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Posts posted by Jonathan24

  1. Wait, so you think jim was taking pain killers for fun? Obviously we haven't seen the same Jim overs the years. The last few years you can tell his health has gone down hill. Not sure what his alignments are but you can tell he hasn't been healthy. Back problems? Who knows. Anyways he could easily got hooked on pain killers from taking them from said pain.


    I also saw that some of the meds he had was usually given to people that had a recent face lift... Not sure if that is true or not.

  2. Care to share your thoughts on how signing Clemons would distract the impending national media blitz?  As if a player on a tier lower than Bethea would cancel out the issue at hand.  This issue won't be solved by making a transaction, to think the inverse is so thoroughly true is naïve at best.


    That's why i asked would clemons be considered a BIG MOVE,  I didn't say he was.  

  3. As loopy as Al was he brought in plenty of high priced FA's over the years.


    Were they really worth what he paid for them?  Just because they was high priced doesn't mean they were those top tier players. 

  4. Then why change the subject and talk about random free agents, like you did on page 2?


    How many post I have on page 2, I talked about clemons and news being leaked...... and clemons could be remotely considered a "HIGH PROFILE" type players which goes with the entire discussion that has being going on.  


    Comprehension is key.......

  5. You ever think that maybe Jim NEEDS this "high profile" attention so he is forced to really get the help AND support he needs to get a handle on this problem? It seems you are just concerned with how bad you look in the media as a Colts fan.


    Damage control? That's disrespectful and embarrassing how selfish you sound. I get it, signing A Mack would be a "positive" media frenzy. But Jim Irsay, the man you say you care about isn't just a bad comment on twitter. His life is on the line, don't ever confuse that with team business and your inability to not get emotionally unstable over "bad press".


    Just get back up Jim, some of us don't care what the media says or put draft picks and money over the people we care about getting better. 


    We all know Jim wont get any jail time, probation maybe...

  6. Colt fans have long known that Jim more than likely had a problem. To make a move just to take heat off of the problem makes no sense. Jim needs some professional help and it has nothing to do with the Colts. Addictions knows no race, creed or financial status.


    I beg to differ this has everything to do with the colts.

  7. Damage control?? It's cut and dried. True Colt fans will still be Colts fans reguardless of Jims additions and trouble with the law. The way to make Colt fans happy is for Jim to get the help he needs and continue to be the owner he has been. You seem to be more worried about what outside media is saying than anything else. As a Colt fan I could care less what Mike and Mike, First Take or any other media outlets have to say or think.


    As a colt fan u should want the nay sayers to move on to something different other than talking about negativity 

  8. Jonathan, I will give you this, you're half right in that we do need to make another move, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a big one.


    Should've probably posted your conspiracy theory about Jim in the Jim Irsay thread, where it would have been less pronounced.


    Now, if you were merely trying to create a f/a thread, you failed.  Just admit that your logic is wrong and this will pass.


    Nope this wasnt a free agent thread.  My logic is my logic and everyone is entitled to their opinion, If u dont like the thread then dont post.

  9. Colts front office just need to focus on what the team needs and implement the plans they are working on.   Irsay news will slowly die down and with luck he will step back from the stress of the off season and take care of what is truly important, and that is his health and well being.  That will move the organization forward again as far as ownership and front office.   The team will do their job and focus and what needs to be done on the field.


    I wonder what triggered his regression... Its been said that he was alcohol free for the past 15 years

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