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Posts posted by IinD

  1. I'm hoping Ballard has his eyes on actually GETTING some talent as opposed to straight up selling.


    I'd definitely look into it if I was him. Some teams will probably be selling some decent talent and if you might be able to buy for a medium to low round pick you may as well. 


  2. 7 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

    This is great for them in the short term, but Dareus has a gigantic contract, and I think that will come back to hurt them in the next few years.  Plus, the NFL today is still a QB-driven league.  Bortles is completing less than 60% of his passes and has a passer rating of less than 90, so they are by no means solid contenders.

    Apparently nothing in his contract is guaranteed past next year I read. 


    If that's true it's not the worst move in the world.


    The Jags are definitely trying to win finally. I'll give them credit for at least trying. They were a joke for years.

  3. 3 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    maybe he just doesnt want to eat chucks contract too


    and remember he cant be eaten anyway lol

    He's had some of the dumbest sound bites ever. Not 'PLAYOFFS??' level, but dumb ones like the one you stated, naming the wrong opponent or how he'd do it again when he's been flat out proven wrong on a game call.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Corndog said:

    Yeah we need to run more offensive plays per game to ensure our QB gets hit more and offensive line is even more worn out.  Also, if the offense wants to speed up, you also risk having the defense on the field longer with shorter 3 and outs or quicker drives.    This isn't the Peyton Manning/Andrew Luck offense that can score three TDs in 5 minutes.  

    Just to comment on the last sentence.


    It used to be nice to have an offensive juggernaut. This O right now is a crap sale.

  5. At this point I think you just let him fully sink the ship. We aren't going to get any spark of life from a new coach anyways.


    2017 Colts are dead in the water. No Luck, injuries everywhere and roster that still needs one more draft and FA period.


    Let him sink it and punch his ticket out of town. Forget all the interim coach stuff.

  6. 5 hours ago, Valpo2004 said:


    I don't think it's bad enough to consider him "lost".  However it does put a damper on future expectations.  I'm sure he'll come back and play.  But will he have the same speed and ability?  At the very least next season he's likely not going to be nearly as effective and we will likely have to wait til at least 2019 to see him at full strength and speed again.  Henry Anderson was the same way.


    It's an overstatement I think to say he's lost.  But it's an understatement to look at this as "He's all better in 2018."  



    We're kind of on the same page. 


    I'm annoyed because he was one of the few bright spots this season. Now he's done, won't hear much till camp, then he'll probably take some time to get back.


    It's like getting a new toy then being told you have to wait a year to enjoy it.


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