th!

In case you are thinking where is JPPT1974?! As that is where I will be. As I will be at the beach with my family. Really love the beach. Though I don't like camping as I find it boring. But camping at the beach with family is fun. Got a new camper!



Andrew Luck Deal Close!

According to NFL.com, a deal with the Colts and Andrew Luck. Is expected and could be soon. As wonder how much they will give him. I would predict somewhere in the $35M-$40M range under the new CBA rules.



Anybody Watch Dancing With the Stars?

I really don't. But man they make dancing look easy. Both the pros and the stars. As they really make it look great. But it also will burn you off some pounds it seems. The way that they dance and go. My mom watches it. She loves that show!



Original LT Broke! Selling SB Rings!

The Original LT aka Lawrence Taylor is so broke. That he can not make payments along with troubled criminal past. As he is selling not just one but two Super Bowl rings. Possibly to pay his criminal defense team. As he is facing some criminal charges. Really sad story for him!



2011-2012 TV Season Wrapping Up!

Do you all watch the tv season? As the tv season is wrapping up. February, May, and November are the Sweeps period. May is usually the finale period. What shows are you watching in finales? As I love "Survivor." Would love to hear from you all!



RIP Junior Seau 1969-2012!

Really sad about what happened to him. As he has had some personal problems in the past. Thoughts and prayers are with his three children and family. As they are grieving in private. Grew up with him from the Chargers. Really a great player and seemed to be a good man. Despite all that he has been through.



NFL Draft Begins TODAY!

Finally the NFL Draft has begun today. As expected Andrew Luck to be taken as #1. As think that we will make a great decision. And Luck seems to be the man of Indy, for many, many more years to come! Let the NFL Draft and the Luck era...BEGIN!



Dick Clark 1929-2012

RIP Dick as hope you Colts fans really know that. He was ahead of his time. And that he was also a visionary. Not just a host but a producer and a shrewd businessman. Who was very humble and really seemed like a great guy. Remember watching him on American Bandstand and New Year's Eve shows. Now the latter shows will never be the same without him. RIP to the Oldest American Teenager!



Wonder How Many Saints Players Will Be Punished?

I would hate to take a guess. But I say that the number. Will be very, very high. On the Bounty Gate thing. As the players and suspensions will come mainly from nearly all of the defense. If not, ALL OF THEM. As it seems that the suspensions and fines are going to be handed down to them. And very hard one might add.



Three Weeks til NFL Draft 2012!

Hope you all are ready for NFL Draft 2012. As Colts will likely get Luck. As one coach of his said. The Colts would not be bright if they didn't select him. But they will. As now the new era of the Colts begins!



Ready For April!

April is here! Can you all believe it? As April now will be here tomorrow. Seems like the months go by fast. And that I will be having a busy one. Well hope to have a busy one. Take care!



Praying That The Colts Will Pull Together!

Now that we may be getting Luck as a QB, just a BIG definate it seems. We need to realize that the team is now on a new era. And letting go of several players in the process. Shows that we need to cut the team slack. And help them to move on. While they are going in a new era and generation. Praying that the team will return to it's winning ways.



Wear Green Or Be Pinched!

Today is St Patty's Day! As hope you all wear green. Or you will be pinched LOL! Hope that you all have a merry one! God bless!!



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