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Posts posted by BayAreaBronco

  1. http://www.denverpos..._medium=twitter

    It would have been neat to see, and they get points for creativity, but I think Stokes also saved them an earful from 18.

    Darren Sproles most certainly doesn't need a 15 yard head start.

    He's known for stopping celebrations, sometimes those teammates get mad at him for it. Lol. Do they have a brain?

    My favorite quote is "Now, I've got these other two knuckleheads I've got to mold. These kids, nowadays. You've got to put them in timeout."

    Please, Stokes, do mold them!

    And yes, they are knuckleheads, but they are not stupid—just young. They are actually very smart. They just need to mature, and I wondered if getting fined would have been a better lesson.

  2. I wish every one stops wishing me well , I have been hereing next year will be better ever since 1988 disability and not once has it happened, there is a reason they tell actors to break a leg, so come on all tell me to have one crappy year Please

    LOL. I love your spirit! And I fullly understand where you are coming from.

  3. I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling bewildered. My hubby posed the same question and he was appalled that I hesitated to answer a little. I have become really fond of the Colts and I'll always love Andrew, but I have no doubt who I will root for. I just don't know what I would feel when Von Miller comes hard for Andrew. I'm sorry to say but the Colts O line has no chance.

  4. Forget previous answers on these guys I thought this was 2013, man i have my mind on to many things maybe was my CT scan they faxed me earlier today , unknown bony growth on outside hip bone ( femur ) one of the areas I've been hurting at recently from re injuriing 3 times in 4 weeks, though I aint worried , don't look like worth biopsying to me, will speak with Dr on Friday to make sure , so maybe its in back of my mind but just cant imagine it as anything but a regular spur like thing that bugs me but scan says no spurring plus it has a smooth margin ( border ) so thats a good indication its OK, whatever, been threw so much already nothing surprises me anymore and can deal with whatever and beat whatever,I got 3 greatest forces in the universe on my side

    God, Mom / family , Forum members

    Sorry to hear that, Barry. It sounds unpleasant. You have so much on your plate. I honestly don't know how you do it. Wishing you have ease soon.

  5. dont know when rookie salary caps up but DT will want $$ as will Decker

    to mmany rookies and others with contracts that end same time is always n issue for a team except pats, They trade away a great and get upten draft picks and play the game right but thats BB , no one else can replicate that

    they dissect players jettisoned and know who fits their system, welker, woodhead to name 2

    Thomas signed a 5-year deal and Decker a 4-year deal in 2010. I wonder when they start making noise for a raise...

  6. Clay is great , they may Franchise him if have too till work out agreement, but man do i want him staying & sure Peyton loves his blindside protection

    agree its a win win,

    but bet ya Peyton's experience with Poor OL & that super quick release, Clocked at times at 0.70 seconds when he had too would keep him upright , but not as much as way new teams OL is now doing LT Clady is great, shows why tebow running around and no one in away pepeped for his unknowns so not coordinated led to sacks

    Peyton is helping everyone's career, not just Clady's, of course ;) But we are going to have to pay Clady top $$$, I'm afraid. Hope Elway has mastered the salary cap stuff.

  7. BABS , Kuper did some nice moves tro open run holes , announcers pointed them out during or after the game

    u may be OK with sched but I am trying to say its good to be tested every so often , It keeps u sharper, u dont want to wwin out to easily, as when get into playoffs and then suddenly play someone with real teeth, can be Jolting if unprepared

    Peyton wont be able to teach that D that , Hopefully Del Rio will come up with right D

    Hillman can learn blocking h if he has strength also for it Peyton can point where to be Etc and what to recognize on stunts Etc , But on Colts Peyton never really got Brown a first round pick to learn it, may just be Browns limitation though

    Yes Health, its disappointing that Mays is now IR's officially we are quite thin at LB, and though as starting LB wasn't great this year ,he was good to have with depth & coming in & reliveing aging Brookings, we aare a team of old & young , and he provided excellent ST work however that cant be replaced with LB from practice squad, maybe another Brookings type player floating around, I dont know

    I think they will be tested by Cincinnati, Baltimore and Tampa (two of these are away), but I always feel every game is challenging. I think this team is a good mix of young and experienced players. I hope there is enough leadership in the locker room not to let that happen.

