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coming on strong

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Everything posted by coming on strong

  1. 14 years in the league and cant read a blitz ..... he is the reason the line looks so bad because teams are bltizing him nonstop and he doesnt read it
  2. that play had zero to do with the o line at all ..... ryan did not read they were all out blitzing took his time with a wide open wr over the middle
  3. truth colts havent been able to handle blitz since last year that is why the line looks so bad
  4. come on kenny , my man got burnt we are lucky mahomes missed that was a touchdown . please put in rogers over moore
  5. franks team in 2018 was better than anything chuck ever had to be honest ...... that offensive line in 2018 didnt give up sacks the defense had more talent also . chuck had to have the worst offensive line in football outside of AC no run game and older washed up veterans on defense . with chuck in 2018 colts might of not started off so weak . i watched chuck win games with a horrible roster and no luck the roster frank had post andrew luck is better than anything chuck had .
  6. we just want a young franchise QB that is all . you dont miss watching manning or luck ? its hard to win a ring without a top ten QB look back at the last 20 superbowl winners most of them had that guy except philly in 2017 who had to rebuild shortly after and the ravens but even in those games their QBs went off in the post season . i dont know in matt ryan is that guy i wouldnt even care if frank and ballard stayed next year i just want a young QB .
  7. I would love to get another shot at getting a top tier Qb home grown prospect.
  8. 20 million a year to him smith and kelly . great investment the line is dominating teams
  9. just start sam he can at least run around and make plays with his legs . you cant have a statue back there with this line
  10. colts had a good line coach who was fired for being to mean ....... the team is built like a boy scout club its footaball you need to be tough
  11. so the colts play the chiefs titans broncos all in a row starting next sunday then the jags again . i dont think they get a single win and start the season 0-5 -1
  12. matt ryan is horrible i know he has no weapons and no line but he makes bad decisions
  13. i just dont understand the mindset that your not a real fan if you criticize the team . it means you care if you go after the team and want a better product on the field . how boring would this forum be if no one questioned the ballard or reich and after every loss just said its only one game .
  14. i wouldnt even know how to fix this team we are in a really bad spot . when you have players making top level money who are playing bad what can you do ? smith needs to be cut but cant be because of the money same with moore and kelly . the guys that got paid dont try once they got paid .
  15. when matt scrambles the wrs just stop running the route . its sad that is why you need experience you cant fix a problem by stuffing late round draft picks in
  16. i really hope a reporter asks ballard after the game if he still likes our wr depth
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