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Posts posted by lollygagger8

  1. I'm not convinced Freeney will be stellar in the 3-4.....at all. I really hope he does, but I don't think it's going to happen. Yes I think he's loafing a bit in preseason, but I still think he's lost when he's not concentrated on rushing the QB.

    Plus, I'm most concerned about him in the run game. I think he'll get hurt going after a runner (if that ever happens that he doesn't take himself out of the play by rushing the QB) either the runner will go low and hurt his knee/ankle, or he'll get caught up in a pile or something. Not trying to jinx him, jsut have a nagging feeling.

    I love Freeney, but I still don't believe he's worth the $19million dollar bet.

  2. Honestly, before having all world skill individually i would grade that OL as a group. From 98 to 07 they were more than solid. i think they were a top 10 OL. after 07 they just went nowhere and that can be put on Pollan, he should have done a much better job there.

    Let's not forget, Manning made the O-Line look A LOT better because of his very quick delivery time.

  3. No, Na'Polian would've never made this trade.

    For starters, he would've never had enough money to even pay the rest of Davis' contract because all our cap money would all be tied up in about 5 players.

    Also, he thought cover 2 was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He was ok with CB's (bodies) giving a 10 yard cushion every play so we would've had undrafted rookies playing CB for the rest of the Polianoscopy term.

  4. Maybe he's taking it easy since it is pre-season, and doesn't want to risk an injury. Anyone ever think of that? I'd hate to lose a starting player in a meaningless game.

    ^I really hope this is the case^

    But sadly I feel like a ding dong for getting as excited as I did when we aquired him.

  5. Thing is, Freeney really doesn't have time. This is the last year of his deal, with Hughes coming into his own we're starting to see there may be no need to re-sign him if we're going to stay 3-4, so if there's anything to see, the sooner we see it the better. The longer we go without seeing it, the more sense it makes to try and get something out of what has turned into nothing.

    If there is a move to be made trade-wise, I expect it will be done at the deadline and not a moment before, that way we've exhausted all efforts to give him that time.

    Even if he does perform highly this season, I doubt he'll be back unless he takes a hometown discount. We're not going to offer him what he could get elsewhere, so if we can find a team desperate enough to take him on for a pick or two, and Hughes is playing well enough to take the spot, I think we should consider it, especially with all the picks we've traded away recently.


    We need to trade him. I love Freeney, but he's a one trick pony. A very good trick, but still can only do one thing. He is completely lost if he's not rushing the QB. We should trade him while he is healthy, and his stock is still high.

  6. Please restore my faith in this guy that I had when I heard we got him. Am I not seeing something that I should be seeing?

    I really watched (for) him in the Skins game, because I haven't really heard a peep from him all preseason. I found that he mostly enters the play after someone else is already there, or he comes running up after a play is over.

    I really want to like the guy, but what gives with Zbis?

  7. I feel like I'm standing in line for a midnight movie screening so I'm super excited and geeking out. I just hope it's a Batman/Avengers/James Bond midnight screening, and not a Twilight screening. (Apologies to my wife.)

    Hahhahaha agreed.

    This waiting around reading rumors is worse than hearing girls tell stories about 50 Shades of Grey

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