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Posts posted by BigQungus

  1. 1 minute ago, aavmarine said:

    Don't get butt hurt from our comments. I'm just not liking how the off season went, or how this draft is potentially going, or what we are hearing so far. I don't like hearing Ballard say "There are still GOOD players out there for us.." I rather hear him say "There are still some great players out there, that can come in here, and make an immediate impact for this team!!" Not hear him joking about trading back again for future draft picks, that he might can use in off season trades, when we all know that the Colts won't pay crap to any elite players, even when they have the money. 


    What does the draft have to do with paying money?

  2. 1 hour ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    For me personally, learning who the draft pick is a little early isn't that big of a spoiler.  I just want to know who the Colts picked.  Watching an orangutan touch a screen for the big reveal doesn't really do anything for me, so I get where you're coming from about the draft.  Once I know who the pick is, I'm just gonna go start watching tape of that player anyway.  I'm not sticking around for whatever Kiper has to say.


    But if you really did just spoil GoT and Endgame for me, I'm gonna be really * off at you, dude.  Just say you were joking around so I can go back to being ignorant of what happens.  I support myself and don't have anyone to help share bills.  I've already got monthly bills for rent, food, insurance, phone, internet, etc. and I'm trying to save money instead of splurging on entertainment as soon as it's released.  I can't afford to go to the movie theater for every new movie release or to pay a monthly fee for HBO just for the four hours of GOT that will air that month.  I have to wait for more affordable options like once the season is over, I'll pay the fee for one month and binge-watch the whole season.  It's more economical that way.


    But I still want to enjoy the entertainment the same way others enjoyed it at the time of release.  I want to be surprised by what happens, especially when it's the final season/movie in a series.  I'm emotionally invested in the story, and I want to experience it as intended, not secondhand from some stranger.  I have to use "selective vision" while on the internet before I get caught up on the same entertainment as everyone else.  I thought I was safe in a football forum, but apparently I can't even escape spoilers in a football forum.  :flaming:


    I think he was kidding, or maybe he got it from the leak. If he got it from the leak, it fits his MO. But leaks are a little unreliable, and no one except test audiences and movie critics have seen Endgame so far, so he doesn't have some ultimate knowledge or anything


    Technically speaking, he didn't spoil anything. There was a crazy theory last fall that Tony would have to give up a lot, potentially a daughter that he talks about in his dream when him and Pepper were walking in the park in Infinity War. He could just be talking about that theory, and whether he is or not tells me nothing about the movie anyways. All it tells me is either Tony has a daughter or not. Which I already knew.


    I see Endgame tonight, so if he was telling the truth, you and I can go and beat him up tomorrow. :censored2:


    Until then, I'm gonna stay off this forum for the rest of the day. I thought I was safe from Endgame spoilers on a football forum, but maybe I'm wrong. :facepalm:

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Superman said:


    The only real difference between #26 and #34 this year is the fifth year option. The players ranked from 20-ish to 40-ish are going to be very closely ranked.


    But the point is if you don't like his medical at #26 enough that you won't take the risk, there's not enough difference in value at #34 to take the risk. 


    If you don't like his medical, then you'll consider him a risk, and depending on how bad you think it is, you'll push him further and further down your draft board, but it doesn't necessarily mean you won't draft him at all.


    I guess if what you mean by "not liking his medical" is thinking he'll have a heart attack every time he breaks into a sprint, then I see your point.


    20ish-40ish is closely ranked, but it could still make the difference. It all depends on how bad you really think that medical report is.


    Anyways, this is kind of irrelevant now with the latest news

  4. If this happened I wouldn't appreciate how few d linemen we picked. I also wouldn't like that we picked a OT at #34, but I'd feel much better knowing that it's Kaleb McGary. If I'm not mistaken, he's usually mocked in the first round, so we'd be getting some really good value picking him there.


    I'd also be very excited at the Jerry Tillery pick. I like him.


