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Posts posted by ColtRider

  1. 16 hours ago, bzg44 said:

    I'm a former Rams fan that will now be following the Colts.  I've made a few trips over the years to Pacers games and I really have enjoyed spending time in Indianapolis.  I was always a Colts fan before St. Louis got the Rams and now I'm back. I'll probably travel to 1-2 games per year as I love the live NFL atmosphere.  


    So first things first, what are we looking at this offseason?  What is the consensus on what is needed in the first round of the draft?  What do I need to know about this team as a newcomer?  Thanks and I look forward to reading up on the team in the next few months before the draft.






    Read the forum extensively. All of the Colts football & related sections. Read the history of the team on your search engine. That'll give you a good start. When you're ready & comfortable, begin posting. Welcome to the Colts! Looking forward to conversing with you.

  2. 2 hours ago, SteelCityColt said:


    It's like all relationships, there will be differing things you can and can't say/do to people. Some players might react well to a chewing out, but only if you've got their respect and that has to be earned. I think if you walk in day one being hard butt you'll alienate more than you'll win over.


    Leadership in sport is a fascinating subject for me, the psychology, the management techniques, they're not skills unique to football certainly. I agree too that for all his faults, Pagano seemed to be an excellent leader and have the respect of his players. 


    Honestly with all the coaching changes we're seeing, the rumors and connecting the dots in between, I'm not surprised there were issues this season if the players were siding with Pagano and knew he was having arms tied behind his back on such things as picking the starters.


    How do you handle that as a coach? The player in question probably knows you want him to be the starter, the other players probably know, and they also know you've been overruled. Talk about undermining a man's position. 


    Excellent post, SCC!

  3. 14 hours ago, IndyD4U said:

    I feel like we're assembling the "Dream Team" of coaching staffs... 


    Yeah, I went there :) 


    It sure is one heck of a start towards that goal. You never know, we just may already have that capability. Just needs some exercising. We'll see. 


    You were not the only one to think this, IndyD4U. Crossed my mind as well. :) 

  4. 2 hours ago, krunk said:

    Now lets get Donnie Henderson signed as the DBs coach!


    I know you've been suggesting Donnie Henderson (Bills LB coach since 2013). He's got a very impressive resume for the last decade & beyond. I did some digging and didn't realize he's from the Herm Edwards tree. Very intriguing. He also has a ring from SB XXXV. 


    Got anything else on him, krunk? 

  5. Just now, ricker182 said:

    I've been hearing this for awhile now.  

    I'll believe it when I see it.  

    I DO believe this is a step in the right? direction. At least we're trying.  

    A for effort.


    I haven't. You're exactly correct. We'll believe it when we see it. And yes, it's a GREAT step in the right direction. We are trying. The defense IS going to change. The OL will be evaluated on a much critical aspect than years past. All for the better. I'd bet on it. Let's see how things go. All I see now is positives coming in every direction. That's a great thing. A necessary thing. It's been a long time since I've seen such shake ability in this organization at one time.

  6. 2 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Well they didn't hire him as a head coach or even a coordinator.  They hired him to coach the o-line and his history as just an o-line coach is impressive.   


    Yes sir, GC8818. Right to the point. You know, a couple of days ago I was speaking in a conference call with many of contacts I have throughout other NFL cities, especially the AFC. The consensus after speaking to them was "a serious threat to the NFL powerhouses" seems to have been established in Indianapolis with the sweeping changes at the coaching positions. Now, with the addition of Philbin as OL chief it confirms that assumption IMO.


    I've posted this because it certainly directs the arrowed explanation of seriousness. Things are about to change Colts fans. On a large scale. The Achilles heel for Indy has always been laid at the feet of defense & the offensive line for quite a long time. These changes recently have reached the attention of many, many NFL fans on a "concerned" level of fright. 


    We just may have launched the rocket in the correct direction. Let's see how fast, accurate, and deadly these moves may prove to be.

  7. On January 14, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Cynjin said:


    I don't know if it's too soon or not, but the fans will make their choices and some will probably choose to cheer for the Colts.


    Think you hit this on the proverbial head. Seems as though we have some interested Rams fans looking in our direction. I'd welcome each & every one to the Colts family with open arms. And, how could you not argue that point with ...


    A great city. A great franchise & owner that WANTS to win along with the BEST fans in the NFL. A forum that's dedicated to every one of these causes. If it sounds like I'm trying to beat our drum? ...


    Yeah, that's what I'm doing. 

