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Posts posted by Warhawk

  1. Consistency is our major issue. One drive the defense looks like world-beaters, with Freeman making big tackles and picking off Cutler for a TD, Mathis with big sacks, Powers with big deflections, and a number of good plays stuffing Adrian Peterson. The next, they suddenly can't tackle, can't cover, can't generate any pass rush. One drive the passing offense can't be stopped. The next, ugly incompetent 3-and-out.

    With all these young guys and guys who just haven't played much with each other, the only way we'll get better there is with experience. We need to learn to salvage a drive on offense instead of just digging a hole and sitting in it. We need to learn to avoid giving up big plays on defense, and start making our biggest plays on defense at the same moment that their offense needs a big play.

    This team can play really well some of the time. With more experience as we go through the season, maybe we can turn that into most of the time, and that's how you win games.

    It's almost cliche at this point, but it's like Lombardi said - you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all of the time.

    Maybe you just scored a touchdown, or picked off a pass, or sacked the QB. Your job isn't done until there are zeros on the clock.

  2. Can anyone find the article from NFL.com, it ran last year, it wasw called sports science or something. They measured team injuries, and we were the most injured team. However the way they determined the numbers are questionable. They accounted for Out, Doubtful, Questionable, Probable.

    Players like Reggie, Mathis, and Freeney use to like days of so went on the injury list and they could have skewed our numbers.

    Yeah, by that standard Tom Brady would be the most injury prone QB in the NFL.

  3. Revis did tear his ACL.

    Also, Reggie Bush and C.J. Spiller got hurt yesterday, albeit not as seriously.

    Matt Forte missed this week due to injury. Other guys who have had injury problems include Ryan Mathews, Antonio Gates, Greg Jennings, John Skelton, Ahmad Bradshaw, and so on.

    I'm not sure we're any worse off than most teams, tbh.

  4. 1-2 for a newly rebuilt team, top to bottom, offense and defense, is not the end of the world.

    People shouldn't act like the sky is falling.

    It may have fallen last year, and it may fall in the future, but it's certainly not falling now.

  5. It's partly a familiarity and timing thing.

    I mean... think about it... correct me if I'm wrong on any of these, but Luck and Fleener have played with each other but nobody else on the offense. Avery hasn't played with any of the other starters. Neither has Satele. Or Justice. Or McGlynn. Or Olsen. Or Allen. Or Hilton. Or Brazill. Or Essex. Or Ballard. I dunno, maybe one or two of those guys were on a team together sometime in the past? But who do we have from last year who has played on offense this season? Wayne, Castonzo, and Brown? That's pretty much it.

  6. We didn't have much in the way of playoff hopes anyway.

    I mean, it's not inconceivable, but I'm not really concerned about the idea at the moment.

    Let's just focus on each game one at a time, and on improving in each game. There's nothing wrong with missing the playoffs if, by the time week 17 rolls around, we're like 6-10 and think we've improved to the point where if we had to play 16 more games we'd go 10-6.

  7. i wouldn't mind seeing scott signed if he's still out there......but that, i think, may be a pipe dream.....there is some promise on the o-line a few missing pieces and i think we'll see some good production out of them

    Yeah. Castonzo is good. Reitz will be fine when he returns. Justice is adequate. Essex knows the system. McGlynn has actually been improving a little, FWIW. Satele... ehm... could be worse.

    It's not an ideal situation, but if we can get healthy and on the same page it's fine for this year.

  8. I think we're alright addressing it in-house.

    Anyway, can we at least be patient and wait for the prognosis? I mean, I saw a Bleacher Report article saying Collie should retire by classifying a knee sprain as a life-threatening injury.

    Look, I like the guy, and I worry about him, but I swear to God, if the guy got a paper cut opening his mail tomorrow, some of the people around here would say that he'll probably be dead before 40 because of the blood loss. Chill out a bit.

  9. Look around the league. Trying to win a game when your offense scores 14 or 17 points is a tall order for even an elite level defense.

    But that's kind of irrelevant for late-game playcalling.

    In point of fact if you have a lead of 17-16 with 1 minute left, you're probably more likely to win than if you have a lead of 31-30 with 1 minute left, given how the offenses have been performing that day.

  10. You are just assuming we would have gotten a first down in there. Say Luck throws three straight incomplete passes there and gives the ball back to the Jags after the kick with like 1:30 left and three time outs then people would be screaming we should have run the ball to run the Jags out of time outs. The Colts did the smart thing they made Jacksonville use their timeouts and frankly almost got a first down there on the last run play. If you want to be mad there be mad they didn't do a better job running on the first two downs as they did on the third or be mad that the defense got burned for a 80 yard TD pass when they knew the Jags had to be going down the field.


    Way too much hindsight going on in here.

  11. I think we played it correctly at the end there. You can't tell me that taking the lead and forcing Blaine Gabbert to win the game with his arm is the wrong call. He's not Joe frickin' Montana. We just screwed up on defense, and now y'all are suffering an acute case of hindsight bias.

    A decision isn't right or wrong based just on what actually ended up happening. Making the Jaguars burn their timeouts by running the ball and ultimately kicking a field goal was the right thing to do. We were very close to getting a first down running the ball as well, which would have given us the win. Otherwise you're just blaming the offensive play calling for allowing an 80 yard touchdown on defense, which is absurd.

  12. Exactly. It's the third game, with a rookie head coach, rookie QB, and a lot of young players, and a completely new defense.

    It's not like we were going to be lighting it up right off the bat. Sure, if we're still making the same mistakes at the end of the season that we made at the beginning of the season that's a problem, but some peoples' expectations may be a bit too lofty here.

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