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Everything posted by RollerColt

  1. Yeah the Sean Payton experience is going swimmingly… if by swimmingly I mean the Broncos are attached to cinder blocks drowning in a pond…
  2. The Ravens were who we thought they were. And we let ‘em off the hook!
  3. Packers have come back to take the lead against the Saints. Saints choked away a 17-0 lead.
  4. There were some really positive things to gather from this game despite the loss. And it could always be worse! We could be Jax thinking we’re a contender and then getting our behinds handed to us by Houston LOL!
  5. With everything considered, including having some key guys out due to injury, that was a great team effort for the first half! And taking away that extra timeout was very crucial to keep the Ravens from even thinking about attacking at the end. Good job Colts!
  6. That’s good to hear. Even a remnant tropical system can be dangerous!
  7. Indeed. Low scoring but it’s a good game. A lot of chess work going on.
  8. They were also intending to get a delay of game penalty to move the kick back. Much easier to make from that distance because it’s more of a straight shot instead of an angle.
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