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Posts posted by neug3246

  1. I think so. It was the play where Werner was unblocked but could not catch Fitzpatrick, and Fitz ended up almost running for a gain if not for Henry.

    It would be interesting to see a clip of that play.....

    Werner looked so bad in that play, running with his arms out just flapping them around with no control. I'm not sure why Newsome wasn't activated for the game but I bet he would have made that sack and possible help swing momentum in the game.

  2. I have to wear the same color uniforms that they're wearing on the field that week or I'll feel like a jinx. The last time they didn't match they got blown out by Dallas.


    I am the same way. In week 16 versus the cowboys I wore one of my colts white away jerseys just to find out that they had on their blue home jerseys that game. Really threw me off and felt like it was my fault that they lost the game. I would have switched jerseys but I wasnt at home watching the game. Almost did the same thing the next week when they played the Titans but caught it earlier. Wont do it today though. 

  3. I believe that the "No Fly Zone" is for real. I said it last year and it showed until Toler got hurt. The safeties may not be the best but they will feed off the energy that our three very good corners provide this D and play lights out down the stretch and into the playoffs. Now the trick is that Toler has to stay healthy (knock on wood) and that may be hard if team consistently throw his way because Davis shuts down his side of the field. Hopefully with a few more picks from Toler team will not want to challenge him as much, and ya I said it Vontae Davis is a shut down corner. 

  4. Does anyone know when single game tickets will be available to purchase. I am trying to buy tickets to my first ever colts football game. I know that the 3 game packages are available but I do not live in the area and cant afford to spend money on games that I wont be able to go to, and NFL ticket exchange has tickets at crazy prices. Any info could help thanks.

  5. Right now I project our corners as follows......


    1. Davis

    2. Toler

    3. Butler

    4. Gordy

    5. Price

    6. Purifoy

    7. All the other CB's we signed yesterday.


    Purifoy is likely headed for the PS to start the season.    Once Toler gets hurt, or someone else gets dinged, then maybe Purifoy becomes our 5th corner.     As for moving over to safety....   perhaps not the worst idea...    but he'll likely need a year of the PS to make the conversion.   Those are different positions....


    I bet he is on the active roster to open up the season against Denver. Last year we dressed every available DB for that game and it was huge in helping the colts shut down #18. He looks better than Cassius so I would have no problem if he made the starting roster for the Denver game.  

  6. I usually agree with my buddy Lolly, but Gordy is not even close to Toler's skill set when healthy.  Yes health is a concern, but we were talking how bad Vaughn and Gordy were long ago.


    Gordy is a backup and not gonna be a starter in the NFL barring serious injury.  As I said above, Gordy is often found out of position on special teams as well.  While he HAS improved, he is not a skillful corner.  My opinion I know... :)


    Gordy did however make a nice play and was in the perfect position to force the KC WR out of bounds in the wildcard win to end the game for KC and gave the ball back to Luck and our offence to set up in the victory formation.  

  7. I'll dump on Toler because he can't stay healthy.  But I don't see how we can bash him when he was healthy.  In fact, up till his injury, wasn't the talk that we had one of the best secondaries in the league? 


    Yup our secondary even had a name "The No Fly Zone" Toler when in and healthy he makes our D/secondary so much better and he is underrated by Colts fans. His only downside is not being able to stay on the field due to health. I hope come week one he is 100% because we will need all the DBs that we can roster to stop Manning and the Broncos.    

  8. It's a misconception that SHUTDOWN CORNERS have alot of picks (they usually have 2 or less) . They don't get many chances to make plays on the ball, due to them locking down an entire zone/field they roam in. When you have guys with alot of picks, it usually means they gamble quite abit or get thrown at alot, due to not being very good. The true stat to look for is pass break-ups/deflections.


    That might be true but Vontae still drops to many balls that he should pick off. If he caught half of what he drops he would probably have 4-5 picks a season versus just 1-2. He said right after he signed his contract the next individual goal for him was be selected to the pro bowl and is he increases the numbers of INT he produces this year while keeping his shut down traits up he will make it to the pro bowl, but right now thats why he gets overlooked and is underrated as a corner to some of those other guys. 

  9. If Vontae can produce more interceptions this year he will be considered in that elite class. He is shutdown and has a lot of pass defenses to be considered as a number one or shutdown corner in the NFL but his INT are not yet there. If he improves on that and creates more INT this year for the Colts he should be a pro bowler this year. To bad he wont be able to play in the game though as we will be playing in February! GO COLTS! BTM!

  10. For what it's worth,  Andrea Kramer, who covers health and injury issues for NFL.com did a series on the type of knee injury that Reggie suffered.   She even mentioned Reggie as one of the players who suffered the injury (ACL?)


    Anyway....   within the piece, the players interviewed all say the same thing....   while you're cleared to play,  your knee doesn't feel 100% your first year back.   And your mind knows this.   And you don't feel quite as confident trying to do the things you used to do.


    All of that typically doesn't happen for a player until their 2nd year after surgery.   So, for Reggie,  the 2015 season.


    Let's all hope that Reggie is the exception to the rule.............


    Yes this might be true for most players that have and ACL surgery, but remember this is not Reggie's first one. Didn't he have one back in college. He has experienced the mental part of the injury. He has experienced what it felt to be 50, 75, 80, 90, 95, and 100% etc. before. He wants to come back and show everyone that he is not done yet and as a vet who has been though this process before, showing confidence that he will come back better than ever. I believe the 2014 season will be Reggie's 2015 season in doing the things he is used to doing. 

