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Captain Americolt

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Posts posted by Captain Americolt

  1. The Patriots defense is ranked 8th against the run. That's partly due to the fact that teams find it easier to pass against the Patriots but also because the secondary is very good in run support.

    Good in run support but bad in pass coverage? I don't think that will be a problem for the Colts.
  2. He has to have a reason for putting players on the injury report. Messing around with the injury report can result in some hefty punishment. And I'm sure Belichick has a good reason for putting those guys on the injury report. They might not have a substantial injury, but if a guy's ankle is bothering him and it just started today, the team might not know what happen or how this will affect his availability, so they list him as questionable. It's very possible it was just a one day thing when the player put pressure on his ankle in an awkward position and is fully healed by the next day. But there is a reason those guys are on the injury report. I'm not saying they all have substantial injuries, but I'm sure their bodies aren't in perfect condition

    I'm sure all of them had minor injuries. Therefore had to be on the injury report. But i'm almost 100% positive they are all probable. He just lists them as questionable. That's not against the rules... is it?
  3. This might be off topic, but I was doing research for my trip to Indianapolis next year to see the Colts and I have to say Indianapolis has got to be the most well thought out and designed city in history!

    I get off Amtrak and the stadium and the hotel I'm looking at booking is right in walking distance! I'm from new york city and I can not imagine or concieve in my mind the freedom of WALKING to a stadium without getting on a roaring, congested highway and paying half my paycheck to park!

    Man I'm so envious of you guys!


    You're a new Colts fan and you're going to watch them play live before I do. :/

    I haven't even been to an NFL game yet.

    Anyways, I hope you see a 2nd year Luck dominate in 2013!

  4. And you'd take him off the list because..... why?

    I saw a story in the last 10-14 days that said Goldson was playing at a very high level, near pro bowl caliber.

    I think the only reason not to have him on a list is because he might not be able to play opposite Bethea, their games might be too similar? Not sure. But otherwise, I'm interested....

    He meant "take off that list" as in signing him. Off of that list, he's the only one I would take, for example.
  5. I think may favorite quote in this entire thread is where one poster said to prove his point, one need only ask any FINS fan to tell you how bad certain players are.

    Like fans are the ultimate decider in such matters.

    Holy cow...........

    I knew there was a reason I was trying to stay out of this thread.....

    I'm guessing this was about my comment. Let me re-quote myself.

    "Umm no he is not better than Powers. In any way, shape, or form. Except in size, though his "toughness" is that of a 5 year old school girl. You REALLY need to watch him play. Or just head to the Fins forum and see how they feel about Long and Smith"

    I said to watch him play OR see the feedback about him on their forum. Never did I say to go ask any Fins fans to tell him how bad certain players are.

  6. 1. Sean Smith CB Miami- reuniting the pair of dolphins could be huge considering powers can't play man effectively

    2. Mike Wallace WR Pittsburgh- Donnie Avery can't consistently produce and TY can't seem to hold on to the ball

    3. Dwayne Bowe- See Above

    4. Glenn Dorsey- could play opposite of Redding and be more consistent then moala

    5. Jake Long/ Ryan Clady- needed elite pass protecters, the reason they are so low is because neither are expected to hit free agency

    Long and Smith are total garbage. Ask ANY Phins fan. They get beat regularly now. I'd like to get Wallace too. And how do you know for a fact that Dorsey would be more consistent than Moala? Moala has played well when he's healthy.
  7. If we were rebuilding Whalen would've been a good idea but we're in win now mode..we need somebody proven..not someone who we THINK will be good..

    This is still a young team. Having young future players is still very important. And Amendola is not that young. 27 going on 28 next season I believe. And he's not a must have player either. We have solid receivers right now. He's not gonna come in and put us over the top (not saying you said that..)..

    Coaches stashed Whalen on IR for a reason since his injury wasn't even season-ending. I'd like to see what he could do next year.

    I'm also a big Whalen fan as you can tell from my Avatar :P

  8. Brandon Jenkins, I thought you were using Rhodes as an example of #'s are not everything and I also said that I am sure that Brandon Jenkins can apply plenty of pressure without having to record a sack every down, meaning even if he didnt record a sack (Jenkins) then he is still more then capable of being disruptive, I was also using Jerry Hughes for example, meaning sure Jerry doesnt have a ton of sacks(even though he is only 2 behind Mathis) but he has been disruptive without getting the high numbers in sacks yet, The same with Rhodes and his interceptions, He doesnt get the insane high #'s (such as 13 that Amerson had the previous year) because teams are not as willing to throw on him because of his coverage skills. (Hope that all makes sense)

    It does. Gotcha.
  9. Tell me, if you watched the Patriots game, how often did the Bills #1 WR gain yards?

    The answer: not many. Know what kills the Patriots' secondary? TE's and RBs. Particularly TEs. The reason seems to be that our safeties are atrocious (although Wilson is good, and McCourty is playing better than Chung or Gregory have).

    But it's not truly the CB issue as much. I'm more worried about Fleener and the other TEs more than Wayne.

    Allen will eat you guys up alive!!!!!!!

    lol jk. I hope so though. Dude has been very impressive in the short to intermediate game. I'm hoping Fleener gets healthy enough to play. Wayne will be a factor no matter who is covering him.

  10. I saw him a couple games actually, recorded the game vs NC State, Amersons team. Cant say much about Moore as he hasn't gotten his chance in the NFL yet and wont as back up behind Stafford, But obviously your right its not all about #'s but I think its fairly safe to assume since he was able to record many sacks that he can apply pressure and be disruptive without actually recording a sack, take Jerry Hughes for example, people dont give him as much credit for his play this season 4 sacks in 6 starts but he has also been disruptive causing QB's to have to step many times

    Who are you talking about?

    I was talking about Rhodes, a CB.

    Who is this pass rusher you are talking about?

  11. After today. I am going to stand firm in my belief that AP should win it.

    It's a QB league at the end if the day so Manning will win it.

    But AP only missed 4 games last year. Manning didn't even play at all last year. But the way AP rebounded form that torn ACL is insane. Looks like he got better. But he still put up respectable #s last year. Whereas Peyton had no stat line.
  12. Meh Jordan has nice size but his numbers are not impressive (I have never seen him play) Brandon Jenkins (if he comes out this year) has size and the numbers plus was injured this year so will likely fall some in the draft, we may be able to pick him up in the 3rd if he comes out or we could trade a future high pick and pick up a 2nd, The guy was a stud pre injury, 1 pass deflection and 5 sacks doesn't say 1st round pick to me

    If you like numbers you would of loved Kellen Moore...

    It's not all about the numbers bro. A perfect example would be Xavier Rhodes. But I bet you never seen him play.

  13. Defensively

    1.Alex Okafor 6'4 265lbs Can rush from OLB or up the middle has speed and power, from what I saw he has pass rush moves as well, Jarvis Jones should be long gone as well as Star, another defensively I would look at is Amerson and Rhodes and Te'o

    Amerson would be a crap CB, but maybe an awesome FS. I would LOVE to get Rhodes. He's like a tested vet. Not flashy, no great stats because teams do no throw his way. Te'o would be long gone before we pick.
  14. You have the wrong Avatar to respond....but come on. Not won a SB for 8 years. Nice smudges under his eyes though.

    Is this to me? If so what does my Avatar have to do with anything? TB is not over rated. Many like to say PM only won 1 Sb because of his team. Last I checked winning is a team thing. It is not his fault they have not won any SBs in the last 8 years. Saying he is over-rated is a big :facepalm:
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