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Dr. Guildo

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Posts posted by Dr. Guildo

  1. You and I see YouTube and ESPN completely differently.


    Night and Day.


    Not saying my way is right and your way is wrong -- only that it's completely different.......

    For little clips it might not mean much, but for those who use it as a way to get their product out most will read some comments even if every other one is "You are a ______". That stuff is sad.

  2. I have said it before on here keep it a special event like on Thanksgiving.


    No..its not unsafe to play on Thursday night

    Head to head collision are unsafe whether you have 2 weeks off or are playing a short week.

    They've played Thursday games on Thanskgiving for 75 years

    There is a big difference between playing one time a year as a special event as opposed to getting every team except the 2 who have to play twice on Thursday night to be ready to go. The players are are more apt to be hurt when they are playing two full games 4 days apart, and then have a little over a week to play a third one. The shots to the head are the least of their worries if you ask me.

  3. Who goes to YouTube for the reading?     It's a video site.    The comments section couldn't mean less to me.   But I wouldn't stop going to YouTube because of it.


    Same with ESPN.com.    Who cares what the fans think?    Not me.


    I only care what good quality writers think.    What information can they share?    What insights can they reveal?    There's always lots of good information on the site.     But people here HATE on ESPN because of Skip Bayless or because they don't think the Colts get enough love....     to me,  it's throwing out the baby with the bathwater.  


    There's ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNews, ESPNU and even ESPN Classic....   and some internet ESPN channels as well.


    If people can't find something to watch and learn from on one of the ESPN channels,  then I think you're only hurting yourself.

    The comments are there for a reason, and it is a major part of the whole experience on Youtube especially because people can share stuff then read what others think of their video, music, movie, etc... No one hates ESPN simply because of Skip, or anyone else. They hate them because the product is bad with a few good things sprinkled in like 30 for 30 show for example.   

  4. How is it possible the rams only have one sack on the season? With that d line and a much as they blitz they should have a lot more

    They just have not been able to seal the deal. I think Quinn had something like 19 sacks last year which makes that number that much more remarkable.

  5. The legend of boom is looking more like a dud because from what I have seen Sherman has been blown away by speedy receiver/ good route runners, and Wilson has looked pretty average when he has to throw the ball ore than 5 yards. Scrambling is when he shines.

  6. If the game is close...it'll probably be because the Raiders get hot and its a shootout...

    ....SD is so thin at running back, they almost have to throw

    The 'over' is a very good bet

    I was in bed sick, and thought it was a hallucination that the Raiders made it a good game. Perhaps they are a little better than people give them credit for when Carr is in while the Jets & Jags are the two worst teams.

  7. Fitzpatrick had some unbelievably lucky throws/completions.


    On virtually every big completion he had, he under-threw the ball terribly, the WR adjusted, and our DB couldn't get his head around to look for the ball in time. 


    Twice Vontae had good coverage on Johnson but was beaten by the "back shoulder" throws.  The thing is . . . I don't think they were designed to be back shoulder throws at all.


    Breaks usually even out and we got ours at the end, when we needed them the most.  And for that, I am quite happy (and unable to sleep, apparently). 

    I agree. The 40 yarder he threw to D. Johnson was only caught because it was wobbly, and terribly under thrown. The problem too is that Gordy never turned around to see it. 


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