  11. A few people have mentioned it already but checking down to his running backs and finding the open receiver. I felt like he missed Brazil on a quiet a few plays last year were Brazil had his man beat TY style for a TD but Luck never found him. Of course its not like luck had any time to throw or go through his reads thanks to our line or lack of. I think that playoffs Int will be a major focus and those will be cut down this year and future years to make a deep post-season run.  

  12. You sound like you work for them.


    If “DeskSite is essentially designed to operate as a DVR for the Internet”, and promises that you can "Watch videos even when you are offline", doesn't that suggest that instead of streaming what you want, when you want it (as is normal), it's instead downloading everything that it hopes you might want, when you don't want it, in the background? How else could they promise that?


    Sounds like the price of watching Colts videos whenever you want without lag is to have sporadic and unpredictable interference to EVERYTHING else that you ever use the computer for, with a massive commitment of hard drive space. And do advertisements come along with for the ride?


    That's offensively intrusive, and perhaps they should make it a little clearer in the promo. Thanks, but no thanks.


    haha. No I do not work for them just really like the app. Looking into it more you can pick and choose what colts videos you want to get in the category selection. If you hate watching the ColtsUpClose for example you can choose not to watch them and they will not bother you with the unwanted videos. They also allow you to set a limit in how many videos that may be held on the app so you dont have some that are months and months old. Its also will replace the old videos with the news ones. I believe this is for not overloading your hard drive but i am not that computer savvy so idk. It also works very much like the phone app in letting you know when new videos are available by advertising it over your computers speaker system. So if your working on something and dont want to stop it wont bother you by automatically playing the video. Obliviously if your are online I dont think it will upload new videos but once you reconnect they will show up. To get to everything they just provide you with a desktop tab that you can exit, close, minimize etc like a web browser when using or not using it.


    Im not saying you have to download it but as I mentioned in my OP for some unkown reason my computer has not been able to stream or play any of the Colts video online and this app allows me to watch and keep up with colts media news again. I like it. I thought I would share it for other Colts fans to check it out. Thats all. If you want to pass on it that is your choice but dont be to quick to judge something by its cover without trying it out first next time.


    PS. Princeton Tiger

    They made it compatible for both PC and Macs so I bet you could get it on your Ipad if you really wanted too. Just a little FYI for you.      

  13. If you have not seen the new Colts Desksite App, you should check it out. Its is another way for fans to watch everything Colts. Watch videos w/o buffering or lagging due to a slow internet connection. I just downloaded it and could not be more happier. For about the last month now my computer would not allow me to watch any of the Colts videos online and I was going through major withdraws haha. Now I am able to watch press conferences, post game locker room speeches, locker talk, hopefully Facebook Friday if Pat continues the show, etc etc.


    Here is a link to check it out: http://www.colts.com/news/article-1/Colts-Launch-DeskSite-Application/9a32bc55-cb8e-433d-8dc1-787b10be0e29 or you kind find it under the Colts News feed on the Colts main webpage.


    Let me know what ya'll think of the new app, as I am a huge fan.


  14. I think our team will be a lot better than many people think. BlueCollarColts stated it best our offence is stout with one of the best TE tandem in the league with Allen and Fleener, three really good wideouts in Reggie, TY, and Nicks plus dont forget about DaRick, Brazil, and Griff. Most teams would kill for those guys as depth or even a 2/3 or slot receiver. Than RB should see improvement also; I like how hard Bradshaw ran last year before his exit and I love Ballard and believe given a larger roll can be a thousand yard back. As for TRich I believe an offseason will work miracles in his development or at least I hope so. The only leak link is our Oline but with growth in Thornton as a second year guard and a healthy Thomas I have faith that they will be better than last year with Satele gone. I just wished we had the depth at oline like the depth we have at receivers.


    Our D is a different story. Yes they might have not looked the best at times last year they played their best ball in games 3-7 last year, which many predicted to be the toughest part of our schedule. However our wins was a team effort and when our offence played its best so did our defense. After Reggie went down so did our offence and as a result so did our defense for a rough stretch of games that I think everyone wants to forget, but it was good because it tough this team how to play without Reggie. I believe with an offence that is explosive and dominate our D can be explosive and dominate too.


    Lastly I think our coaches this year will preach playing more consistent and not at our level of our competition, or at least they should be. I think we struggled with that some the last two years, granted in year one we were learning both new O&D  schemes and in year two a new Offensive scheme but this year there will be no new system to learn so we should see the level of play rise in that as well.


    As for a record goes I believe we can beat every team on our schedule but will we no, it is to hard in the NFL to win every game. Therefor I am not going to predict a record but expand on a say that we hear every week from Pagano, Grigs, and countless players on our roster week in and week out. One game at a time, "60 minutes, all you got, one play at a time, dont judge."


    Lets go Colts. Continue building that Monster and lets go get that Lombardi!!!      


    PS for the record double digits in the win column this year.

  15. We can still run the ball. The only thing we need to work on is not being so predictable about running the ball. Watching game sitting at home I can predict when we are going to run versus when we pass a good majority of the time. If I can do it I bet other teams and defensive coordinators can too. I think if we run out of a single back 3 receiver set versus the predictable two back two tight end set we will be more productive in both the running and passing game. It will make the other teams defense play more honest IMHO. 

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