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Posts posted by luv_pony_express

  1. On 2/12/2019 at 10:33 AM, SouthernIndianaNDFan said:


    So, just condemn everyone on their first mistake? 


    There’s some difference between saying somebody shouldn’t be condemned and that they *deserve* a second chance.


    Maybe some of this is just semantics.  But, to me, saying somebody “deserves” something implies that what they’ve done (good or bad) logically follows into some warranted consequence.


    A man who physically assaults a woman doesn’t *deserve* anything positive for having done so.  But that doesn’t mean they should be permanently ostracized socially and professionally.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    The woman he did  this to forgave him and they are engaged. He has also apologized. I think he deserves a second chance. No third chance though if he screws up again.


    I don’t know if I’d say he “deserves” a second chance.


    But I would say that it’s fine with me that a team’s willing to give him one.  I wouldn’t have a problem if we’d have signed him.

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  3. 30 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    This is probably a good move. He probably came cheap because of this incident. So really there probably is low risk.  If he has turned his life around it could work amazing. If he screws up it didn’t cost much. From what I read he is now engaged to this woman and has said how embarrassed he is. Time will tell.


    I agree.  I don’t think Cleveland has much to lose here.  It would be one thing if this were a third chance or a Josh Gordon situation.  But I don’t think Hunt’s transgressions warrant banishment (whether formal or informal).


    A lot more potential upside than downside.


    John Dorsey continues to impress me.  He might well be building a powerhouse in Cleveland.  And let’s not forget who his protege is.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 hours ago, CR91 said:

    And probably all football fans, life sucks right now. Im really tired of being subjected to this year after year. I honestly didnt even watch the game just because I really didnt think the rams had a chance.


    As a Colts fan, I have to confess resentment (mostly borne of jealousy, if I’m being honest) of the Patriots’ dominance of the NFL these past 18 years.  I wish my beloved Colts could be the team hoisting Lombardi after Lombardi.


    As a football fan, though, I’m in awe.  It’s *hard* to win in the NFL.  Every franchise, every executive, every coach, every player....they’re all doing everything they can to win championships.  But, out of 32 teams, only one can wear the crown.  And these guys have done it 1 out of every 3 years for nearly two decades....despite free agency, despite the salary cap, despite low draft positions, despite so many of their assistants being hired away.


    Love them or hate them, I think everybody should at least have some level of appreciation for what the Belichick/Brady era Patriots have accomplished.  The league is designed for parity, and they’ve beaten the house.

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  5. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Bell wants to play here badly, it is just common sense by his Twitter but it is up to Ballard and Irsay if they want to pay him. We have tons of Cap Space so we will see.


    Count me among those who think that signing Bell would be a mistake and a huge waste of money better spent elsewhere.


    My kids would be ecstatic, though.

  6. 2 hours ago, iuswingman said:

    You mean WR Marvin Harrison Jr, Indiana lol jj


    Heh...that would have to be in some alternate universe.


    Of course, UK had a #1 pick some years back...and Murray State is going to have a lottery pick in the NBA draft.  So anything’s possible (well, except perhaps IU producing a #1 draft pick in football).

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Myles said:

    If i was the owner, Peyton would certainly have had input on all moves he wanted to have input in.   Not the last call, but input none-the-less.  


    I'd still consider him for a GM position.  Not over Ballard.   Knowing his study habits and how much time he puts in is enough to at least consider him.    he's been around the NFL almost all his life.  


    Would Peyton even want to be a GM?  Elway has done it — and done it pretty well (at least, for the years he had Manning under center).  Ozzie Newsome is generally regarded as one of the best ever.  So it’s not unprecedented for former players.


    It comes with a heckuva lot of pressure and I’m sure it involves a whole lot of time and effort.


    I think PM could make a good one.  But he has his pick of what to do.  And I haven’t heard that he’s interested in being a GM.


    As I recall, Elway at first said he didn’t want to be GM.  So they had another guy officially in that role his first year.  But that’s all the longer it lasted.  Elway was actually in charge from day 1.



  8. How about a compromise where he comes back in a capacity similar to Robert Mathis’ after his playing days were over?


    I fully realize the value he brings to the locker room.  But I simply don’t have the confidence in him that I long did.  And that was true prior to the KC debacle.  Maybe Ballard feels differently and, well, his opinion matters everything and mine matters none.


    I trust Ballard to make the best decision for the horseshoe.



    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, dw49 said:


    How about the one 2 plays later ? Enron's dropped  pass . He and the team walked off like that was no big deal ?  I'm sure they cared but the appearance was crazy IMO.


    Eric Ebron and his wife recently had a baby.  Many congrats to the Ebron family!


    (And, Mrs. Ebron, don’t let your husband hold that precious child unless he’s standing over a soft bed.)

  10. 5 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    I don't think he's done just yet.  Usually when kickers start getting done, they start missing short.  He's not missing short, he smacked a couple off the off rights. Plus if any of you all actually go back and rewatch the film of the misses, both ones Saturday, the ball was still spinning in the holder's hands.  That's gonna affect the kick a lot. 

    i agree


    Are you really saying that Ballard & Co. should base their decision on how Vinatieri is missing kicks?


    That’s like saying a team shouldn’t move on from a once-great QB because he’s overthrowing, rather than underthrowing, receivers.


    Missing is missing.