  5. 9 minutes ago, Superman said:


    If the Colts have enough concerns about the medical to pass on him at #26, why gamble on him at #34? Those picks are basically the same.


    Related, Rapaport is teasing something big right now about Sweat...


    The picks aren't the same because there's less talent to choose from at #34 compared to #26, making the best alternative to not picking Sweat less attractive

  6. 59 minutes ago, Superman said:


    Miller said he would bet anything that Simmons doesn't make it past the Titans. After really watching Simmons, I get why he's so highly rated, and if the medical and character check out, I can make my peace with drafting him if he makes it to us, but he might now.


    I'm not a fan of Abram at #26 either. He's basically a weakside backer who can't cover. He can't play single high, is a liability in man coverage, etc. I'm passing on Abram, but that's just me. If we draft him, I'll go back and really look at him, but I'm not a fan as of right now. 


    Sweat at #34 would be intriguing, but if he drops that far, teams must really be concerned about his medical. That's tough to reconcile. And passing on him at #26 would mean we're concerned about his medical, too; I definitely have him ahead of Abram, and feel like there are other safeties who would be available at #34 (in Miller's mock, Gardner-Johnson goes #58). 


    If I'm the GM, I don't care what other teams think. Unless we think the same thing as the other teams, then I'd welcome Sweat in with a cheerleading outfit on!

  7. 20 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    Yes, if they wanted to get rid of Rosen, it's not good. If they had already got rid of Rosen, their intentions would be fully known now as well. No secrecy.  We don't know this will play out.  They could trade down a few slots, and still get Murray and collect another draft pick(s).  Who knows?


    Now, can the Cards afford both Rosen and Murray? Yes.  Can Rosen run the Kingsbury offense?  Kingsbury says yes-




    Can they draft Murray, keep Rosen and make it a QB competition? Well, they could.  It would be uncomfortable at best. No matter what, Steve Keim is in a pickle.  If no team will 'give up anything', then Keim has to keep him. If not, imagine the tense discussion with the Bidwill's when he explains how he sent the 15th pick, a 3rd round pick, and a 5th round pick to get a QB at #10 in 2018, only to trade him away the very next year for 'peanuts' (like a 3rd).  You can't have that discussion.  And I expect he won't.  They'll either pass on Murray, or get reasonable compensation (not great though) for Rosen, or draft Murray and keep both until a team gets desperate down the road for a starting caliber young QB and gives Keim a call.


    I'm sorry, if I'm Keim and someone calls now and says "Hey, we'll give you 3rd for him", I'd just laugh and click the hangup/end call button.  I want to have a decent position and strategy when I get called into the owners office after the draft.


    If I'm Keim I take Bosa. It's stupid how they're giving up on Rosen already

  8. 2 hours ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

    The thought of drafting Tillery made me think of this.


    Do you think Ballard would consult with Nelson about his former Notre Dame teammate if he was serious about drafting Tillery?

    Would he ask Tyquan Lewis about Dre'mont Jones?  Wilkins about Metcalf?  Etc.




    It's very common for GMs to call their own players to ask about people they used to play with in college. Of course, that can be a little unreliable and they do more digging than that, but it definitely is a part of the process.


    I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere but it's pretty hard to exactly find something that goes that in depth with the scouting process. Here is a link to an old article that talks a little bit about it. It doesn't specifically say that they consult their own players about their former college teammates, but it does say that some teams talk to their old kindergarten teachers, and if they do that, then I'd imagine that they definitely talk to their own players.




    I also think that offensive players are more likely to know other offensive teammates better than defensive teammates

  9. On 4/23/2019 at 3:18 AM, NewColtsFan said:


    And it was only the year before that where the Philadelphia Eagles and their defense and their front 4 was able to defeat the Patriots in the Super Bowl. 


    How quickly people forget....