    I'm really pleased with the strides our defense has made this season. They are now getting the concept of JDR defense, they say. Hopefully they continue to develop. Yeah, we are really thin at LB and I feel for Joe Mays. I was critical of his play but no doubt he's worked hard. We have to play two games away until DJ is allowed back. Elway's signing Brooking and Koppen turned out to be really important. We just signed a SS in Mays' stead, BTW. I don't know anything about this UFA rookie despite he played locally here. But our UFA players have played well (Woodyard, Carter, Harris). Let's hope that continues.

  8. Hope his aging body can hold up the entire season but sure did well last game even with fumble

    Dont know if u read a section of mt comment # 3 from above but this is my ??


    The schedule getting easier has a 2 edge sword, I hope they obviously win their division, However, I hope they can keep that competitive high level while playing lessor opponents, yes it may help confidence if they win out, but will it get them ready for the playoffs , I think in reality some lessor opponents they could of beat while gelling as a team chemistry wise and peaking Vs The front end of there schedule would of got them truly ready and playing at high level at time needed if schedule was reversed oor at least not as front end loaded

    Balt may be only real test and that's without Ray Lewis and , Brain Freeze, other K d play lost on Defense

    1 amazing stat they still have lost every fumble , or at least 9 of 10 , or is it 10 of 11, only 1 not lost is when Hillmans went out of bounds sunday night


    PS Let me add as Kuper gets comfy playing again , if they can open up Holes for hillman we saw why they drafted him , now he needs to learn blocking and picking up the blitz

    I'm okay with easier schedule the rest of the way. I'm confident that Peyton won't let the team pull San Diego. They showed the mentality to keep grinding. And I hope we will get over the lost fumble curse (I think the count is 11 so far) soon. The law of average should kick in at some point.

    It's so nice to have Kuper back. Since he returned, we haven't allowed a sack. And Orlando Franklin has been monster in run blocking. I think that area should improve also. Hilman has the best coach on the field directing him. Hope he is a fast learner. He is a good change of pace from Willis.

    Now the challenege is to remain healthy...

  9. When watching the game I just couldn't believe how happy I was for Peyton and what a good choice he made.

    This is one of those very rare instances where I feel both sides "won".

    Peyton has a great chance to win the SB this year. That team is just good. Off. Def. ST. I'm so incredibly happy for him.

    You need to say this a lot....because you are right.......I didnt see a win-win scenario last winter but it is at hand.

    ..Luck can use his footspeed when our make-shift line (which would have gotten Peyton killed) mises a black..and that big left tackle Denver has just locks people up like he was Elliot Ness..

    Peyton is almost untouchable...and Luck is leading Indy to the playoffs...


    I'm so glad you feel that way. It makes me happy to see Peyton fully back in his element. He really does look happy. And the Broncos is getting better week by week. It's getting exciting.

    I was also worried that Andrew would not be treated with warmth given the circumstance, but I'm really glad he landed in Indy, not in DC. It's indeed a win-win.

  10. You might enjoy this article:

    Morning Rush: Peyton Manning as early MVP favorite? Broncos' QB not buying it

    "I really enjoy working with the young receivers," Manning said. "We're learning each other and I'm still feeling my way out, but they're buying in."

    Exhibit A: Manning's one-yard touchdown pass to Thomas with 9:30 left in the third quarter, which gave the Broncos a 24-7 lead. The play was installed weeks ago by Manning in practice: Thomas, lined up to the left, begins what appears to be a fade route, then abruptly breaks it off and runs a quick out to the side of the end zone.

