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Posts posted by BleedingBlue

  1. Just like he didn't throw anybody under the bus, he also didn't imply that we would be looking in the offseason, nor should he tip his hand in the 2013 draft or FA..


    However, those of you who are speculating that he knows they sucked and will do what is necessary to fix it are just speculating.


    I am really hoping that he saw in 2012 that the 2013 is very very deep in talented lineman and thats the direction we are heading this year.

  2. Theres no shame in losing to a team that went to the Superbowl. (both colts and broncos)




    Moreno got hurt and that was game. Too many missed blocks in the 2nd half.


    Gronk got hurt before the game and that was game.


    The colts lost because of sub par play not injuries.


    Lets not bring the Texans into this because they're not a rivalry to us....well maybe now with Luck...but not even close when Manning was here. 17-3 isn't even a blip on my radar.


    Silent HIll...its time to change your avatar....You have a Peyton Manning won SB ring as an avatar but in your signature you have Luck > Manning. So far lucks Playoff stats are pretty abysmal and in his one regular season he barely played better than Mark Sanchez...so yea.

  3. Don't forget both teams were literally "almost" in the Super Bowl the year before too and probably felt they deserved to play in it last year. And my God, I would have much preferred the Harbaugh Bowl in Indy then Eli vs. Brady.


    I was a bit surprised, usually it seems we have more turnover in the title games? 3 of the 4 came back from the year before.....

    think I heard it was a first actually.

  4. Sorry but this game is on Fox.

    You have Peyton Manning on 3rd and 7 and you run the ball? Let your just-burned defense stop them? Let Woodson get torched again?


    You don't let this game go another quarter. You go for it on 3rd and 7.


    Yea sure, in the 6th Quarter Manning made a bad decision and that was definitely on him. But there shouldn't have been a 6th Quarter.

  5. Not all head coaches decide their personel. some are just asked to play the ones they have.

    A better arguement would be that the Jets don't have the personel required to run the spread option.

    Rex backing Sanchez clearly shows that he shouldn't have anything to do with who they draft or acquire.

    Anyone with a brain would have put Teebow in after 8 games and start running the spread option, even with the receivers and RBs they had.

  6. He is the Head Coach right?  That's what you pay him for to run his system.  I blame the GM for getting a guy that didn't fit what Rex Ryan runs with the Jets and trying to force it down their throats which is why I think the GM lost his job and Ryan did not. 

    right. and rex has had so much success with what hes doing.

  7. No to Tebow. I feel bad for him because I think Rex may have ruined his career, or at least set it back.


    The thing that annoys me about Rex is he refuses to play Tebow to spite the owner - basically sending a message that he wont play players he doesn't want on the team.


    But in this case, Woody was right to get Tebow.If I had Mark Sanchez and Tim Teebow on the team, I would run the spread option with Teebow and let Sanchez sit on the bench.


    Its Rex that doesn't know personel and the rest of the NFL shouldn't use the Jets as a judge of talent because they clearly cannot.

  8. Oh my goodness.


    This is not your average Bleacher Report article. It's a statistical analysis of Luck's season. It's not a "Luck's Ten Best Throws" list that's designed to increase ad revenue. It's a legitimate article that you'd probably find informative and enjoyable. It's not an issue of credibility.


    Or you can sit back and ignore it because of the site it's posted to. Your loss.


    Trust me, I have a big problem with the majority of things posted to Bleacher Report. I can't stand their set-up, and 90% of their stuff is crap. This particular article is not.

    Oh ha ha i see. it was in inside jab to another poster who thought the daily news wasn't a reputable source for a point i as making on another thread.




    I read the article yesterday, so don't worry... found it to be somewhat accurate but guilty of ommision.

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