    I don't think many people are forgetting. No one outside of NDcolt actually thinks that D line is not important

  10. On 4/23/2019 at 2:04 AM, NDcolt said:

    Autry is just fine and doesn’t cost us a 1st rd pick is exactly my point.  We also have J Ward, will any of these IDL prospects be any better than what we already have?  Will any of them make us beat Patrick Mahomes, Tom Brady or Big Ben??  No, only positional talent BEATS these guys just ask the Rams with ALL PRO Donald!  Not enough playmakers and these so called Interior DL are good to have but seem to come up short in the big games.  Great to have but don’t win the big one!!!  How many rings do Suh and Donald have combined?  Zero is my point and to think they were on the same TEAM?


    The logic blows my mind.


    Rams have good DL. They lost. Therefore, having good DL isn't important for winning.


    Let's use that same logic in a different scenario.


    Steelers have good WRs. They lost. Therefore, having good WRs isn't important for winning



  11. On 4/23/2019 at 2:04 AM, NDcolt said:

    Autry is just fine and doesn’t cost us a 1st rd pick is exactly my point.  We also have J Ward, will any of these IDL prospects be any better than what we already have?  Will any of them make us beat Patrick Mahomes, Tom Brady or Big Ben??  No, only positional talent BEATS these guys just ask the Rams with ALL PRO Donald!  Not enough playmakers and these so called Interior DL are good to have but seem to come up short in the big games.  Great to have but don’t win the big one!!!  How many rings do Suh and Donald have combined?  Zero is my point and to think they were on the same TEAM?





    "hOw mANy riNgS doeS AnDreW LuCk HAve? zERo? hE sUcKS!"

  12. 3 hours ago, DougDew said:

    Well, its obvious to me that KC didn't think Ford and Houston were good enough to get them to the next level (and they're probably right).  Trading a few high picks to get a guy without a long term contract suggests that Clark is an immediate upgrade over those two.


    TBD if KC feels that Clark is a long term decision.


    You should've waited to see whether they'd hand him a contract before saying that he's a guy without a long term contract. Usually when teams trade for a star pass rusher who was in line for a contract, they pay him. It's what happened to Khalil Mack and Dee Ford.


    The reason why KC didn't want to pay Dee Ford wasn't because of talent, it was because they're switching to a 4-3 and they don't think he'll fit the scheme. I still think they should've paid him, but I digress...


    In sum, here's what the Chiefs received and gave from the Dee Ford and Frank Clark trades


    Received: Frank Clark (paid average annual salary of $21.1 million), 2020 2nd round pick, 3rd round pick (No. 84 overall)


    Gave: Dee Ford (49ers paid average annual salary of $17.1 million), 1st round pick (No. 29 overall), 2020 2nd round pick, 3rd round pick (No. 92 overall)


    To over-simplify things, the Chiefs basically traded Dee Ford and a 1st for Frank Clark

  13. On 4/20/2019 at 3:47 AM, NewColtsFan said:


    Sorry, Jared...    I'm not trying to be difficult,  but this post is mostly false.    And full of the frustration that a disappointed fan can have.


    Grigson's 2012 draft,  his first,  was judged at the time to be the 9th best in the history of the draft.    And yet,  a number of years down the line most of the players flamed out...   either they got hurt,  (Fleener,  Chapman,  Ballard) or their performance tailed off for variouis reasons. (Allen, Brazil)    Some things are just out of a GM's hands.  


    You are what your record says you are...  11-5, 11-5 and 11-5 and further in each round of the playoffs in his first three years..   His two worst years while he was GM were 8-8.   But, the roster got old, slow and less talented on his watch.   But that doeesn't make him 32 out of 32 GM's.   So, no, I don't think Luck wasted the first 5 years of his career.   Certainly not the first 3.    Of course,  IMO,  Grigson IS responsible for Ballard's 4-12 first year.   That was Grigson's mess that Ballard had to clean up.


