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Posts posted by BlueCrew

  1. I would disagree with that. The best punt returner the Colts had last year was White and that was because he did not do any dancing. He was one cut and get upfield - there was not too much east-west at all.

    I'm talking home-run potential. Very rarely do you see someone one-cut and run all the way into the endzone. Guys like DeSean Jackson, Devin Hester, Joshua Cribbs, Leon Washington, [etc..} all have great lateral movement. They can turn on the jets when they need to, but all of those guys have the skillset to make several guys miss on the way to the house.

  2. I've actually wondered before why we haven't at least tried this. Joe Addai is often criticized by people (myself included) for doing some sort of a rain dance along the Line of Scrimmage. :panic:

    That's actually something to be valued on Punt Returning.. BUT, Joe is something to be valued... healthy. (And Lord knows that's hard enough as it is!)

    Basically, probably wont happen, but I randomly remember us putting back Harrison for a punt return in one of his last seasons. So it's not outside the realm of possibility, but highly unlikely.

  3. Okay, I must be coming off as a huge Hanyesworth fan cause it seems like I'm defending him as a person, but I'm not. Just as a player/businessman. (It's sad to think of players like that, but that's how a lot of guys consider themselves nowadays).. BTW the Gurode incident is a big deal, and I actually DO remember this now after watching the video, and I'm still shocked he didn't get tossed from that game, and he probably should've been suspended for the whole season IMO. I'm just saying that I feel like all of Haynesworth's baggage isn't as big of an issue for his on-the-field ability, in the right system. i.e. Haynesworth will play better this year for the Pats then Tommie will play for us this season. Haynesworth is one of those guys that plays best in contract years, (Not a good quality) and since he actually has something to prove right now, I think he's going to have a couple really productive years before it starts going down hill. (ala Randy Moss in NE)

    If he were a true team player and wasn't concerned only with his stats (which would lead to bonuses) then he'd learn to play the position the way the coaching staff wanted him to so that he would fit into the system

    It's not a stats issue, it's a 'let your best players play to their strengths.' For a 3-4 DT to have opportunities to get sacks requires good OLBs, elite DEs, or just an overall decent front seven. I seriously don't think he would've even played that good if he showed up day 1. But that's just opinion.

    He refused to learn to play the position the way the coaching staff wanted him to. Once upon a time, the coaches were the one in charge...not the players.

    Shanahan was in charge, and he hardly played him. = Coach is still in charge. It's not like he got there and thy're like "Albert, we really think you'd play better in a 3-4." It was Shanahan get's stuck with a player that doesn't fit his scheme very well, and didn't really care about not using him.

    By the way; Look at Carson Palmer: Nobody is criticizing him for his hold-out with the Bengals, yet it's not even the same circumstances that Haynesworth was in: Haynesworth got blind-sided by a defensive change after the only reason he signed with the team was because he was going to be featured in their 4-3. (That, and roughly $80m) Palmer is holding out cause he wants to be traded... That's it. Just wants a trade.

    Basically, I'm saying this isn't something uncommon in the league... And it's not usually considered something that makes a person low-character.

    Again you proved my point. He refused to learn the system because he didn't want to play the way the coaches wanted him to so he preferred to "take his ball and go home" like a child who didn't get their way. Just because you request a trade doesn't mean that you'll get it.

    Exactly what I was saying. He requested a trade, didn't get it, and then when he tried to join the team Shanahan wanted him punished further, thus the whole physical incident.

    Really? You think call signs are the only thing he'd have to learn to switch from a 4-3 to a 3-4?!? Really? Thank you for pointing out that nickel means 5 db's...I had no idea [/sarcasm]. A standard Nickel defense is 4 DL, 2 LB and 5 DB's. However even if a 3-4 team uses a nickel package of 3 DL, 3 LB and 5 DB's then usually at least 1 of the LB's are also going to be rushing the passer.

    A switch from a 4-3 to a 3-4 isn't as big for someone who plays DT as it is for the LBs or the DEs. It's mostly who you match up with along the line. I explained what the Nickel was because in a different thread I was talking about formations and some of the people were lost. I wasn't saying you don't know what a Nickel is, I'm just explaining it fully cause we're not the only two people in here, and not everyone knows what a Nickel (which actually shocked me a bit, I must say.) As for a 3-3-5, not everyone rushes 1 LB, but even when you do rush a LBer that's not near the same impact as having four specialized Down-Linemen.

  4. Yeah, since he didn't get up for one play that gives Harris more upside.

    Overall, That's a horrible point... pretty funny video though!! lol

    To tell you the truth I'm not really a fan of either one of these guys, but Haynesworth still has better upside.

