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Everything posted by DougDew

  1. For reasonable value management, yes it is. Based upon the conditions now, JTs value is at its high point. If it goes passed Tuesday, Irsay will be gambling that a new set of conditions emerges that will increase JTs value. Other teams want to set their rosters too and will move forward until something happens later. If.
  2. Yes, that is my prevailing point. Irsay gave permission to seek a trade, and teams are interested. I think Irsay will accept the best offer by Tuesday instead of trying to go through the season to try something else. What happens after that, cutting or tag and trade next spring is chicken feed not worth the time. JMO. As far as Leonard, the guy plays a few plays in a preseason game and goes out immediately, like he did during the game last season. No, I don't take players at their word after they get guaranteed money. So yes, I'm skeptical until there is proof from the CT scan.
  3. So you are saying tag him then trade him next spring? cuz he ain't comin back. I suppose, but its at best a mid round pick by then with a * load of hassle for a season. Tuesday is the deadline. My guess Irsay will take the best offer.
  4. They will if its November. He might be on IR all season, but he's not going to be part of the team....with no compensation received if it goes that far. I hope the trade happens...that a team even competes against themselves to offer something reasonable by Tuesday. I hope no team calls Irsay's bluff about wanting JT and waits him out.
  5. They ain't gonna tag him, IMO. They don't want him associated with the Colts anymore and taint ARs press copy. JMO from promotional Jimmy's point of view.
  6. Yup. And if no trade happens by Tuesday, I think JT's value diminishes. There is always the possibility that a team needs a RB as the season moves along, but there will be a time during this season that JT will become pretty worthless to the Colts.
  7. Correct, but there is roster spot considerations and overall team building/unity for the new era. If Irsay has decided JT is not part of the future, I don't think he's going to have him hang around past October just to send a message or to play a few games in a throw away season.
  8. Yes. I think JT is prepared to do whatever it takes to play the system so as to not play for the Colts. Even foregoing game checks until October which would tend to force a decision. If he's cut, he'll get re-employed immediately. I think JT is betting about $4.3M that Irsay will not string him along the entire season.
  9. Yes. Because the prevailing winds of attitude assumes the players want to play. They hide injuries to play, not fake them to not play. BTW, in the case of Leonard, how do doctors prove a concussion? Can Leonard be faking a concussion by simply reporting concussion like symptoms? I'm asking if there are MRIs to prove it, or if they just check "mental responses" and default to the conservative position.
  10. Ok, right now, DALs RB has a pretty big cap hit. Kinda diminishes the chances for a trade, IMO.
  11. Forgot about DAL. Last spring, when I was tossing the idea that JT was not going to play in SSs offense and would be moved, DAL seemed like a perfect spot out of need. Especially with Jones liking promotable stars and Zeke not that guy anymore. Pollard got a big contract though?
  12. Siranni thinks he has good use for JT? I guess he would replace Sanders and PHI is a contender.
  13. I agree. An overall good strategy tainted by a bit of Jimmy talk. But what happens if a trade doesn't happen? JT is okay with giving up game checks and Irsay finally dumps him before the trade deadline? JT ain't playing for the Colts no more as far as I see it.....and the feelings are probably mutual at this point.
  14. I think focusing on the negative helps to address and solve problems and get better....which in turn reduces stress. Focusing on the positive merely makes you feel good while the stress builds underneath. Generalizing of course.
  15. CHI is rebuilding and I don't see them giving up a 1st for anything we offer. They may want to double up Fields/JT, but not give away the future to do it.
  16. The Colts want to start whatever bidding war they can now given the Tuesday timeline. Other teams want to get their roster settled too.
  17. And they are probably contending for NFC South despite a rookie QB.
  18. I would not be surprised if only contenders are interested. The contract situation would not be that big of a deal because they could essentially rent JT for probably two seasons depending upon contract terms. They would also give the Colts the most compensation because 1), they are looking to win-now so giving some future picks is not going to hurt a contender's roster. 2), they could have (unnecessarily) deep talent at any position and could throw in a player.
  19. It seems to settle on a third rounder. So based on this, my sarcastic? value of two 5th rounders is not THAT out of line. And then we'll see what happens as the Colts head towards the trade deadline.
  20. Yeah, differences of opinions do not have to be confrontational. There is value in most comments, even comments that are intentioned to be 50% negative and 50% positive.
  21. I think that nearly everybody on this forum shares that opinion. However, I detect some who might think that its hopeless positivity as long as Ballard is the GM and Irsay continues his ways of being an owner (I am not one of them). It's not much different than Redskins fans being negative about their team as long as Snyder was owner....which apparently is a position that was considered reasoned and acceptable by many....and it wasn't an opinion that was said to be driven by persistent negative nancyism.
  22. Of course we have no influence on the team. But in the world of conversation to share opinions, a comment that is intended to have perfect balance is simply a waste of breath....and some do it for minutes on minutes at parties never wanting to "offend" anyone with an opinion that might simply be different than the listener's, LOL. In the forum world, its kind of a waste of bandwidth. I mean, there is some value to looking at the content and pick out interesting tidbits, but overall for me.......meh.
  23. Yeah, I get it. I think those are typically one sentence shots with no real support. I guess they don't bother me because I just read over them as not very seriously formed.
  24. @NFLfan too. I think most of the negative comments I read are backed up with actual reason. So I look at it like they have already acknowledged the positive but have discarded it because it doesn't outweigh the negative. If the positive is not strong enough to be a big factor in the conclusion, it makes sense to me to not spend the effort talking about it. I don't expect comments to include all of the analysis just to show the readers they used "balance" to get to their opinion. Besides, IMO, its not really a virtue to have balance, especially if the facts point to them having to go out of their way to find it. Talking balance for balance sake is like idling a car. Its an opinion that gets you nowhere and just wastes energy. It comes down to differences in reader tolerances, IMO. I'm the type who gets more irritated at the comments that look only at the positive and refuse to acknowledge negative facts that might contradict it. Also not a fan of comments that are perfectly balanced, so that they go nowhere in the end.
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