    And I don't think people who supported Grigson in his early years should be taking a hit.   Not from you or anyone else.    Ultimately he was not good at his job.   He deserved to be fired.   But people were calling for his head in year 3, when we went to the AFC Championship game.    Those fans weren't right because Grigson ultimately lost his job.    That's like saying someone who always proclaims it's 12 o'clock is some genius because he's right twice a day.    Fans didn't know what was coming in 2014.    The fact that they were right was more fluke than anything else.  Those of us who supported Grigson had good reason to do so.   Those of us who stopped supporting Grigson also had good reason to do so.   He stopped being good at his job.


    Fans weren't very impressed with Ballard after his first year.   One year later,  and he's a genius.   Fans are emotional and fickle.   They love you when your winning and not so much if you're not.

    After Ballard's great draft last year,  you  say he deserves the benefit of the doubt.   Great, I agree with you.    But in your previous sentence you felt the need to qualify it by saying  "barring a positional reach or bad positional draft early..."     You're already ready to pounce should Ballard do something you think is wrong and stupid and he hasn't even done it yet.   But you're ready to proclaim that the current smartest guy in the room is suddenly not.    The honeymoon would be over.


    That's what fans do.   Grigson is not as bad as you think.   And Ballard will make his share of mistakes.   Not because I doubt him,  but because everyone in the personnel business does sooner or later.   The job is much harder than you think it is.  Things are rarely as obvious as they seem.  


    Yes he had 2 very very good drafts in 2011-2012. But after 2014 I wanted him gone.


    When you draft Bjoern Werner one year with your first pick and then next year trade your 1st rounder for Trent Richardson, I think you deserve to be fired


    Those are 2 very egregious offenses.


    Hindsight right now, I wouldn't have fired him simply because we wouldn't have gotten Ballard if we fired him so soon. But we still should've fired him sooner

  14. 37 minutes ago, Myles said:

    I'm about 50/50 on winning a road game in Pittsburgh, so I guess we are closer to thinking the same than many would have thought.    


    Yeah. I forgot it's at Pittsburgh and Heinz field is a tough place to play, so it may be tougher than I thought, but I still think we'll win

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  15. On 4/21/2019 at 4:27 AM, JPFolks said:

    Simple.  It means we need to continue to look elsewhere for someone ready to play out of the box.  Someone who shines, even if its just as a rookie.  I would suggest the draft and we hope that Cain's brief spark before injury was more than fools gold.  Johnson and Paschal had brief moments where they appeared capable but certainly were far from Elite talent.  Rogers and the rest of the guys on the roster after Hilton and Funchess seem like cannon fodder for the most part.  We need elite talent.  We need elite speed.  We need elite hands.  We need elite route running.  In essence, we need SOMETHING to be elite about our qualified #2 and #3.  I didn't see anything that suggested "Elite" from any of these guys last year.  Did you? Someone will be #2 even if they're terrible.  There WILL be a #2.  What I think most people hope for is that the #2 has something elite, if not many things elite about their skill set.  Outside of Hilton, that isn't a word that applies to the backups from last year and camp bodies.  


    Are you going on the record to say we have our full time, long term #2 and eventual #1 when Hilton is gone on the roster?  Who would that be?  And no matter how you answer, using your criteria, what supposed practical value is that supposed to have?  


    What practical value does my opinion have? At least the same value as any opinion you or anyone else shares.  None of us have power over the team.  The point of a message board is to post opinions and discuss.  You apparently disagree with my statement, so let's hear who our #2 elite talent is among the scrubs? Settling for a #2 without elite talent is what we did last year.  Ryan Grant was devoid of anything elite and it showed.  





    We need elite talent at #2 and #3...


    Yeah sure...


    So I guess you're saying the practical value of saying that our #2 and #3 receivers aren't as good as the best receivers in the league is that we should get elite receivers to be our #2 and #3 receivers? 


    So this ultimately boils down to whether anything short of multiple top 10 WRs is flatly unacceptable.