  8. 34 minutes ago, RecoveringRam said:

    That is very true honestly and I am one of many of them. I know a lot of Rams fans, many even diehard ones but they way this has all gone down has soured a lot of them. In fact I do not know of one Rams fan in the area (I live on the IL side of STL) that is not looking for a new team. It's not just sour grapes either. If I were a San Diego or Oakland fan and they moved I would stick with the team. They are in bad stadiums and have looked to get new ones for years. Heck the Dome in STL is only 20 years old and the Chargers have been trying to get a new stadium for the last 15. They would probably kill to have gotten a stadium like the Dome in San Diego but nothing has happened and most likely nothing was ever going to happen for them. The combination of the Dome only being 20 years old, the fact that the team has been so bad for so long but still had solid fan support, the way the ownership has lied to the fans for almost a decade now about wanting to stay, the refusal to do anything to get a new stadium here while the city is spending millions to try and make that happen and the blatant lies they put in their report to the NFL that totally trashed the city and fans scorched the earth so badly that very few are willing to stick with them.


    My best friend, who was the biggest Rams fan you could imagine for years now, and his wife are going colts and my wife and I are really considering it vs. KC or TN who are the 3 closest to us. Honestly I really liked the Colts attempt to reach out to Rams fans. So Colts fans, what would you say to someone who is on the fence? How is the game experience? A lot of bandwagon fans who drop off if the team is struggling or are they pretty solid regardless? Anything else that would make the trip to Indy for a game worth while?


    What would we say to someone who is on the fence? You've already received your answer from the Colts organization. Here's one fan's answer : Get in here! Glad to have you guys! The game experience at Lucas Oil is phenomenal. Bar none. Friendly atmosphere & surroundings. 


    Oh yeah, your last sentence. The Colts are revamping this team to be a powerhouse over the next decade. You probably already know that. What better way to enjoy your new NFL team experience than ride the jet to a couple Super Bowls in the not so distant future? 


    I welcome you to our family of "O N E" & wish you guys all the success you should've already been enjoying with our franchise. 

  9. 31 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:

    Wouldn't St. Louis Ram's fans be more likely to turn to Kansas City?


    Seems like the most logical place.  Closest team geographically, in the same state, an AFC team (so not a team that they learned to hate while fans of the NFC St. Louis Rams).


    Seems much more logical then being Colts fans for them.  What in the world would connect the people in St. Louis to Indiana or Indianapolis other then the fact that according to Wikipedia they also use the word Hoosier a lot.  (But to them a Hoosier is a lazy person)


    Well Valpo2004, it may be much more logical. But, whoever said that NFL fans are logical when it comes to supporting their favorite teams? I'm from New Orleans, live in the Cincy area, and have been a fan of the Colts since 1965. Figure that one out. :) 

  10. 5 hours ago, Pelt said:

    I don't believe the Colts, specifically Irsay, cares about the cheeziness of this gesture. It's merely a business move to jump on an opportunity for another revenue stream.


    Absolutely. And, there's nothing wrong with that. Nothing.

  11. 9 minutes ago, wig said:

    Unfortunate.  I thought the Steelers would win the SB, under the assumption their best players would remain healthy.


    Even with the Steelers healthy, I'm afraid they'd have a very tough time with the teams they are about to face anyway. On the road, great defenses & offenses. Not to say they couldn't pull it off, but the likelihood of a SB victory for them? I would've given them a 15% chance at most given the NFC teams if they made it to the SB.

  12. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    When Peyton goes out a SB Champion I cant wait to read all the excuses Steelers and Pats fans have in the offseason. They all will also have to take back all of their stupid choke comments about Peyton. At that point 9 1 and done's doesn't even matter if you have won 2 Ring's and been to 4 SB's.


    That would be great. Hope you're correct, 06CBE. A lot of things have to happen. 3 HUGE games for that prediction to come true.

  13. 13 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I'm not sure it's clear that we'll draft a running back at all....


    And if we do,  I'm not sure it will be early.....


    There's always free agency....   late picks....   or un-drafted free agents....


    If we're going to use a high pick on a running back,  then 2017 is the year to do it,  not 2016.




    Throw the house @ Leonard Fournette in '17 if he's healthy & willing/able. A lot can happen in a season or two. Let's see. Wouldn't mind a bit to acquire him some way if not the draft.

  14. 22 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    Here below is the official policy-



    Here below is game day concussion diagnosis and management-



    Essentially, when a player is determined to have a concussion, he must be managed properly and pass 5 steps before returning to play.  To keep it short they are-


    Rest and recovery. Players may stretch and work on their balance, but they don’t work out beyond that. In addition, they’re advised against spending time on computers, any electronic device and social media. They don’t take part in team meetings. Once symptoms have completely subsided, the player again performs more comprehensive neuropsychological tests.

    Light aerobic exercise. Under supervision of the team’s medical staff, the player can start cardiovascular exercise, such as riding a stationary bike and using a treadmill, and work on more dynamic stretching and balancing. The workload is increased gradually and halted entirely if concussion-related symptoms recur. Players can attend team meetings and study film.

    Continued aerobic exercise, introduction of strength training. Building gradually on the work of step 2, the player can start weight training.

    Football-specific work. The player adds non-contact football drills, such as throwing, catching and running to his repertoire of exercise. No contact allowed with other players, tackling dummies or sleds.

    Full football activity, full clearance. The player resumes practicing with the team, with no limitations. Once the team physician clears him to complete, the player is examined by the independent neurological consultant, who also reviews any relevant neurological tests.


