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Dr. Guildo

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Posts posted by Dr. Guildo

  1. The o-line is one thing that has impressed me the most with Shipley & Mewehort being standouts. Trent Richardson has the most yards of any member of the offense rushing/receiving as noted in another thread. I think Werner would have had a safety on Bortles if not for a poorly timed penalty on someone else. Now I will be glad when Freeman returns because we need him to help get some more big play on defense.  

  2. That's awesome to read. I've been a fan since '84 when they came to town, saw many a game at the Hoosier Dome, but still haven't seen a game at Lucas since I moved away... Can't wait 'till I do!

    I live not far from LOS & have yet to go because some of those games in the early 90's were rough. The best seat is still the one in my house.

  3. It was noted this morning on ESPN by guys like Mike Golic and Cris Carter that there are guys on ALL 32 TEAMS who don't like either their head coach, or their position coach, or maybe the GM.


    And if you're a member of the media and happen to catch them at the right time, they'll be willing to say some provocative comments, but OFF THE RECORD.


    In other words,  it shouldn't be a surprise that there are players who don't like Jim Harbaugh.


    There are likely players on Seattle who don't like Pete Carroll.


    And there are likely players who were on New England's Super Bowl teams who didn't like Bill Belicheck.


    And there are likely guys on the current Indianapolis Colts who don't like Chuck Pagano.


    You can't get that many people concentrated in one place and all very competitive and make everyone happy.


    Someone is going to be * off...    maybe several someones.....    hey, it just happens.


    As the policemen like to say......    "Nothing to see here....   move along, folks....   move along..."


    Just sayin.....


    There are a lot of people who hate Pete with myself included. The guy is flat out lying when telling people he never would have gone pro if he knew there would be sanctions against USC. I believe that he knew they were coming & that is why he ran. I'm also not surprised he & Jim Harbaugh have issue because they are both a lot alike in the sense that they will use whatever means to win football games even looking the other way when players have issues. 

  4. I'm sure I'm alone here but I enjoyed the game. And no I'm not glutten for punishment :) .  I just enjoy football.


    It the Pats were sloppy- ie: a lot of penalties, undisciplined,  etc then I would be upset. But the Chiefs were good and as a football fan you have to the admire that. The Pats were ok too -just the Chiefs were 5 times better that day:)


    You thought the they were ok? The Chiefs were great while the fans were loud but the Patriots just flat out stunk.

  5. What an Experience! Drove from NY (12 Hours) as attended 1st NFL game ever as Colt fan since the early 70's. Nice to see the Colts crush Titans on 9/28.The fans were GREAT! and welcoming as mentioned from NY and 1st game. Touchdown Town was cool as meet Jeff Herrod/Cheerleaders. Lucas Oil Stadium is AWESOME as was in Sec 117 Row 11. Nice talking to Colt fans and spend, spend, spend at Colts Pro Shop. Now to plan another game.

    Glad to hear you had a good time here in Indy. You couldn't have picked a better day weatherwise for it & to top it all off we got a big win. As others have said come back to take in the city along with the surrounding areas which are pretty awesome during the fall. The leaves will be changing soon.

  6. Trent is always compared to players he has no business being compared to. Last year he was the next Lynch, this year he has been compared to Forte and McCoy, not because Trent has ever accomplished anything but because those 2 who have accomplished things are now struggling.

    You are basing Trent's so called current success on the same flawed logic that was used to call him a success his rookie season. You hand him the ball enough he will accumulate yards, but if you give an average back the same amount of touches then he will most likely accumulate more.

    Its like 2 guys claiming they make $1000 a week. One guy works 40 hours to get his money, the other guy works 70, they both get the same but it takes one guy a lot longer to get his.

    No one was even comparing him to anyone but throwing out numbers for this year. I think it pains you to say anything positive about any member of this team let alone Trent. So the time has come to put up some real info or gtho.

  7. I'll admit, he's been valuable as Andrew Luck's safety value in the receiving game. But, aside from the occasional good run, he's been very 'Richardsonian' at a meager 3.3 yards-per-carry, and THAT my friends is not why we traded a #1 pick to get him.

    McCoy is averaging 2.7 with a few less yards. A lot of people were high on that guy coming into the season after leading the league last year. You wouldn't complain if they gave up a pick for him would you?

  8. http://www.foxsports.com/south/photos/nfl-s-biggest-disappointments-at-the-quarter-pole-mark-092914#img_0



    Okay, a Foxsports top ten list has the "sun shade problem" at LOS as one of the top ten disappointments after 4 games, along with things like the Jags being thin at running back.


    They even said that it was an unfair advantage and the Colts should not be allowed to host 1:00pm games on sunny days.  LOL, smh.

    Makes me think of this if only the word cloud was crossed out & sun added.


  9. I feel like BB lost his edge, he has been drafting a lot of bad defensive players over the last few years except Mayo.

    I thought so to. I know Bill is pretty well known for not saying much during press conferences but last night seemed more telling than anytime in the past. It is almost like he has become used to doing what he does with no questions at all & now he is having to answer for it. The most interesting response or non response was when asked about the qb situation.


  10. Im guessing he means they can't play music out loud on blutooth speakers, which I would agree with. Since the players walk on and off the plane with headphones. And the cards is probably a gambling thing.

