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John Waylon

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Everything posted by John Waylon

  1. Played well in defense?! What? 0 sacks, 0 turnovers, 34 PA, they had their 4th best game of the year on the ground well ahead of their weekly average, and they completed 19/25 passes. Hat about that is good?
  2. Woof. I think it may be time to wave the white flag of surrender and turn this one off.
  3. I certainly hope it was closer to holding there than it was on the field. I wanna go home.
  4. Unless he’s a ventriloquist, and that’s a hell of a time to pick to practice that talent, his face appeared to be set in stone.
  5. Is he * mute? He called for the FC, he can speak up and tell the player ranging over “I got it”. It’s not the first time it’s happened this year. Or the second.
  6. He’s gotta be more aware. When he’s got a guy ranging towards him he needs to speak up and tell them to gtho.
  7. I think you’d be pretty hard-pressed to find anyone who wouldn’t take the penalty. That’s why it was a bad call.
  8. It’s exactly what happened lol. There was a 15 yard penalty and he declined.
  9. The only thing Bradley could do to make this any easier would be give a ballcarrier a piggyback ride to the end zone.
  10. Once again the path of least resistance is right through our defense 😵‍💫
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