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Posts posted by IinD

  1. 1 minute ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

    Home field advantage.. will draw the steelers because we know the afc only knows 5 teams. and broncos, ravens, and colts aren't doing squat this year.  Steelers will play zone the whole game, heading their way to a 20 point loss. and it's back to the superbowl where the patriots will spot (whoever makes it) a lead in the fourth so they can comeback and torture the rest of the NFL viewers once again :thmup:


    And just to make it better for them, some team will get lucky who shouldn't be there and get destroyed for Tommie Boys #6.


    I can see it now...lions pats...lol

  2. 2 minutes ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

    lol I posted this after they won the superbowl.. the NFL season is a horror film. Somebody starts out so lovely (Chiefs) then by midway through the season things are starting to turn for the worse... in the end we all KNOW what's going to happen haha

    Of course...they'll go on a 10 game win streak now.


    I also know it's coming.


    Until those 2 guys up there retire. They ain't dead.

  3. 6 minutes ago, bananabucket said:


    And what are we gonna do with any pick we get in return... draft a WR due to the new gaping hole left after trading our only good one?

    C'mon man, you know how the league works. If you have cap space and draft picks=winner. No doubt about it.


    Trade TY, Draft the next Marvin Harrison, trade Luck, pick the next Peyton.


    This ain't hard bro.

  4. 1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Texans are going to smoke us next week. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't put 40 on us. Something like 40-17 lol

    Yeah I'm not loving having to play them after this crushing loss.


    Watson is going to be a 'pain' (being family friendly here) next week.

  5. 5 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

     yeah,   the kid is better than the hype.  He has weapons too.   Houston is gonna be a rough opponent as long as he is healthy

    Yeah it's definitely looking like Hou got their guy.


    Still early obviously, but 5 straight 30 point games for a rookie is great.

  6. 1 hour ago, BOTT said:

    Weird.  Guys who play in vertical offenses "hold the ball too long".  Here is an idea...change the offense.

    It's debatable we even have an offense at times honestly. 


    Chud can't be gone soon enough for me.

  7. Just now, Mr Coffee said:

    I agree, but his inconsistency was an issue, even with Luck.  I know that TY is the least of the team's problems.  His attitude at times really annoys me. He acts like too much of a diva for me.  Dancing after TDs  when we are getting destroyed.  Dancing in the locker room after the team just got crushed.  Stuff like that.  I want people on the team that at least look like they hate losing.   We've had hall of fame WRs in the past that were very humble on the field and didn't feed into thst crap.  He's not a good leader in my opinion.  

    I'll totally give you most of what you said I agree with.


    It's just that a year like this year I see TY WAAAAAAY down the list of what our problems are. 


    I also don't think he's a true all world wr, but he's a really good wr, why would we ship him out of town? Some folks are like ' let's get a third for him'...that's literally LOL funny.


    Wanna see ugly? Roll out there with Crief and company the rest of the season.


  8. Just now, Mr Coffee said:

    Not at all.  Another good receiver would take a lot of the burden off of him.  Try to get a true #1, and TY would tear it up in the slot.  If not a #1, than a really good #2.  I don't hate TY, I just dont think he's good enough to carry the #1 load by himself like Marvin or Reggie were capable of.  

    They had each other for a long time though. They helped each other.


    We have zero other threats. All on him, that's tough when you're paying with a guy who want even here for training camp.

  9. Just now, MR. Blueblood said:

    He wants the respect that a #1 should get and he cashes the paycheck a #1 would should get,  so unfortunately for him, he needs to find a way to be beast mode, or he needs to learn to accept the criticism he gets.

    That's fair.


    Some people here think it's like cutting a 5th on the depth chart player. You better hit on that draft pick some here want because I guarantee if you send him to a team with a QB, he'll get 1500 yards.

  10. Just now, MR. Blueblood said:

    I've never said he sucked.  You don't lead the NFL in receiving yards if you suck.  What I want from T.Y. is consistency.  If having a player show up 10 out of 16 games is good enough for you I don't know what to tell you, because it's not good enough for me.  A #1 WR will find a way to beat double teams.  A #1 WR will find a way to show up week in and week out.  A #1 WR doesn't act like Jeckyl and Hyde.  It's a whole lot easier to be a star on a team full of players without talent. It's no wonder that nobody outside of the Colts fanbase doesn't look at T.Y. as a top tier WR.

    I get it, honestly I do. He's listed at 178 lbs, I don't think he's ever going to be beast mode.


    Give him ANYTHING at #2 and I think he'd be more consistent. I don't even know who our#2 is this season.

  11. 8 minutes ago, snkdy said:


    The way that tweet is phrased makes it seem like Keefer asked that question, but in another tweet he said it wasn’t him. 

    It's still stupid.


    Ask about Cincinnati or his thoughts in general.

    He had no control of he gets traded.


    Bush league question honestly.

  12. Just now, MR. Blueblood said:

    With him it's hard to say what to expect because you never know what you're going to get out of him.  One of two things will happen next week in Houston, he'll go for 150+ or he'll disappear.  

    Not singling you out, but to me it's simple. 


    He's a stud. You don't get rid of him.


    DE's don't get sacks every game, doesn't mean they suck.


    I ALWAYS jump on dumb players and coaching, but TY is at the bottom of the list to me.


    515 yards this year and he'll probably have another 150 yd game or two. He's a player, even if it's for 10 out of 16 games a year.


    We'd lose even worse if Ty were to go down, teams wouldn't even cover the other wrs.

  13. 4 minutes ago, MR. Blueblood said:

    For everybody that says just wait until Luck comes back, just please do us all a favor and revisit T.Y.'s stats from his previous seasons.  It is littered with games where he has hardly any catches and hardly any yards.  He is strictly a feast or famine receiver.  He either balls out or he ghosts out.








    Even last season when he lead the league in receiving he still had 5 games with less than 50 yards receiving and another where he had 54.  Imagine if he could actually be found 16 games a season, those numbers could be off the charts good, but unfortunately that's not the player that he is.

    He's on pace for 1K this year. 


    You expecting 2K I'm guessing??

  14. 12 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

    No doubt its not all his fault, but its hard to make a case that he's playing well. 

    C'mon man, you think he wouldn't produce with Brady or old Manning throwing to him?


    He's a stud and people are acting like he's a bum. Not directing this at you man, just that I am totally shocked our fan base doesn't see that he's a legit #1.


    Its obvious Brissett is more comfortable for whatever reason with Aiken and Doyle.


  15. 7 minutes ago, VaAllDay757 said:

    Oh yes it was....the playcalling has been trash since week 1 on both sides of the field we throw a short pass on 3rd and long but try to throw a long pass on 3rd and 2 lol

    You just don't get Chuck's genius :thmup:

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