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Posts posted by Nadine

  1. 6 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    if a word is a racial slur, bottom line is this, its a racial slur no matter who is using it.  Period. Being accepting of people using it is contributing to the inequality so many are trying to end... It's hypocritical on every level. Period. 


    Everyone is equal, and as such, the rules/laws/political correctness needs to be colorblind. Holding one person accountable for saying a word but not holding others of a different skin tone to that same standard is just as unfair, unequal and truly, racist in another fashion. 


    But there is also a difference between understanding people say it among themselves, and trying to get them to to understand they need to stop, as you described in another of your posts earlier when you described your family and friends, and flatly saying it doesn't matter if they say it or not, aka dismissing it as being ok because of their skin color.  The former is not being hypocritical, the later is.


    It has a completely different meaning among black people.  

    It's demeaning and intended as demeaning from white people


    Honestly, I truly do not understand why some people feel so strongly that if they can't use the word.......another group of people who use the word in a different way cannot either.


    I don't even get how it's on your radar at all much less why you have such a strong opinion on it.


    Words have meaning and intent and that varies depending on who uses the word and in what context.


    I leave it to black people to decide how they want to use that word.  For myself, I know it's not ok.


    So I disagree with your view completely.  I defer to the people who have been on the receiving end of the word.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, csmopar said:

    im confused.  My comment wasn't in response to anything you posted?  Nor am I calling anyone in particular a name. 

    I was reacting to you calling anyone who accepts that black people choose to use the word.  A point I made in this thread.  An opinion you say would make me a hypocrite.


    You didn't call anyone in a particular a name.......just anyone who disagrees with you

  3. 49 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    No one, of any race, should be saying it. Its completely unacceptable.  If anyone is okay with a non-white person saying it, he/she is a HUGE hypocrite. Period

    Uh huh. 

    I didn't call you a name for what you believe.  I just disagreed

    There is a problem when you start name calling.

    Just because you don't understand it or agree with it doesn't mean it's wrong or untrue.  It just means you don't agree.


    Honestly, I see a lot of benefit in the not too difficult task of avoiding racial slurs and offensive ways of interacting with people.


    I don't hate people who use them, of which there are some of all races.


    I don't want to be like them though.  


    I'm understanding when people of older generation call me 'honey' or 'dear.' But I can tell you I find it enormously offensive when it comes from a younger generation. Especially a man......regardless of his race


    I don't want everyone to stop using those words.  I just want them to stop demeaning women with those words.


    I don't think there's a male equivalent.........maybe 'boy' but that's one that tends to be used racially as well.  Not a word I would ban either.


    People are capable of being civil and I don't absolve them of making an effort........even if they do find that PC.



  4. 16 minutes ago, Cynjin said:


    As he should be.

    The beer thing is escalating.  All this craft beer.  My daughters also are huge beer fans and like weird beers that I really cannot stand.......like sours :yuk:


    I'll have maybe two beers a year and it's likely to be a citrus beer.  My husband has had a few subscriptions to beer of the month club.  It's the perfect gift for him.


    I can't think of anything I like as well as these people love their beer.


    So yeah.......burning dinner is not a big deal but being out of beer is an emergency

    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, Cynjin said:


    Yeah, the thalidomide for morning sickness was bad.  I think I read somewhere that they found the drug useful for a different condition, I don't remember what though.


    The one I found myself chuckling at was the one where the husband was "comforting" the wife by saying at least "you didn't burn the beer".

    LOL, perhaps the beer one is appropriate.  Sounds like something I might say to my husband.  He's very careful with his beer. :)


    Things have changed




    I think thalidomide can be used now for multiple myeloma, a bone cancer.  That's a good thing.  My mother in law had that.

  6. 11 minutes ago, buccolts said:


    I knew English was frowned upon there, but thought it was the will of the people, not the government. THAT's funny.


    I'm amazed it's not been an obvious topic of a movie, or comedy skit. Seems National Lampoon would have been all over that. Maybe they have a club to protect in Quebec.


    They're not even THAT strict in France, are they?


    IDK, I've never been to France.  My sister was just in Ireland. We descend from an area that to this day is Gaelic speaking.  I know Ireland is trying to preserve Gaelic and the culture. 

    But, I don't think they restrict what words the residents can use.


    Language Police makes me think of the Ministry of Magic in Harry Potter when they went completely out of control with policing personal behavior.


    Common sense and civility isn't that hard


    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, csmopar said:

    yes it is.  I'm a very avid consitutionist as well. So it really pains me to say that. But if people want to make that word unacceptable for use, than it has to happen for all people, not just white people.  And banning its use nationally is the only way I can think of to do it fairly.  Albeit, unconstitutional on the surface of it. 


    I don't have an issue with not using that word.  I literally never have thought of using that word.  It's just not ok and hasn't been my whole life. I think what's happened with the word in the black community is up to them.  I am not confused at all by it and I don't understand how anyone could be. I don't think anyone actually is confused by it.  They just don't like it or feel it's not fair.


    Banning the word makes me think of Quebec and how they have language police to make sure people are speaking French.  They cracked down on restaurants that had common English words on their menus.


    Most recently, they've advised shopkeepers that they cannot use the bilingual greeting of 'bonjour - hi' and must only say 'bonjour. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/05/world/canada/bonjour-hi-quebec.html



    I get that preserving french speaking is important but, feels like something I would hate. I don't want the government deciding our vocabulary

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Cynjin said:


    Okay Nadine, I am going to send that to my daughter, she will go off on it.  Hard to believe with todays culture that those were considered okay 60 to 70 years ago.  Things do change for the better, imo.

    my personal favorite is advertising morning sickness drugs to women so that they could still get up and make breakfast.  These were ads directed at women so, women were sexist against themselves.


    All I could think of was the morning sickness drug thalidomide and how many babies were born without limbs because of it.

  9. 17 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    no.  I'm saying we still allow those.  I am saying that if we're going to try to hold people accountable for using that word, Papa John, Bob Lamey, that celebrity chef from a few years back, then publishers need to stop allowing that word in NEW songs, NEW books and New movies etc. Existing can be kept as a reminder of where we came from and the painful history involved.

    Censorship is a slippery slope. I think that people can and should police their own language and in this case, the language of others. Language evolves and it should.


    But we cannot sanitize history.  Movies and books that show how people were, what people said are an important part of remembering history correctly.


    I think also there's a benefit to looking back to see how things really were.  Came across this story on sexist ads this week https://www.buzzfeed.com/briangalindo/17-ridiculously-sexist-vintage-ads?utm_term=.ysp88oqlZr#.aoz55nm3xd

    Sent it to my daughters.  You don't see that sort of thing anymore but, it wasn't so long ago

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  10. 9 minutes ago, Barry Sears said:

    Looking forward to hearing the crowd when #12 steps onto the field!

    I wish we had a reaction option for this post that is several exclamation points! Like doesn't quite cut it

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  11. On 8/15/2018 at 8:02 AM, ThorstenDenmark said:

    problems watching any videos :(


    I'm not sure why, but since the new site have launched, I havn't been able to see any videos in google chrome :(


    Anyone experiencing the same issues/ problems as I?

    on the forum or on colts.com?

    FYI, clicking on 'who reacted to this post' or 'who's following this thread' will pretty reliably lock your browser up. For now, avoid clicking those

    • Like 1
  12. Several posters in this thread have had posts removed that were worthy of warns.  Unfounded discussion of someone being a racist, accusing moderators of suppressing your complaints about your opinion that someone is racist and complaints about reverse racism etc......against the rules


    You all well know this.  Further posting like this will result in suspensions

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