    "When we first ran it in practice, it was against [future Hall of Fame cornerback] Champ Bailey," Thomas recalled. "He said, 'Man, that's an unstoppable route.' When I hear Champ Bailey say that, it gets my attention."

    Unsurprisingly, Saints cornerback Johnny Patrick couldn't stop it. "Hey," Thomas said, "we had one play that worked that [Manning] put in [during] this game."


  11. they contained Brees...and played with so much speed and enthusiam Sunday....

    ..and Peyton Manning did what he wanted

    The big left tackle Clady just dominated Will Smith (DE for NOLA)

    ..the new punt returner is pretty good when he holds the ball and that young backup HB has a big first step....

    ..a win at Cincy this Sunday...and the second half of the season is going to be a chase for not juts the AFC West but the NO. 1 seed

    We are going to have to pay big bucks to Clady next year. He hasn't allowed a sack this season. Peyton is definitely helping his career.

    To think we are still getting better is scary.

  12. They don't even bother trying to use Sproles. That was the greatest replacement for Reggie Bush, and they don't even bother pitching it to him. Just the fact Bush broke out to become a real weapon in Miami shows someone wasn't using him right over here in N.O.

    Ever since he fumbled in the Niners game, they don't even bother running it with him, makes me sick. Just runs screens to him that's all, no pitches, no draws, nothing.

    That's really strange (and crazy). He's so much better than Bush if you ask me. He's done so many things to kill us time and time again.

  13. That was quite difficult to watch.

    It felt like the Saints just gave up after it was 24-7.

    This team lives and dies on Brees' average 40 or more passes a game. Only 17 times did they try to run it. John Fox owns us too BTW, and we went into this game with that same predictable game plan. Pathetic.

    I'm sorry, Bogie—I know how it feels. It's never fun to be on the other side.

    John Fox's pitch to Peyton Manning was that in his 10 years as a head coach, when his teama scored 26 or more points, his record was 39-3.

    I have to say that I was surprised not to see Darren Sproles used more. I'm so glad we don't have to see him x2 a year.

  14. The schedule getting easier has a 2 edge sword, I hope they obviously win their division, However, I hope they can keep that competitive high level while playing lessor opponents, yes it may help confidence if they win out, but will it get them ready for the playoffs , I think in reality some lessor opponents they could of beat while gelling as a team chemistry wise and peaking Vs The front end of there schedule would of got them truly ready and playing at high level at time needed if schedule was reversed oor at least not as front end loaded

    Balt may be only real test and that's without Ray Lewis and , Brain Freeze,qnother important d player lost on Defense

    1 amazing stat they still have lost every fumble , or at least 9 of 10 , or is it 10 of 11, only 1 not lost is when Hillmans went out of bounds sunday night

    Now that IT last night great but on 4th down drop it , u were lucky u got back nearly all the yards but fell short, mental error yes, but mayhave ended up a team motivation for that scoring drive though stopping a 4th down also should have by itself Good Question never will know the answer

    They are renamed the Manning Mustangs & instead of Hay they eat Hay based Spicy Pizza to get them energized ( LOL )

    KNOW I POSTED THIS SOMEWHERE< THOUGHT I DID< NOW CANT FIND< UP TOO LATE WATCHING I GUESS,& so happy couldnt slreep , sorry if already read ,

    LOL. Decker ate his share of hay the last three weeks :D

    I'm tired this morning too. Too much excitement in one night. Went from SF Giants sweeping the Tigers last night to the Broncos putting it together the entire game for the first time. I vowed not to react too positively or negatively after any one game, but as Elway says, it's getting exciting.

  15. See u liked the above, thanks, it makes u wonder how many great QBs and future QBs the mannings and Peyton have helped along the way, Luck to went to The Manning s QB Camp

    Their stamp on football & humanaity services is so far beyond just their playing careers its truly remarkable & they do deserve the name as the First Family Of Football

    Yeah, definitely. I heard Peyton say that he wants to give back to the sport by being the resource to all the young QBs coming in. In a way, it's too bad Andrew didn't have an opportunity to play behind him. I guess it couldn't have worked given Peyton looking like he could play 3-4 more years easily. Still, I wonder what he could have taught Andrew.