    And we can talk about this until the cows come home, but we'll conclude this with a lil stat comparison at the end of the year. :)

  5. :blah:

    He lost his temper and stomped on Andre Gurode scraping his cleete across Andre's face while Andre was lying on the ground flat on his back. It's one thing to let emotion get the better of you and get into a push/shove match or even throw a punch, but to stomp on someone's face while they're in a defenseless position like that is beyond ridiculous. Also, he made news the following week (I believe) by getting into a violent altercation with a teammate during practice.

    I don't really remember the Gurode incident in much detail, But I believe that was back in '06. The guy matured a lot in those years before taking a step back last season. As for the following incident, I don't think I remember that at all, but it probably had something to do with Cortland Finnegan. :loco:

    As for Harris being less of a risk, apparently everyone is forgetting that Harris straight-up punched Deauce Lutui in the face a couple seasons ago.

    In that scenario you are correct, I couldn't blame the guy for requesting a trade in such a situation. However he did more than just request a trade. He made no effort to learn the 3-4. His stats are more than enough evidence to prove he made no effort to learn the new system so he could do something to help the team while he was there.

    Once again, you're missing my point. Shanahan was trying to change the way he played the DT position. He wanted him to be a primarily run-stopping DT to basically just take up space. Haynesworth has always been 'go-for-the-QB' style player. That's basically like telling Peyton 'change the way you reads defenses. Oh, and you can only throw side-arm. Go!'

    G GS Comb Total Ast Sck

    2010 Washington Redskins 8 0 16 13 3 2.5

    Aaaand these stats mean nothing. He never started and he hardly played in those games.

    He played in 8 games but didn't start in any of them. If he had done his part to learn the system during the off-season then wouldn't it stand to reason he would have played in more than 8 games and at least made 1 start as opposed to Zero?

    He didn't learn the playbook at the beginning because he requested a trade. Once he tried to come back (week 3 or 4 I believe) there was the whole physical issue. (getting to that...)

    See above. If he were a "team player" he would have put in the effort to learn the 3-4 so that he could have helped the team.

    Besides the actual call-signs, there wasn't anything to learn! As I said before, Shanahan had planned on playing him as a run-stopper, but post-holdout Shanahan played him almost exclusively on Nickel-packages. (In case you don't know, that's 5 DBs and usually just rushing your linemen.) So it was 3 D-lineman on 5 to 6 blockers everytime. Not the best environment for production as a sack producing DT.

    He has rights? What about the rights of the Redskins who paid him an insane amount of money? Didn't they also have the right to get some dividends for the money they paid?

    It goes both ways. He had the right to not show up, and forfeited a load of money from that first-year on the contract. When he came back, the team had a right to not play him, and they hardly did.

    I'm not sure what you mean. My point was he showed up to training camp and failed his first physical. He was upset about the situation and just didn't care.

    For a player in his situation it's not necessary for a player to undergo a physical before returning to the team. It came out from one of the insiders (it was either Schefter or Mort, I don't remember) that Shanahan (both coach and GM) was putting the passing-grade on the physical waaay too high as a way to publicly embarrass Haynesworth, and also delay his return to the team. Basically it's like Haynesworth coming back and Shanahan saying 'we don't really need you'. So that upset Haynesworth, caused more strife, and that was way they didn't hardly play him afterwards, let-alone start him.

    Anywho, I don't usually do these quote-by-quote response, and I'm starting to remember why.. I'mma leave these to Jaric and Camio. :nutz:

  6. They were just upset that he wasn't playing when they really could of used him, but it was more on Shanahan later on cause he kept flunking him on the physicals!

    Also, all that was said about him was before he even started playing with the team, In other words, he wasn't in the locker-room. So how could he be a locker-room poison if he wasn't even in the locker-room when all this went down??

    On top of that, he was [widely] considered a great team-mate when he was with the Titans.

    I think both guys have great upside, but Haynesworth was at a higher level when they were both at their primes in '09. Plus, since one guy was mainly hampered by injury and the other was not, I'm going to automatically defer to the non-injured player, regardless of the fact Albert was a better player.

    I remember seeing the Pro Bowl Haynesworth went to the year before he became a free agent, and how Reggie was "recruiting" guys, and they showed Reggie with Dwight [and I think Robert] next to Haynesworth, talking about how they would make an unstoppable force on the d-line... Basically I'm saying that regardless of being division foes, they were still on pretty chummy terms. Doesn't really scream poor-character guy to me.

  7. They were just upset that he wasn't playing when they really could of used him, but it was more on Shanahan later on cause he kept flunking him on the physicals!

    Also, all that was said about him was before he even started playing with the team, In other words, he wasn't in the locker-room. So how could he be a locker-room poison if he wasn't even in the locker-room when all this went down??