    It seems like a couple of small reasons to be mad at the coach for but I think this is only the beginning of things to come out about Harbaugh. I'm kind of shocked about that but no one seems to have anything good to say about him. As far as the gambling thing goes I agree with him not letting it happen on team time. It is a slippery slope & if players will bet on cards who knows what else they will do. They can wait until they get home for that. 



    Why would they want to get rid of him? Just cause they don't like his techniques? They win tho.


    Unfortunately (if you believe the story) those people who are disgruntled will probably win out in the end & when the next guy shows no willingness to discipline them the problems with that team will become apparent. They have shown so much promise in years past too.


  11. I agree that changes must be made on NE's line & because of their difficulty to protect tonight you can't put a rookie QB in there. Doing that would destroy Jimmy's psyche & make his regress backwards. 


    " Luck throwing for 400 yards +. " You mentioned Luck yourself sir that's why I said what I said. 

    Everyone starts somewhere. If you play sports & fear causes you to regress you might need to find a new gig.


    The whole Colts comment was an answer to what you said but I digress about the team. So I didn't start that.

  12. Yes, some people may not be pleased, but that is true with nearly everything. Regarding Peterson's future with the Vikings, I see no reason why they should not bring him back if he's paid his dues and can still play at a high level. He was very well liked in the community and on his team. He sent an inspirational text message to Coach Zimmer before the game yesterday, which Zimmer read to the team. The players, including Bridgewater, said the message meant a lot to them.

    What makes you believe he has seen his last days with the Vikings? I just want to know if there is something you read or heard that gives you that impression. Thanks.

    When all of the problems he has first came up there was a lot of talk about the team parting ways for a variety of reasons. The charges against him & the bad publicity that has been going around the league & the fact that Adrian is not getting any younger. The guy is on the verge of turning 30 which is when most backs start to fall off. The only saving grace for him could turn out to be that contract he signed which is a big one.

  13. BB is not benching Brady with the Bengals coming up. Jimmy G's head would spin with that defense coming at him. It's way too early to even think about removing Tom. Nate Solder played like crap tonight too. Let's not gloss over that either. I do see any Drew Bledsoe parallel examples either if that's what you're driving at. Jimmy isn't prepared to take over. No way; no how. 


    You cannot assume or expect Luck to duplicate that KC Playoff performance with an encore. If we can't run effectively in the post season, INDY is dead in the water. Bradshaw I have faith in; TR not so much...


    "Brady...was making bad choices...all year long" NE is 2-2 & until we get to week 8; no honest assessment can really be made of Brady's QB performance IMO or any QB for that matter. 

    Brady's head will spin like Regan's head did in The Exorcist with the defense coming at him like he did tonight. Fumbles, picks, and all the same mistakes included. That is if some major changes are not made whether in the o-line or the qb or both. the defense is horrid too. I can make an assessment & will say that team is lucky to have any wins. 

    I'm not sure what the Colts have to do with the topic.

  14. I will admit that Brady had an off night, but a 3 time SB Champion is entitled to a pass or mulligan exemption IMO. WR Edelman stopped running on 1 route which resulted in 1 turnover. 


    1 TD by a 2nd string QB does not remove a soon to be HOF QB who has played in 5 SBs Skelly come on now.  Could you imagine INDY's lackluster running game against the Chiefs tonight? Yikes. 

    Getting benched is a product of the whole season & in fact Brady has something in common with another benched player named EJ Manuel in that the two of them have the lowest completion percentages in the NFL when throwing for 5 yards or more. Brady is at a paltry 43% with Manuel at 40%. That won't change much tonight & the mulligan has been used up. The Edelman deal is odd because there were a few plays I saw in which he forced the ball in there when Gronkowski was wide open for a short throw. Brady flat out was making bad choices as he has all year long. 

    Our running game wouldn't be an issue against KC because the team would be passing more like they did in the playoff game with Luck throwing for 400 yards +. of course the lack of Charles at the beginning changed that game. The two teams could meet again this year.

  15. Do you honestly think Jimmy G. would give NE a better change to win? I don't care what QB NE put in tonight the result would have been the exact same thing Skelly. 


    Arrowhead is a bottleneck stadium designed to hold maximum sound in a concentrated pocket & Chandler Jones with the exception of 1 play was held in check & contained all night. 


    John Gruden said it perfectly tonight. If you give Brady a clean pocket, he will pick you apart all night. Brady is not all washed up & Alex Smith is not that darn good trust me. 


    I have never seen the Pats running game stopped dead in it's tracks like that either. A credit to KC's hustle to the ball. Once the running game got immobilized, Brady had to take risks & the turnovers happened. 


    Why did NE not try more blitzing late in the game? Yeah, I realize the danger of 1 on 1 coverage down the field, but you need to hit Smith & force him off his spot. Yes, I know he can run but after the 3rd TD, NE's got go after Smith just to stay alive in the game. 

    If you seen the game tonight Brady had 150 something yards with 40+ coming on one play. Brady had time to make some throws but was either overthrowing or under throwing everyone all night & it isn't a one game deal. The best passes he threw were to the other team. I don't know if a permanent change is needed or not but when Jimmy came in they did score immediately. 

  16. I think you misunderstood what GoPats was saying......or maybe I've misunderstood you. No big deal either way. Relax.

    You are right. I misread the both comments & for whatever reason I missed that Luck was included in the original list. 

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