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Dr. Guildo

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Posts posted by Dr. Guildo

  1. If they cared about the viewers @ home watching on tv, the roof should only be open for select night gms. I hate watching games with all those shadows


    Your shtick is getting old, amigo. It is a beautiful fall afternoon here in Indy so suck it up buttercup.

  2. There could be 2 reasons for this change:

    1. Shipley is in the Coaches Doghouse.


    2. Grigson and Pagano want to create the idea that if you perform well in practice, then you deserve to start. In this case, Harrison was playing well in practice and he was probably deemed to have worked hard enough to start.

    What could the guy have done to get into their dog house play too good? 

  3. He's a dirty player and that was a cheap hit, regardless if it was a flop.


    Yeah. I'm sure that you'd be able to stay on your feet if a 300+ pound guy chest bumped you above your center of gravity while you were standing on one foot, reaching up to unsnap your helmet all while looking in the opposite direction.

    You people take some things way too seriously around here & it really is the biggest turnoff coming to the forum. As it happened during the game people were laughing because even though the guy should have never been near Luck there was a bit of acting going on there too.

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