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Posts posted by SolidGold

  1. 1 minute ago, NDcolt said:

    If your gonna pick a need at 3 you better hope the said player turns out to be a dominant force, especially after passing up the most freakish rb to ever come out of college.  Heck, 8-10 sacks a yr can not justify this pick so you better tune in tomorrow to analyze Mr Chubb one more time Cuz I don’t see anything special on tape.  For Mr Barkley, 233 lbs running a 4.41 benching 225lbs 29 reps, hi jump, cone drill & most importantly killing the interviews is what I call special!  

    Who wants Chubb ? Nelson is the man that will be blocking at a high level for 10+ years.

  2. 2 minutes ago, TdungyW/12 said:

    From Brisset because Luck will b injured again. 


    Hey lets do what we always do draft Offense. Chubb will better the team all around. 

    Speaking of Brisset. Is he better than the QB's in the draft ? If so I wonder why we aren't shopping him. I feel he could start for at least the Browns. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Luck 4 president said:

    He’s good, not elite. I’d like him, but not for what OP was suggesting we trade for him. If Ballard doesn’t want to pay him 15+ million a year, then he’s gone after one season.  If he does then that’s almost $30 million for 2 slot receivers. Why not try to sign Allen Robinson for less money even though he has a higher ceiling. We save money, get a better receiver, and don’t have to trade for him.

    Besides AB and Julio who is better than T.Y & Landry ? What do you expect them to get paid ? Baldwin isn't better than any of them and he got his pay day. Colts have the money and could work it out im sure for a better deal and we all win.

  4. Mods take this off please lol. Wrong topic to discuss. Everyone's way to serious. And us regular people obviously have no business trying to think for Luck. I honestly didn't know it was a sensitive subject after seeing a thread about a hypothetical trade with the Browns for Luck. Lighten up people, just making new conversation. I've seen worse conversations on here that was highly entertained by us fans.

  5. Just now, SolidGold said:

    Funny how everyone thinks for CB but when asked about what Luck would want everyone answers with CB original answer to the question. If CB has continued to say he's taking the BPA then why is it a question of who we are taking lmao


  6. Funny how everyone thinks for CB but when asked about what look would want everyone answers with CB original answer to the question. If CB has continued to say he's taking the BPA then why is it a question of who we are taking lmao

  7. 1 hour ago, Aluckiswolverine said:

    According to Ballard, Luck wants what is best for the team not himself.


    That's the PC answer. Of course he said that.. But every QB knows what the team needs and who benefits him... So hypothetically if Andrew was to answer the question with a specific player or players what do you think he would say ?

  8. We all have shared how we feel about FA, Draft, and what we need and want. Has anyone thought about what we THINK Andrew would want or which player at # 3 suits him best making his comeback ? What's best for Andrew's longevity ?

  9. 9 minutes ago, krunk said:

    FA is what I've been thinking also. Looking at what the Eagles did last year picking up Torrey Smith and Alshon. Smith is available again but not sure if I want him. If we can't get anything done with Allen Robinson and we probably wont. You may not agree with me, but I keep staying stuck on Terrell Pryor as a cheap pickup. Im not sure what happened in Washington as the #1 guy, but i think he could fulfill a lesser role. Feel like he could do something with Luck. Definitely a burner and I love the length. Could see some nice trick plays with his QB background.

    He's trash

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