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Dr. Guildo

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Posts posted by Dr. Guildo

  1. Carey's "analysis" of that play was egregiously irresponsible. 


    He must have Andre Johnson on his fantasy team.


    How he could be that convinced makes me really wonder about officiating.  He didn't even think there was a remote possibility that it could be a fumble. 

    I don't even think he saw the slow motion replay before blurting out it was incomplete. I'm glad the people back in New York get to look at the plays too because the refs are bad. 

  2. Hmm, it'd be funny if I posted this exact same thread on a Houston Texans forum and they all say it's incomplete, lol.

    One of the Texan's forum was funny because their fans were sure the Reggie pass was going to be ruled a catch because in their words "they never get any calls." The Johnson play was the end for them with one guy calling Carey's opinion "doodoo." I love seeing what other fans think about calls in games.

  3. Don't pass on Luck? Even when you can have Peyton Manning?

    Honestly I would have loved keeping Manning and trading the pick. Feel we would be in multiple Super Bowls. Don't think Luck will ever be better than Manning. JMO.

    He has the potential to be so much better. In order to clear cap space they would have had to dump a ton of players with it, and draft picks are no guarantee to work out. So I'm fine because we stand as a much more solid all around team. Not one dude.

  4. Man, why? Why do this? He's not the best qb. Even today he left too many plays out on the field and had too many incompletions. This thread is a jinx

    It must be tiring logging into one of you 10 accounts to act like a buffoon on a daily basis.

  5. Yeah. The really good teams overcome bad calls though. I don't like blaming the referees for stuff but sometimes it is just a sin not to :)

    You don't want to blame the refs, but ripping them for bad calls no matter if they help... or hurt you team is cathartic. 

  6. I was obviously a baby during the Marino years, so I can't say I've ever experienced the height of the Bills-Dolphins rivalry (that and the entire 70s and 80s). Obviously it feels good to beat them but it's hard to get that passion and hatred against them when both teams have been below average for the past decade and neither team has been playing for much of anything.


    Because of how the AFC East has panned out the last few years, 98% of my division hatred has gone to the Patriots and Jets. Still think the Jets losing to the Chargers 31-0 this past weekend was hilarious.

    Buffalo is my darkhorse this year speaking of being a qb away. I hope Manuel can be that guy... but at least we know the team is staying put.

  7. He had the quietest 223 yard performance ever.


    Guy just makes plays!

    Slow start, but he has made up for that in a big way. No he will never be a true number 1, hehe. I think with games like this there should be no doubt who is truly numero uno around here.

  8. Meh, it didn't have to be him. Arian was picking up yards by the barrel and our offense was clicking. A fumble eliminates the chance of anything happening though of course.

    Yeah, a couple of bad breaks... and that pass interference against the Texans was another bad call by the refs who screw up week after week with no ramifications.

  9. How about being within one last minute fumble of a game-winning drive? Yeah I'm definitely delusional.

    You have faith that Fitz could lead a game winning drive. The man has an epic beard, but I foresaw exactly what happened go down.

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