    Here is the NFL page explaining more-



    And Antonio Brown has not progressed quickly enough to be ready for the game, and is out.



    I guess Adam Jones owes us all a public apology now.


    It certainly appears that way, doesn't it? Wonder if Jones will comment? 

  15. 1 hour ago, coltsva said:

    Let's not forget the easy interception dropped by Quentin Coryatt that would have sealed the game. Ugh


    This! Oh man, this. Felt like someone punched me in the gut when Coryatt dropped that ball. In all likelihood, a pick 6 & game over. Also, what many people don't remember about that play was, on the very next play after the drop O'Donnell hit a 37 pass to set up the TD.



  16. On January 13, 2016 at 0:28 PM, Steamboat_Shaun said:

    I think the "this is Luck's Xth coordinator in X years," is somewhat of a played out narrative, he's not the type to have any issues learning a new playbook. He's practically a genius, and could probably learn a new offense in his sleep. It's the other 10 guys on offense not being on the same page as him that I'm worried about.


    That probably seems like splitting hairs, but the real concern shouldn't be Luck's ability to adapt to a new OC. And as far as Chud goes, I really can't say for sure what his intentions are, but if he really wanted a HC gig, this would've been a great year to throw his hat in the mix. Plenty of vacancies. But he signed with the Colts instead, and I thought it was for 4 years (not 100% on that), so I do believe he'll be here for the next 2 seasons, minimum.


    SS, during some of the latter games when Chudzinski took over as OC, I saw Andrew Luck's eyes & face light up like a Christmas tree on the sidelines. If that's any indication of how his adaptation to Chud's new up & coming playbook is designed, I'm quite confident we'll see that look again.

  17. On January 13, 2016 at 0:34 PM, Superman said:

    If the offense does well, Chud will be a hot candidate. There's no question about that. He's already viewed around the league as a sympathetic figure, a coach who got fired very prematurely by a dysfunctional organization. I think teams will be eager to interview him.


    Maybe he's learned the value of choosing wisely, though. He was a Browns fan growing up, so that job had some allure to him, but I doubt he'll be willing to take just any job moving forward. I bet he'll be interested in the stability of ownership and management, he'll be interested in their QB situation, etc. 


    The Colts should have a good succession plan in place. I fear that that plan involves Christensen moving up to OC if/when Chud takes another job. Christensen ought to know the Air Coryell stuff as well as Luck by now, having worked with Arians and now with Chud. And the old Manning/Moore stuff had vestiges of the vertical offense. So it's a logical progression. The problem is that Christensen was a bad coordinator. He had bad QBs and an unfavorable situation and a bad head coach, but our head coach still isn't good on offense. Coaches get better sometimes, but I'd rather not have Christensen running the offense.


    As for the Steve Smith stuff, I always felt that was unfair. They ran a good offense with Chud, and that's the primary consideration. They had an athletic QB who was still developing as a passer, and Chud accentuated his strengths while not asking him to do things he wasn't really good at. When Cam was a rookie, they were 5th in scoring, and Tolbert wasn't even there yet. Cam got a lot of goal line TDs instead of the backs, which caused some frustration. The next year, Tolbert didn't get a ton of touches, but he still had 7 TDs. They platooned their backs and Cam got a lot of carries, but they still had a decent rushing defense. I thought Smith's frustration came from not getting a lot of red zone looks and TD opportunities.


    Beautiful post, MOS! Right on the money as usual. I'll add that the Air Coryell stuff doesn't bother me as a generic. The mix of the West Coast on a lower level combined with the AC system points toward the "Slice & Dice" offenses that do so well in this league. I'm very much looking forward to see how Chud incorporates various branches of these. With Andrew 100% healthy @ the start of next season, it should be fun to watch.

  18. 35 minutes ago, The Old Crow said:

    I am heading out of Boston today, the home of the evil empire. I was a block from Gillette Stadium and it almost burned my eyes out. Heading back to the safe confines of Baltimore. 


    As for NOLA, best food around. Went to Coops Place, the Gumbo Shop, among many other haunts. Caught the Crew the Boo parade. Easy living down there. 




    OC, whenever you get back to NOLA try Acme Oyster House, Brennan's, House of Seafood in Bush, La., Cafe-Du-Monde, Willie Mae's, Rip's on the North Shore, & just about anything in the French Quarter. I never want to go back home after spending a week in New Orleans. :) 

  19. 2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    From everything Ive seen and heard from Andrew he wanted Chuck back. I think that could've been why Irsay brought him back. Most of the players wanted Chuck back actually.


    The realism with the team's performance problems, especially the mistakes i.e. penalties & TOs, scheming, etc. are laid at the feet of mostly the HC. However, the former OC, DC, & PCs in this case concerning the Colts are arguably the source of the 2015-16 season finish @ 8-8. The directive of shifting responsibility has now changed. Hopefully, for the better. 

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