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Posts posted by mikey287

  1. In all honesty, I would have rather tried to carve upside out of Ryan Mallett or Tom Savage than waste a 2nd round pick (or a 1st? lol) on Hackenberg...


    Maybe he has Alex Smith type of upside...maybe...but certainly not worth a strong look high in this or any draft...


    But if that's Houston's pick, it's certainly to our benefit I have to believe...

  2. I will miss him greatly when he is no longer in the NFL.


    Honestly, I got a little emotional seeing him walk off the field against Indianapolis last year...I thought that was the last time and I wasn't really prepared mentally for that I don't think (in case anyone doesn't recall, he was the slam dunk MVP favorite at the midpoint of the season)...now, this time, I think I'll be ready...deeply saddened, but more prepared...

  3. Manning - my favorite player of all-time, and easily the best QB I've ever seen - is now Chad Pennington. Extremely smart, but lacking of the physical tools to properly execute those smarts...it's unfortunate to see him like this...hopefully he goes out on top if the Colts can't, but I don't wish to watch him struggle...

  4. I find it strange that so many people put Donte Moncrief on their list when say Anthony Castonzo on our line is much more important than any WR we have. The trenches take precedence on either line IMO. 


    You aren't wrong, but it's much more difficult for people to both qualify and quantify that...most people aren't watching the line until something goes wrong. Most things that an O-lineman does is "negative" because they aren't noticed when they're doing their job well (like referees...)


    I'm not sure if it's still the case, but OL has no official stats (still?) and you know how much people guzzle down stats...


    Not that WRs have a history of winning MVPs (however faux this one is...Jerry Rice never won one, 'nuff said)...but I'd probably give a strong look to Moncrief who has easily been our most competitive WR this year and then versus the weight of expectations, he has surpassed them while Luck, T.Y., A.J. and the tight ends have all underwhelmed...

  5. Chasing the play vs. knowing the play. You expend far less mental and physical energy doing something where the result is expected as opposed to chasing it around.


    Same phenomenon exists in hockey. Power play players can routinely play 90 seconds at a kick, while penalty killers will often try to change after 20 or 30 seconds...

  6. Why would anyone want to cut away from the end of a close finish to see the kickoff and first three commercials of a game just starting...?


    The only time they do cut away is when the team playing at 4:XX is in that market.


    i.e. Bills/Dolphins run long on CBS-Indianapolis, at 4:14 they'll cut away from that to show Colts/Broncos as the late afternoon game. For me, on CBS-Philadelphia, I will get the rest of the Bills/Dolphins game...which is what the vast majority of people would prefer, they can't guess that I'm an out of market fan, nor would I expect them to...

  7. Re: immediate above discussion about players getting love/no love.


    I have started compiling a list of AP NFL MVP voting results from old newspapers and other sources in preparation for a best QB of all-time list. Obivously, MVP votes are just a small part of a much larger puzzle, but I believe it to be a good piece to have. It's surprisingly unavailable out there. I wonder if the spreadsheet I've started to compile is the most complete list out there - I doubt it, but I just have never seen anything more...


    I've been a part of some of the best and most in-depth research for hockey history and have been a part of some really great lists, but never done that with football before...and am slowly trying to put it together...


    Anyway...how about those Jaguars...Marquise Lee n'at...*cough*

  8. Yeah, that's why I looked up the games played thing and thought, 'well, this surely won't be close...I guess he meant age or something...'


    But I was astounded to realize that it was so close. I never would have guessed in a million years after watching Brady play at Michigan and even his first 3, 4, 5 years in the league, I would have never guessed he was going to be anything more than an above average starter at best...a heavy-footed QB with no ability to throw down the field and a little slow on his release...he had backup QB written all over him coming out, he was even selected in the "backup QB round"...hard to fathom that he got to this point. Credit to the coaching staff for developing a player that, in my opinion, if he was almost anywhere else in the league, would have never surfaced anywhere close to what he did...and I don't say that as a knock, it's really a testament to that team and that group there. This was not a layup 1st overall pick that was going to be good almost no matter what, this was a project pick that hit the mega bonus super bucks lotto...

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