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Posts posted by BPindy

  1. 7 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    Basically yelling shows emotion, it shows passion, it shows you care about what you are doing and you are trying to get the best out of yourself and your teammates. I want a fiery, passionate leader if I'm getting led, and likewise, if I'm leading the charge, I'm going to be leading with that same emotion and passion to get the best out my teammates. If you are tough enough to play football, then a little yelling shouldn't cause you to break down. Instead, it should drive to do better and fight for your team, fight for your leader, and win the day.


    Luck isn't passionate as most people think, IMO. He treats football like a hobby and a game instead of War. You are out to outscore the other team and win. This is taking a group of 53 men and beating another group of 53 men. This is a strategy game, Luck is the leader, he needs to be a leader of men, someone like Peyton Manning that leads by example and the other players can follow.


    No more of this snowflake generation crap. There's no participation trophy, there's no prize for 2nd. When these players are on the field, you aren't friends, you aren't hanging out at the movies, you are fighting for your honor, your coaches honor, your QB's honor, and your cities honor. Be men, and destroy the other team. Work together to accomplish your goals. These men of the past were so revered because of their intensity. A good number of them were less talented then the players of today, but their intensity and passion drove them. Peyton had those Qualities as well. I don't see it in Luck or this Colts team.


    Yelling is a way to show passion, but it's not the only way. I'm not one to get in people's face or yell, but I have a tremendous amount of passion for my career and my peers are well aware. The attitude you carry in to the building, the extra work you put in - that says a lot more to me than just getting angry and yelling at a guy that already knows he screwed up. 


    Im not saying it never works, because I do believe it could light a fire under certain people when used correctly. But just because Luck doesn't use that style of leadership does not mean he isn't a good leader or he treats football as a "hobby"

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