  16. On 4/20/2019 at 10:42 PM, DerekDiggler said:

    So the Colts use a lot of 12 personnel on offense.    So that’s 





    Ebron/ or Other blocking TE 



    where red is a WR going to step in and push one of these guys out?    Funchess was signed as a starter.  Anyone that doesn’t understand that is clueless


    in the wings there is Caine, Johnson, Rogers Pascal amd hopefully Inman      Again where is the immediate upgrade?   As a back up? Seriously?


    i have heard a ton of arguments about stretching the field.   I don’t get it.    We don’t run a down the field passing attach anymore     It’s quick release and 5-10 yds at a time.    


    The guys currently on the on the roster are good enough to be very good in this offense   They might just need another yr of coaching.    All will improve.   


    Watch out for Johnson.   He might very well be a huge surprise this yr and Rogers also.   And who knows what Cain can bring.   Hopefully a lot     


    Frank said he wants to be a top 5 running team on offense.    They have not BSd any of us on this.   That is why they built the % out of that Oline    


    Coaching up the WRs we have with the addition of Funchess and basically a free draft pick in Cain is a lot added to this passing attach 


    TBH if I were drafting only for need I would take an OT and a RB before I took a WR with this group 


    We run more 12 than pretty much anyone else in the league, but that's not the only thing we run. 11 is typically seen as the base package, in which case we can plug him in there. And anyways, there's no guarantee Funchess will stay beyond this year, although I hope he does if he breaks out. 


    From a scheme standpoint, Reich always has said that he wants to be versatile and not just stick to one scheme. He wants us to be able to switch from a Smashmouth offense to an up-tempo, quick-rhythm offense to a vertical offense. 


    The Funchess signing allowed us some draft flexibility and allows us to survive even if we don't get a WR at all. But we don't by any means have a completely full WR corp. All it takes is a few injuries.


    At any rate, what would getting another RB do? We already have 3 of them, and Mack is our definite leader. We really have no reason to use a 1st round pick on a RB. I'm okay with signing Ajayi or Spencer Ware, but using a first round pick on an RB when we already have some? I see no reason to do that.


    And anyways, it's pretty hypocritical (I don't know if this applies to you directly) for people to say that we have a really solid WR corp and that we have no use for another one as a reason why we shouldn't draft Metcalf, and then turn around and say that we should draft Hollywood Brown or someone else.

  17. On 4/20/2019 at 10:31 PM, Myles said:

    Who said any of that crap?  I'm just saying that the Steelers are never a gimme game.  


    Who said it's a gimme game? I said we'll win. Could I SEE us losing to them? Yes. Do I think we'll lose to them? No. They were slightly above average last year. Chances are they'll be mediocre this year. We should be able to beat them

  18. I understand why people would be hesitant at picking Metcalf, and I understand why people think he could be a bust, but I'm surprised that he's that high on the list. I mean honestly, he's at a position which, I know some of you don't like picking WRs early in the draft, but we could use another one. Wouldn't you rather have another WR than a CB, RB, or TE? I mean, we really don't need these positions AT ALL. Wouldn't you rather get someone at a position where we could use another player (really trying not to say position of need because some people here don't think WR is a position of need) even if they could turn out to be a bust rather than get someone who we have absolutely no use for?


    Let me put it this way: Would you rather get D.K. Metcalf or a Punter?

  19. 21 hours ago, superrep1967 said:

    I don’t want Jeffrey Simmons his name has been tossed around  to go to us at 26. He’s a great talent but got a ACL in a February workout so it would take at least to 2020 before we’d really get anything out of him.


    He wouldn't have an immediate impact of course, but getting a top 10 player — I even recently heard someone on NFL Network say that in 5 years, he'll probably be considered the best player of this draft — with the 26th pick is good for long term success. We just have to wait for 1 year and he'll be playing. He might even be ready for the playoffs


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