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Posts posted by ADnum1

  1. 5 minutes ago, NFLfan said:

    Hello, we will continue with the 2022 Gavin Mock Draft in about an hour and a half. @LV-FrontRow will start it off, picking for the Bills, followed by @PureLuck and @stitches before a couple of Commissioner's picks. 


    @stitches and @PureLuck Please let me know if you are sending me lists for your picks today.

    Hello @NFLfan. It looks like 76 is the last pick for tonight ?


    If so I will come back tomorrow night for pick 79. Thanks

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Reggie said:


    I think Luck's retirement absolutely had the most profound impact on 2019 but beyond that I think Ballard's decisions (can probably include Irsay and Reich in there too) have had the most profound impact.


    I agree there have been chances that he hasn't taken advantage of.


    The most desirable avenue for acquiring a QB is drafting one and you have to do so in the first round. Some years there are not true franchise QB but when there are ones you have to identify them and get him. That's the difference between where the Buffalo Bills are right now and the Colts.


    In 2020 the Colts held the 13th overall pick. The Colts traded that pick for Buckner. Miami took Tua at 5 and the Chargers took Herbert at 6. The Colts would have had to trade up to 3 or 4 to get the right guy which turned out to be Herbert. Difficult? Yes. Possible? I think it's reasonable to say yes. You make the right move here and you likely set your franchise up for success for the next 10+ years. You don't and you remain in purgatory. For the record I like Buckner and think he has been a good addition but this was likely a missed opportunity.


    In 2021 the Colts could have drafted Justin Fields. Over the last several months I have heard different people within Colts media (Kevin Bowen being one) who have said that if the Colts knew Fields would have fell to where he did they would not have traded for Wentz and instead have made a move up to get Fields. Is Fields going to turn out to be an elite QB? I have no idea but it seems the Colts thought highly of him. I would also add here that Ballard put the Colts on a path to be out of drafting a QB last year. After the season while he said they wanted Rivers back and he said he also told him he had to explore their options for the long-term. Perhaps a different message to Rivers and he would have returned. I'm speculating here but my point is i'm not convinced that the Colts couldn't have done something different to convince Rivers to play one more year. (thus potentially have Fields now)


    These are not easy decisions to make in the moment but we have to acknowledge that getting some tough decisions right is necessary to win big. You either do or you don't.


    I say this as someone who likes a lot of what Ballard has done and believes in him. He hasn't gotten some big decisions right though and the very top of the roster is not where it needs to be. Job security can change quickly in the NFL. 

    To this day I continue to believe that Rivers wanted to return and Frank wanted Rivers back. Frank would always say that Rivers "still had a few good years of football left".


    I thought Rivers played well in the Buffalo game was coming back. I was shocked when he suddenly retired.


    Perhaps Ballard didn't package the message well enough and that caused Rivers to suddenly retire. Maybe Ballard told Rivers at the end of the Buffalo game that they had intentions of trading for wentz.


    Rivers wasn't done with football and there was talk of him coming back for the saints.


    But we may never know what really happened 

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  3. 6 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:


     Jimmy IS more an opposite of Carson.

     Jimmy is more like Rivers.

     Carson more like Jay Cutler.

       Is interesting that Kurt Warners video appeared showing Carson was an *, couldn't read a D, had no clue how to properly look off safeties, and didn't bother taking those FB 101 plays, and others say it is a Irsay hissy fit.

     I saw plenty of evidence that there is something wrong in his head, and THAT makes Reich look very bad, apology accepted, so far.

    It's interesting you mention the Warner video.


    For those crying about Wince, the Warner video should be required viewing for Colts fans. 


    I realize it is 40 minutes long, but break it up into 2 20 minute sessions. 


    If you watch the video it is clear why the Colts got rid of Wince.


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  4. As long as the Colts have a great owner like Irsay, the future will always be bright.


    He doesn't meddle in the team's business and he's always ready to spend lots of money. He has good football people that he let's run the team 


    Imagine having a meddling owner like Jerry Jones who thinks he's a GM or the Chargers owner where he lets his kids run the team.


    That would be terrible!

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