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Posts posted by BleedingBlue

  1. Exactly.....this thread is as hopelessly QB-centric as the Colts were during the Manning Era. And boy oh boy am I getting sick of that word "Era".


    One season of assessing the Colts TEAM approach where Andrew Luck happens to be the QB is not enough to compare much of anything...but I like what I see and hear so far in this rebuild.


    The Manning Era....for all its regular-season glory....fell short because of over-emphasis on the QB position and a stubbornly dogmatic pass-first mentality. All to the detriment of the roster at large by the front office, the coaching staff and, yes....Peyton Manning himself.


    I don't WANT an Andrew Luck "era"....I want a 53-man football team that doesn't get repeatedly shown the door because they're chronically SOFT against physical playoff opposition.


    And I couldn't care less about regular season accolades either.

    well said.

    I've been waiting since Edge for a running game. Loved Ballard last year and love the acquisition at Guard this year. Lets see.

  2. I disagree......   Ashley is beautiful,  inside and out   (and another PLUS ~ she doesn't run her mouth...)

    love ya grams...but welkers wife ran her mouth...ask ray lewis.


    did she say anything I don't say on a daily basis about ray ray? No.


    but she said it nonetheless.

  3. We've lost our path.


    the post is comparing Eras. Era is a measurement of Time.


    We are comparing two teams of different Eras. Not two QBs.


    What is the measurement of a success for an Era? IMO, Hardware. Period. The Yankees are the greatest baseball team because they have the most WS Trophies, for example.


    this has nothing to do with the players...it has to do with the teams success over a span of a decade.


    The word dynasty is used to describe a team that dominated an Era...not by single season wins, but by championships.


    The OP used QB names to differentiate the ERAs but the subsequent posters have had trouble distinguishing the difference and want to keep comparing the QBs when we really need to focus on the success of the club.


    So far, the Colts in the AL Era are on track to be just as good as the PM Era Colts.


    One and done.


    next topic.

  4. Did you watch Peyton with the Broncos in the playoffs? Two picks - one for a pick six and the other to end the game in OT and a fumble and a kneel down.

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't skewing the facts to paint a haters view. Everyone knows Peyton beat the Ravens, but the defense gave up two huge long passes to blow that game. Its just how you view it.


    the pick in the 6th quarter was peytons only mistake, but he should have never been in that position. Fox should have ended the game in the 4th when he had the chance. The other pick was a tipped drop that fell into the hands of a lucky CB 15 yards downfield.


    The stats were (as someone else pointed out) pretty darn good. Much better than our QBs attempt to dismantle the Ravens. I'll take PM as my QB anytime over the next 3 years. After that, we'll see.

  5. If we build our team the way the Giants built it with Eli or the Steelers built it with Big Ben, we will win a SB in Luck's first 5-6 years.


    That would be a team that plays more aggressive on defense and special teams, and keeps the QB in the game and gives him short field position whenever they can and enough possessions to work with.



    These questions, I can safely answer:


    1. Will we be resting starters in meaningless games like the Polian era? No
    2. Will we build a more complete team on D and ST unlike the Polian era? Yes


    Will we be lucky enough to have one good run in the playoffs in the next 5-6 years for a SB win? Probably yes. But will be lucky enough to have 2 such successful runs? You never know.


    Peyton has had, what, about 46 4th qtr comeback wins in his NFL regular season career, but just 1 in his postseason career??? So, Luck might give us similar stats too, if his rookie year is any indication. So, I am confident the Luck era will match the Peyton era in regular season success in terms of double digit wins. But 12 wins for 7 years would be probably too much to ask.


    Let me put it this way. Luck would have to win 10 games for about 10 seasons, 2 SBs, and 1 regular season MVP to help us have a case that Luck's era was better than Peyton's era.


    If Luck wins 2 SBs, 0 MVPs, 10 games about 7-8 times in his career, it could end up a case of Luck being Eli or Big Ben, which would suffice for those who just want SBs, regardless of regular season record.


    Bottom line, Luck era can be better than the Peyton era, ONLY IF HE WINS 2 SBs because it is going to be real hard to top the regular season success of Peyton.


    Well said. I'd like to add that the reason Peyton had poor PS stats was because in the PS you play the best of the best, and quite frankly the Colts weren't that great of a team. Other than a brief period when we had a running game and some Defense, we were pretty much a one dimensional team. PM's PS stats last year (albeit one game)  are more indicative of him being on a better team. They had a running game until Moreno went down and they had defense. I expect his Post Season numbers to shine as a Bronco. 

    I have been meaning to ask this for awhile. Is it just Colts fans that believe the regular season actually means something? I see it here all the time. I mean if Luck wins two SBs his era is infinetly more successful than Peyton. I mean the object is to win the SB, right? The year Eli won his SBs his regular season records were 10-6 and 9-7 but who cares if  you win out in the post-season. I mean isn't that the point?

    Yes. The OP compares Eras. An successful era to a football team can be measured in SB wins.


    How is Luck's era INFINITELY more successful by winning 2 SB's compared to Peyton's 1?

    We're not saying Eli is a better QB than Peyton. We're saying that the Giants are a better club than the Colts simply because they have won more hardware. 


    If Andrew wins 2 SBs but only reaches the Playoffs 6 out of 10 years, it will still be a more succesful era than that of the colts 12 years of one and dones with one ring.

