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Posts posted by HarassedOffTheSite

  1. He denied being gay on tv to Katie Couric....


    Not sure why. Especially if there is nothing wrong with that.





    I want to know...if he can play football and that is an obvious yes


    Well, he can obviously play football. He has been the starting MLB for the Notre Dame Fighting Irish.


    One question is can he continue to play football at a high level in the NFL?


    The issue for this franchise is if he is a high character guy or not.


    And that also appears to be a question.

  2. How sure can you be that this is accurate? I don't know if I would believe this.


    Just another scribe who has bought into the Patriots*/Brady/Welker hype. And then projected it onto the nearest thing.


    They're a dime a dozen.


    Unless or until I hear Irsay/Grigson/Pagano say it, I do not believe it. Welker (short, fast slot WR) brings NOTHING to our passing game that we do not already have.

  3. http://www.stampedeblue.com/2013/3/16/4111698/colts-free-agent-signings-raise-eyebrows-around-nfl-fail-to-address-needs


    Colts Free Agent Signings Raise Eyebrows Around NFL, Fail To Address Key Needs


    "...it seemed likely that the Colts would use some of their cap space to find an adequate replacement for Freeney.

    That's not what happened.

    Instead, Colts general manager Ryan Grigson overpaid on decent, but generally marginal talents"...."The Sidbury and Walden signings were the ones that had more than a few people around the NFL raising their eyebrows. I spoke with one scout for an NFC North team, and he expressed surprise that Walden got the contract the Colts offered him. The perception around the league is that Grigson overpaid for players that were was no market for."


    Poor Brad. The well established lack of credibility aside, his skyrocket requiring leap from one "NFL scout" to "league perception" is pure comedy made without hesitation.


    Ehhh, no more Polian to bash (clicks to generate)....so, next man up!


  4. It seems like we've addressed virtually ever need with at least a body who's an upgrade over what we had previously, but I'm not entirely sold yet on our Inside LB's.


    I've considered it. And wouldn't have any problem if we went there with 24. But I'd rather go Oline. Regardless, I don't want Teo. Grigson seems set on high character guys....Teo doesn't fit the profile.

  5. Manning...ability should have put him up there with Montana and Brady


    Unlike Peyton Manning, Tom Brady has not won a single Super Bowl ring that is NOT tainted by the Patriots'* cheating scandal.


    When Brady wins one post scandal Super Bowl ring, gimme a call.


    And as a Colts fan, you should know better.

  6. He was a DUD, just like his stats show compared to any other peer....check out Reddings numbers. The guy is average to above average. 14 games 22 tackles  14 assists 2 sacks    And he made plays.


    Ehhh, that is kinda different. Redding is playing the DT role (some folks think the 3/4 has two DEs. It really doesn't It has a DE a NT and a DT). Redding's role is generally the same but somewhat different. Regardless, he is definitely more talented and has WAY MORE heart than Moala.

  7. I didn't mean it like that.

    He was a servicable backup that played OK when given the chance. I don't think he's anything special nor do I think he should be a starter. But IMO he gets to much flack for not filling up a stat sheet.


    That is not what you said to throwingBBS's comment... 


    RJF in his limited play,  had as many sacks as Moala had Tackles in 8 games.


    You said:


    You do know what 34 defensive ends assignment s are right? Their jobs aren't to get sacks or tackles. It's to eat up blockers.


    Regardless, there is nothing wrong with a 3/4 DE getting to the opponent and tackling him. Moala cannot hide behind the general role of a 3/4 DE. Because it does not preclude him from making tackles. I'm willing to let him come to Camp and prove himself against real talent. I have a not so subtle suspicion that he will not win a starting job.

  8. You do know what 34 defensive ends assignment s are right? Their jobs aren't to get sacks or tackles. It's to eat up blockers.


    Let me get this straight...


    Because Ends in the 3/4 are tasked with eating blocks so that the Linebackers can make the tackles, there is a problem if the End gets there and does it first?

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