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Everything posted by Restinpeacesweetchloe

  1. Good news here is Oline has played well and we can run the ball even when Minshew is at QB. If Minshew can win some games there will be no hurry to get Richardson back until he is 100%. The schedule is also pretty easy. Might not be exciting as with Richardson but we should be able to win some games. Minshew isn’t a statue he can move a little. You can still do some bootlegs with him.
  2. Listening to Kevin Bowens podcast. Dude is making so many dumb claims about this injury. I don’t think he realizes we could win and develop Richardson at same time. Now just complaining about Minshew winning games and ans hurting our draft stock. I got need for him we would be winning with Anthony too.
  3. Him calling offensive plays hasn’t hurt his ability to have a great feel for the game either. Him and Jim Bob have had plans prepared for both QB and have not missed a beat.
  4. Go look at the injuries. I saw. Tweet last week and every one was a pocket QB. It was a list of QB injuries. Not just pocket passsers. Top five was all pocket passsers.
  5. The good news this isn’t a injury that usually effects the shoulder in the future. But it does seem like reinjury could be easier.
  6. I wonder if Shane could incorporate some of the stuff that same does well into the offense. Might not be smart with one injured QB already. But maybe in the red zone we could use him.
  7. Not looking good. Good news is when Bengals lost Burrow his rookie year they went to SB the next year.
  8. This must be how Bengal fans felt after Burroe tore his acl. The good news I believe the went to the SB the following year.
  9. I think they are just being thorough to make sure the right thing is done.
  10. Right but they can’t wait in case Minshew gets injured. Get someone in in case you need a backup to Sam.
  11. It wasn’t her but it was a national reporter. Might take me a minute to find it.
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