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Everything posted by Nickster

  1. I believe it will. Making league minimum will intrigue many men. It’s 750,000 bucks.
  2. this is easy . Teams realized that big money RB deals were bad investments.
  3. I think we threw money at Shaq, Q, and Smith IMO. I forgot about Moore. But we haven’t had much of this that I can recall.
  4. Do you recall the last contentious negotiation? I can’t come up with anything. We have been throwing money ay our players for a long time now.
  5. Our owner tweets impulsively like a 12 yearold. Been saying it for years. Regardless of the past tweet I don’t think the agent is doing anything without weighing what he believes what will be in the best monetary interest of himself which would be to get JT the biggest deal possible. Whether or not it works is TBD. You do agree that JT could mend the fence with one simple tweet though don’t you? ala I do not agree with what my agent said about Mr. Irsay in 2012.
  6. Me neither. And I believe we both agree IIRC that tactics when fighting for NFL dollars are usually just that. Tactics. and I also happen to agree with what the agent said in 2012
  7. By extension doesn’t that mean the Colts players he represents are pretty wild too?
  8. Your logical fallacies are so stark that I’m just going to leave it there. Good day lol.
  9. Maybe RBs should pick a different more valued position. Their labor just isn’t as scarce as other positions. I know a lot of people don’t want to accept that but that doesn’t change the fact that the entire league knows it as the market has clearly revealed beyond a reasonable doubt.
  10. Gunners on punts and kicks, those guys get the dog crap beat out of e them. all practice squad tackling dummies who get their brains beat in for a pittance.
  11. Why does that make him a jerk? These MMA guys are perhaps the hardest working people on planet earth.
  12. Don’t agree at all necessarily. He may be a putz I don’t know the dude but he has a specific job to do. Agents are voluntarily paid by athletes to represent said athletes. Athletes can control how they are represented if they choose to. if you think that JTs agent is being a putz then logically that would point in the direction of JT being a putz since he chooses who and how he’s represented. his agents tweets are essentially JTs tweets when it comes to Colt/JT communiques. JT. Could with a few thumb movements tweet a denunciation of any of his agents tweets unless JT is some weak minded door mat that is. Don’t know him but he doesn’t seem that way on TV. And BTW. I have no concern or disdain for athletes and their agents fighting for dollars in any manner they see fit. Same with the org allocating the scarce resources o v the NFL cap. Business in business. Not judging Taylor, his agent, or JI and the FO. Just doing business which can and often does get muddy.
  13. This I also agree with. Footballs hard, especially RB. I don’t care how they fight for their dollars. BUT I wouldn’t give them big long term money.
  14. Definitely effected by the crappy team around him no doubt. I didn’t see that you had typed the 2 instead of the 1.
  15. @Superman Thought you'd get a kick out of that Supe. My bad. Gracias for the correction.
  16. Yep. @Superman is occasionally on the right side of an argument.
  17. And it's likely that the unhappiness is related to the NFL market determining that RB aren't worth big money contracts.
  18. Can't say as I noticed that specifically, but I can say I noticed Ryan stunk lol. So I would assume he stunk when throwing to Pittman too lol.
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