    On top of that, he was [widely] considered a great team-mate when he was with the Titans.

    I think both guys have great upside, but Haynesworth was at a higher level when they were both at their primes in '09. Plus, since one guy was mainly hampered by injury and the other was not, I'm going to automatically defer to the non-injured player, regardless of the fact Albert was a better player.

    I remember seeing the Pro Bowl Haynesworth went to the year before he became a free agent, and how Reggie was "recruiting" guys, and they showed Reggie with Dwight [and I think Robert] next to Haynesworth, talking about how they would make an unstoppable force on the d-line... Basically I'm saying that regardless of being division foes, they were still on pretty chummy terms. Doesn't really scream poor-character guy to me.

  8. Thank you. I will take that as a compliment. Why is this the worst post ever? What has he done. sure he got us to the super Bowl, but he got out coached and he got out coached last year too. Like i said nothing against the man, but I would lie to see someone else coaching the team

    With a lockout shortened season, our big advantage is our stability. Returning Coach, Returning QB, Returning vets, That's all a big deal.

    BESIDES ALL THAT, We've been to the Super Bowl with Coach, he was great last season with an super-bowl-cursed-injury-wrecked-team, and he's only going to be more relaxed this season. (If that's possible)

    And EVEN IF I DIDN'T LIKE CALDWELL, It's two weeks to the pre-season, do you seriously think that's enough time to bring in a new coach??

    That, dear sir, is why that was [by far] the worst post I've ever seen. Period.

  9. His mental stability,

    How so?

    his desire to play,

    He went to the Redskins cause they told him he'd be featured in a 4-3, and they switched it on him. Can't blame the guy for requesting a trade/release.

    his "me first" attitude

    How so?

    and he clearly has demonstrated a violent streak that is beyond what is acceptable in the NFL.

    Never saw anything that compares to James Harrison.

    but if he were a truly dedicated player he would have learned the system and done whatever he could to help the team.

    Didn't need to 'learn' the system, it was just an issue of him being doubled a lot more and his effectiveness going down in a 3-4. The guy had no loyalty to the team then the fact he had signed a contract. The man still had his rights.

    He also would have kept himself in shape and wouldn't have been failing physicals.

    That's was widely acknowledged as a shame by Shanahan to keep him off the field and to 'teach him a lesson'.

    Sorry, When I look at these guys I see a 3-time pro bowler who is starting to have injury issues vs the most dominant defensive lineman in the game, who's only fault was that he decided to sign for money instead of going to a better team. (bit him in the butt, too.)

  10. ...I guess some guys are allergic to the playoffs.

    And have a severe dislike for wins.

    ...Oh well, I wasn't sure about whether it would be worth the trade off in terms of his poor coverage skills...

    ..more like donte whitless

    No ones turning on Whitner,...

    Reeeally, now?

    Would you like to retract that statement? :yes:

    The guy wanted to guy to ohio cause he went to OSU. Who can blame him?... Well, we blame him for the whole, 'go to OSU' part, but besides that! lol

  11. Haynesworth has no red flags.

    He didn't play well last season for two reasons: The 3-4 defense and Mike Shanahan.

    Tommie Harris didn't play well last season for three reasons: His left knee, his right knee, and Lovie Smith.

  12. I love how fast some of you guys turned on him once he didn't sign with us!

    Not shocked at all he didn't sign. Frankly I doubted he'd even seriously consider coming here.

    btw he went to bengals cause he went to ohio st and I'm guessing he just loves ohio...... and, well, he obviously wasn't gonna go to the Browns.... lol lol

  13. I think Mario Williams is athletic enough to play whatever position you want him to play, and to do so effectively. Plus, there's a guy in Dallas with 60 sacks in 4 years, playing outside linebacker in Wade Phillips' 3-4 defense.

    I hope they take a couple seasons to get adjusted, simply because they're in our division, but I don't think Mario Williams is going to be a problem. I think he can thrive at that position. He's dropped a little weight, and says he's getting used to the change.

    Yeah, that;s what I was about to say. Mario is going to play very similar to D-Ware once their defense starts picking up speed later in the season.

  14. Great observation - I was just about to point that out too!

    I'll be happy if just ONE of either Ernie Sims, Jamaal Anderson or Tommie Harris work out and become an impact player.

    Harris is still young, maybe a change of scenery and a chance to get healthy by playing in a rotation could have him poised to return to form for the following season

    Very good point. I remember reading an interview with BP on here talking about how he tries to hit on at least 3 or 4 (I can't remember the exact number) of the draft picks + UFAs each year, and to wait and grade the draft after 5 seasons. I'm looking at our signings the same way; If we can at least hit one of those guys, then the whole experiment was a success IMO.

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