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Posts posted by austriancolt

  1. It's just a huge gamble. Holmes played only a few snaps. Thomas is coming back from a season ending injury and is a questionmark too and Grigson so far has done not very much to improve the Offensive Line which was a weak part the last years. I'm not saying Grigson is a god or a bust in my opinion it is just a bit risky to hope that Holmes, Lance Louis etc. can give us a top 15 Oline. Especially because we struggled to protect Luck and also sucked with their power running Offense and we invested a first round pick in TRich... 

  2. Analysis on Holmes from NFL.COM


    ANALYSIS STRENGTHS  Tenacious player who gets after any defensive lineman in his path – and teammates who aren’t getting the job done. Sustains blocks through the whistle and takes his man backwards and drives them to the ground regularly. Quick feet for his size, can reach second-level targets or get out in front of screens. Hustles to help either guard, or both on the same play, when uncovered. Good mover on zone plays. Uses his hands and bulk to move his man out of the hole. Usually anchors even when his man gets his hands up quickly after the snap. Good student, has already graduated with a double major of classics and communication. WEAKNESSES  Taller than the average center, doesn’t sit into his stance as low as many in the pivot. Must play with more knee bend, overextends at the waist while engaged and ends up on the ground too often. Does not always recognize inside blitzes, attacks a lineman and allows linebacker to come through the middle without an attempt to slow him down. NFL COMPARISON  Brian De La Puente BOTTOM LINE

     This tall, physical, mobile, and intelligent interior lineman first snapped for quarterback Matt Barkley first at Mater Dei High School in California, and then for the Trojans in 2011 and 2012 after starting at guard as a sophomore. Holmes dealt with ankle and leg injuries all season, and the Trojans interior offensive line took a huge step back without him. The senior will need to prove his health since he projects best to a heavy zone blocking scheme.



    That Holmes is struggling with injurys concerns me a lot!

  3. Grigson is again gambling with our offensive line if you ask me. Holmes may have the talent to be a good starting center but hasn't played a snap yet, Thomas is coming back from a serious injury, Thornton struggled but also showed some promise so he is still a questionmark. All in all too much uncertainty in a crucial area for the colts that struggled in pass protection and run blocking. I really hope I'm wrong but I expect another year of awful Offensive Line play. 

  4. Donald Thomas ist coming back from a season ending injury, Hugh Thornton flashed some talent but is still a questionmark and at Center we have Khaled Holmes who missed his rookie season and Phil Costa who played not many games the last two years. I see a lot of questionsmarks right now still if both Thornton and Thomas prove to be good starters we are just one injury away from old troubles. I hope we can sign another quality veteran Center (DLP, Mack...) and draft another Guard with one of our first picks. 

  5. + Arthur Jones (my favourite signing)

    + Hakeem Nicks (huge upgrade over DHB and good value for the money we pay him)


    -  Phil Costa (even if he is just for depth I don't like him, if he competes with Holmes for the starting position it would be a huge gamble)

    - D'Qwell Jackson (an aging MLB who struggles in run support, imo the money we spend on him could have been used better)

  6. We can't pay to have top players at every position.


    Yes you are right you can't have pro bowlers at every position. BUT the Offensive Line is major problem since years, Colts traded a first rounder for Richardson and talked all season long that they are a power running Offense and struggled heavily and you have a high rated franchise QB who is constantly under pressure. I think you have to get the best guy even if it means you have to spend a lot of money on him. What the Colts need right now is a difference maker on the O-line. Holmes is maybe a good and talented guy but he missed his rookie season and relying on him and Costa would be a huge gamble in my eyes.

  7. When will people board the Fire Grigson train?


    I think it is a critical offseason for Grigson. If he can't improve the Offensive Line again this year who knows if not Jim Irsay boards the train himself!!! Our Offense stands and falls with our Offensive Line. If we can't protect Luck our passing game will suffer and probably Luck sooner or later will be injured. We gave up a first round pick for Richardson last year and if we are again struggling to run the ball... well... that wouldn't be to good. So I think Offensive Line is very critical this year for us and Grigson. What we need is a Center that is a sure thing... 

  8. If you say so! When you've been beat resort to"I know ya are, but what am I" 6 yr. old argument. What some here are doing are not opinions, its just stupidity!


    Oh. right. Are you a member of the argument police so that you can judge what is a real argument, opinion and what is stupidity? Because the truth is you are acting like a 6 year old. But oviously you are lacking self reflection...

  9. Its amazing to me that no matter what the Colts do, people here will always find something to whine and cry about. Last week we got rid is Satele, everybody's happy and said any center would be an upgrade. The Colts sign a center and all of a sudden he's worse than Satele. People here are ridiculous and I think some just may be down right stupid.


    Do you know that's the purpose of a FORUM? That people can share their thoughts, ideas and different opinions? Right? 

  10. We lack quality AND depth on our Offensive Line! That's the reason why our franchise QB is under pressure, that's the reason why our running game sucks and you just can't fix it with some cheap average players. At some point you just have to invest some serious dollars in your Offensive Line. Mack would upgrade the whole line and if it is somehow doable i would say pay the man (or DLP or DS)! But if they think they can again rely on some cheap average guys to improve run game and pass protection they will fail again. 

  11. I'm a bit disappointed because so far the Colts did nothing to improve the Offensive line. And I fear Grigson and the Colts will rely on guys like McGlynn and cheap, average players. But that's not gonna fix our problems!


    I love the signing of Arthur Jones and that Vontae Davis is back with the team, don't understand why they keep Greg Toler and while Bradshaw is a decent back (if cheap) I expect both to land on IR again at midseason. I really like Adam Vinatieri and I'm glad he is back but I also fear we are spending a lot of cash on a 41 year old kicker. Money we could need for other positions. 


    I hate the Jackson signing, because we spend a lot of money on an aging MLB who in my eyes is only average. Cutting Satele was a no brainer! Nice to have Pat McAffee back, he is fun and a great punter!

  12. Wow, what a brave move by Michael Sam but I fear he will have a tough time on the field. I wouldn't mind if the Colts draft him as long as he can produce on the turf. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, it's as natural as being straight and it's not a lifestyle that somebody choose out of curiosity or tediousness. I grew up and live in one of the most conservative parts of my country, raised as roman catholic who left the church with 14 years. I'm straight but I absolutely have no problem with equal rights for homosexuals. It won't be a big issue in the locker room if the guys act like grown and intelligent men. It's not like he is going to rape someone under the shower, chances are high they already showered and spent time together with some gay people and you all probably have too. It's not a big deal only stupid people make it that. 

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