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Posts posted by MaoBerry

  1. I hope so, we could use the help. We have put ourselves in a bad position losing to bad teams, so we need help. I would love to win the AFC North, but after all of our struggles, a 6th seed wildcard looks real good right now . Go colts !


    The ravens can still do damage in the playoffs. Even though we've suffered severe offensive injuries, i still believe we can put it together...maybe, just maybe. Heck, anything is possible.

  2. We would love to come to Indy, but to get there , we have a lot of work to do. Yes , it was a big win over a hated rival, but you can't afford a letdown. You have to absolutely beat the Vikings at home in 10 days, then you have three tough games at Detroit , New England at home , and at the Bengals. To have a great chance of getting in, you have to win three of those last four to go 9-7. No easy task. All I know is we need a big win by the Colts over the Titans. I will be taking off my Ravens gear and putting on my old tattered Baltimore Colts gear for one day. I will have a one day contract to align myself with the Jimmy Irsay Colts against the Titans. It will be like old times. !


    Big win today for you guys...congrats. Don't worry we'll take care of the titans on sunday. I think we'll pound on the buguls also to help you guys.

  3. I have watched T-Rich play football since youth league in Pensacola, then in HS at Escambia HS, then watched all games played at Alabama, Remember last year he played half of the season with 3 cracked ribs I don't know of a lot of RB'S that could or would have done the same thing. I promise you he is a beast, I know he has had a tough go this year, but through his whole career the more he touches the ball the better he gets, also the Colts are not using his receiving capability out in the flats. Hang in there T-Rich will make Indy proud.



    Well, i'm going to hold my breathe on that, i might passout over my keyboards.

  4. Its been a long time since i enjoyed a real thanksgiving meal. I prepared a meatloaf instead with all the other sides. Living in maoberry has its drawbacks.The dang turkey is bigger than my oven, but next year i'll build a traditional oven, even though its electric.

  5. Bell is a gret blocker https://vine.co/v/htHAnXpiTdg

    With pretty solid hands https://vine.co/v/hXaVlt65xb5

    And explosive ability. https://vine.co/v/hUKt1dHE26W



    We would be pretty dumb not to draft him late. He reminds me of hines ward. My top sleeper pick in the ENTIRE DRAFT. The knock on him is he's skinny, but it never influenced his play and he's perhaps the best blocking WR prospect in the draft as well with great hands and a high motor. My personal favorite pick this draft.

  6. Let's not forget we brought in corey lynch. I wonder why (mad scientist laugh)?!



    And GRIFFIN is out this week (ya' us)! The middle of that titan d in the secondary will be a blob of jello. One of our guys will slice through it...but whom?

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