  16. This is why #18 is my favorite NFL player. "Manning needed to start from scratch. He hadn't practiced or thrown a football since having a spinal fusion to repair a damaged nerve in his neck Sept. 8."

    Peyton has an uncanny ability to hit the reset button no matter what. I really respect that. As Gramz quote always says, "The attitude with which we approach the situation can determine our success or failure" ~ Peyton Manning. Of sure, Peyton is not the only athlete that has confronted adversity, let alone faced their own mortality, doubts, and weakness, but #18 just keeps right on chuggin' man. WOW! Peyton was kind to Colts owner Jim Irsay after he was released. He could have made Jim Irsay pay dearly that fateful day in INDY; he didn't. Peyton was a world class professional and very complementary of everyone who was instrumental in molding his NFL career and he never had a malicious word for anyone. God, I admire that...I would be so upset. I can't hide anything. You can read my face and hear the tone of my voice and know instantly if I'm content, indifferent, or royally ticked off. Not Peyton though; he was a trooper and 5 star company soldier who said all the right things. Heck, he helped me get over his own dismissal from Indianapolis. Amazing...

    Fast forward to his rehab at Duke and in Denver and Peyton was always complementing the medical staff, the coaching staff, and his new team mates. You're right Gramz. Positive attitude determines everything even positive results and overall outlook and that outlook is incredibly infectious around everyone in Colorado. Peyton gets you to believe in yourself and your god given talents and that's what makes him 1 of a kind, rare, and special IMO. Peyton arms you with the tools to achieve the remarkable while, at the same time, still maintaining universal humility. That's why I revere him so much.

    Excellent, SW! And thanks for sharing this, FJC! I love reading about him. It's amazing that he is playing football at all considering where he was, much less at the MVP level.

    I'm sure you guys have read Peter King's article from SI back in April, but this article reminded me of this quote that thrilled me:

    But for whom? It was getting down to decision time. "These are not math problems," Cutcliffe told Manning. "They don't have single right answers." And he reminded Manning of a credo from their days at Tennessee in the 1990s. "Remember the Patton principle," he told Manning as they drove to the airport for Peyton's trip to Tennessee, where he would work out on Saturday for the Titans. "Yep," Peyton said, recalling Cutcliffe's George S. Patton lesson from college: "Make a decision and do it like heck."

    I feel that the team is getting better and they sound more and more confident. And Peyton said that this Broncos team is especially close. I cannot wait to see them play tonight!

  17. Porter Is Questionable didn't practice again

    article on his health

    Porter was the only Broncos player missing when the team took the field for Friday morning's workout. He was, however, standing on the sideline, with his jersey pulled over a hooded sweatshirt, when the practice was over. The Broncos formally listed him as questionable for the game.

    "Our medical people, our trainers, doctors, are evaluating him," said Broncos coach John Fox. "... This is not your typical football injury ... the player's safety is what's paramount right now."

    Broncos having worked on the defensive plan without Porter through the week, it is unlikely the Broncos would put Porter in the lineup even if he were to be cleared later Friday or Saturday. Porter said he has taken part in meetings and worked in the weight room through the week.

    Thanks so much, Barry! Lots to read.

    I figured Porter was going to be held back. I'm glad they are treating this as seriously as they should. It sucks for him but football is secondary.

    I didn't get to watch the game last night as the Bay Area is having Giants fever, but yikes re: Martin. I know some fans really wanted him. I just wonder if the team thought Peyton was going to be as healthy as he is now. Given the contract Peyton signed (virtually a one-year contract), they probably had reasonable amount of concern. I wish they had been more agressive with win now strategy, but I guess hindsight is 20/20. I also wonder how high Elway values RBs in general. He's played with Terrell Davis and witnessed a lot of good late round RBs in our uinform... Anyway, we won't know how this works out for a year or two.

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