  6. One rookie season isn't enough to judge Luck, however we can see some things that I think can help us get some sense of how this can turn out.


    Luck is a student of the game and I believe he is highly intelligent. I feel he will study and be a great reader of defenses.


    One thing peyton was great at was getting teams off sides with a hard count  and using the hurry up to get 12 on the field. Luck was able to accomplish this after 14 weeks in teh NFL.


    I think he is a leader by nature, but perhaps not an in-your-face type leader that Peyton is. Peyton's ability to hold folks accountable is probably very underestimated in a team sport such as football. I'm not sure Luck's casual demeaner will ever hold a difficult locker room together. Every once in a while you get a Tiki Barber in the room and I'm not sure Andrew can handle a strong cancer like that. Lets prey for chemistry on this team becasue we can see what Tiki did to Eli in NY.


    He is highly competitive and definitely tries to make things happen, almost to a fault. I see some Brett Favre somewhere in there in such a way  that intelligence turns into bad decision making. Needs to work on this.


    For those that say Arians long pass play calls forced Luck to hold onto the ball longer, I agree to a point. I also heard the same Bruce Arians yell "THROW THE darn BALL" from the sidelines. he needs to work on forcing bad plays.


    He is CLUTCH that is for sure. When the game is on the line he comes through. Thats a huge plus.


    Based on what I've seen, he can't be any worse than Brett Favre and I'll take a decade of Brett Favre any day.


    And as for the above comment.... If peyton signs a one day and retires a colt, i will personally smack him.

  7. Very excited about those Orioles this year ! Luck was definately the right pick. The key is going to be what Grigson can surround him with.

    Yes I am excited about those O's as well. We went to Baltimore to see them play the Yankees for first place late in the 2012 season. Ironic because I live in NY now.


    I like Luck as well. NFL is a trendy - copy cat league. Always has been about trying something new to challenge the current status quo. The new trend is a the spread along with the option and legs are important in a passer now more than ever. Its good to have a bruiser that can take a hit and still break off for a first. One could argue that the smarter gm was John Schneider. ;)


    You really should respect Elway just because he was smart enough snatch up Peyton. He has guaranteed a legitimate shot at the super bowl for the next 3 years at least.

  8. Think of it this way, Earl Weaver only won one World Series with the Orioles, yet he was beloved, and we put up a statue for him. Polian was a pretty dog gone good GM who made some mistakes, but had you guys in contention for many years. I think the Orioles could have won more Championships in those years, but you need some luck also. It's hard to win Championships. It beats being the Lions !

    4 likes in a row and he makes an Orioles reference. someone may just get a friends invite. ;)


    I agree with what you are saying 100% but I prefer to make the Tim Cook analogy. Apple did good for a year or so without Jobs but stock is at $420 from $700 in the time since Tim has had a chance to make it his own.


    Going to the playoffs last year with a -16 TO differential and PF < PA was a fluke and I can guarantee it we're in for a HUGE dose of reality. Thats not being bearish, thats being realistic.


    Additionally I like how you defended yourself from the "irsay hater" comments. I agree that Polian did more for this organization than Robert ever did. While Jim isn't quite Bob, I think both have tainted the organization in their own way. We know Bob put the first curse on the organization when he moved the team from Baltimore to Indy. I think Diamond JIm placed the second one on us when he cut the GOAT. Irsay gets credit for hiring Polian and for drafting Andrew Luck (which I think was entirely his move...a qualified GM would have drafted ___ ).

  9. all the manning fans are gone. all you have left are colts fans and the "new fans" who came over when Andrew Luck was drafted.


    these boards never cease to entertain....but unfortunately they have slipped just under the call of duty forums for intelligent input and use of special characters in user names.

  10. Don't you think that just maybe he was told to try to get Watt that TD ? Do you think if this were a "real" game that Andrew Luck just might have decided to go somewhere else with that pass. They obviousley spent a lot of time in practice on that nonsense and must be it was a "high priority" to get Watt a TD. Just my opinion 

    yea it was a goof play called by manning...i mentioned that. not sure if you're being sarcastic or what sorry if im misunderstanding

  11. I've heard this case made (again and again....like beating a dead horse) so I thought I'd make my observations from last night when he had an ALL STAR Oline protecting him.


    He did perform much better in terms of completion percentage and I think that is the 2nd most important thing he needs to work on.


    He made some gorgeous throws with time, theres no doubt.


    But he still made some bad decisions...and I'm not counting the pick in the End zone intended for JJ Watt because I feel that was a goof play and he was gonna throw it regardless of coverage.


    There was a throw on a self made bootleg right that went right into traffic (something he does far too much) and there was a fumbled snap.


    Morale of the story...  great Oline doesn't make you make better decisions.


    Hopefully time will fix that.


    But given more time, he definitely had a better completion percentage and he even threw a couple of deep  ones.




  12. You think he isnt smart enough to know they sucked, or am I miss reading this? Or was this sarcasm? I am NEW here so please explain.

    Neither. I think he is smart enough to know they sucked and smart enough to not say it.

    BUT....if you read the statement there is nothing there that firmly says we're making any moves in the offseason, which while I am confident that we will, worries me that he doesn't just say "we will".


    make sense?

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