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Captain Americolt

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Posts posted by Captain Americolt

  1. Garcon dropped the biggest ball in Colt history... well maybe second..(Aaron Bailey in the end zone AFCCG 95) but i don't consider that a drop... just fell on his belly and rolled off.

    Garcon dropped a pass that would have broke the Saints spirit. in the SB 09. And PG was famous for making he spectacular and totally whiffing on the easy 3rd down grab that kept drives going.

    I don't miss him a bit. In fact Hilton is every bit and MORE the player Garcon was. And dude is just a rookie.

    Only think Hilton won't be able to do that Garcon can is pull out a vicious stiff arm. Or break tackles and plow his way through cornerbacks.

    You can't say you don't love that stiff arm.

  2. Lol. I think his point just went way over your head.

    RG3 Total Yardage: 3,146

    Luck Total Yardage: 3,128

    Also RG3 has 16 touchdown's to Luck's 12 and 4 interceptions to Luck's 12

    You fail to mention RG3 has played one more game than Luck. His passing totals also include high efficiency passes and busted coverages. Whereas Luck run a Pro Style offense and has chucked the ball around 100 times more. Which results in more INTs.

    Forget about stats. Luck makes this team competitive and has it in playoff contention. Where as RG3 doesnt. Also he gets the job done when needed (mostly) with 4 game winning drives. His impact cannot be measured through stats alone.

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