  11. 6 minutes ago, rayski said:

    If we can get hold of someone better, or someone with a better upside through draft. Let's do it. 

    AV is done imo. Thank him for all he's achieved. 


    I have complete faith in Chris Ballard to make the moves he needs to make to maximize the Colts’ chances for success.


    But no GM is perfect.  They aren’t oracles and soothsayers.  I’m just saying, with the admittedly comfortable aid of hindsight, that he made the wrong decision with our PK position this past fall.  And it pains me to say that, because I amba longtime Vinny fan.


    But there comes a time in every athlete’s career where it’s time to pass the baton.

    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, CurBeatElite said:


    If Adam made both those kicks yesterday, which he had the leg on each one, we're not even having this conversation and very few people would even remember Badgley or be talking about him as we head into the off-season.  It stinks that he did miss the kicks, but it doesn't mean he's a complete bum or a has-been.  Also, keep in mind Badgley wasn't signed by the Chargers until week 6, when they were experiencing kicker issues.  He was then placed on their practice squad because he wasn't performing all that well right away.  In no way should it be obvious that we made a bad choice when we kept Vinny over him... if it was that obvious, he would've signed with another team prior to the regular season starting and wouldn't have been demoted after signing.  The kid played well late in the season, but at the time he was cut there was nothing remotely close to obvious signs suggesting he'd be a great replacement to Vinny.


    I disagree.  Badgley kicked well for us while he was here in the pre-season.  And now the Chargers are talking about him as somebody they’re going to hang onto long term.


    BTW, notice that I started a thread about this subject *before* the Chiefs game.  What happened in the game only reinforced my lingering doubts.


    I’m not saying Vinny had an awful year.  But it wasn’t his best.  But that’s not really the point.  The point is that NFL front offices have to take age into consideration in their personnel decisions.  It’s not just about one year.  Badgley offered us a way to transition to a good PK for the foreseeable future and we passed on it.  It was a mistake.

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, stitches said:

    I'm of the mind - you keep him until he decides to retire. You don't push him out the door. He's still pretty good and one weird game should not make us get rid off a legend. His season still was very good and chances are higher that you will enter into kicker purgatory than you get better kicker than that if you sign a FA or draft a kicker. Too bad we missed on Badgley. He seems like a legit kicker. 


    We didn’t “miss” on Badgley.  We chose Vinny over him.  And, all sentimentality aside, it wasn’t a wise choice.


    And I’m not just saying that because Vinny blew a PAT and a chip shot FG in a playoff game.  We had a chance to nab an obviously good young kicker fresh out of the gate and we decided to give him up to hang on to the aging icon for 1 or 2 more years of his decline.


    It may hurt our hearts to admit it was a bad choice.  But it should be obvious that it was.

  14. 40 minutes ago, pacolts56 said:

    Agreed .... this earns him one more season. 


    Part of the problem is that his age increases the chances of an injury, as well as the recovery time.  You can’t only look in the rear view mirror.


    Look at what happened to Seattle and Janikowski.  He gets hurt during a playoff game,..leaving them PK-less.  Can you imagine if the game would’ve come down to Seattle having to kick a 48-yarder to win?


    We need a reliable kicker.  Vinny didn’t singlehandedly lose us that game yesterday.  But he sure contributed in a significant way.


  15. 31 minutes ago, James said:

    Yes. A lot of delusional folks here talk about the refs. Lets not get carried away with the refs here, the Colts beat the Colts.


    The Colts certainly didn’t do themselves any favors - dropped passes, missed kicks, stupid penalties, bad blocking.


    But, let’s face it, the Chiefs thumped us on both sides of the ball.

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  16. 3 hours ago, Trace Pyott said:

    Thanks for showing me that. I genuinely was wondering.  It just sounded like it logically made sense but now I see why it doesn’t hold up.  Now I feel better about our odds. However I was kinda banking on it helping us against San Diego and New England since I figured we were due to beat them lol.  I truly think we can beat anyone if we limit the drops and stupid turnovers. So I guess beating ourselves is my biggest worry. 


    Well, I wouldn’t say that either.  Honestly, this year’s Chiefs are *probably* a better team than this year’s Colts.  So they very well could beat us even if we play up to our capability.  We’re a good team, but so are they.


    All I’m saying is that matchups between previous years’ Chiefs and Colts teams will have no bearing on the outcome of the game between this year’s Chiefs and Colts teams...anymore than a Colts/Jets game would be impacted by the result in Super Bowl II.



  17. 14 hours ago, Trace Pyott said:

    This may sound silly and or strange but our past success against the chiefs in the playoffs has me worried. You are only going to beat a good team in the playoffs so many times before they end up beating you. Statistically we should of lost to them by now so we are due. It’s like if you flip a coin, it is very unlikely that you will get heads 15x in a row. 


    Google the “Gambler’s Fallacy”

  18. 14 hours ago, coltsfeva said:

     I tried to submit this as a poll but there’s a glitch somewhere that is keeping me from doing so.


      Maybe it’s better as a discussion. What is your biggest concern ?


    Frank Reich being out-coached

    The secondary 

    Luck’s decision making 

    Oline protection

    Not getting pressure  on Mahommes 

    A “lull” in the offense 



    Not pressuring Mahomes.

  19. 43 minutes ago, Superman said:


    So did they turn into a bad team in one season, and was that because of Patricia?


    All I'm saying is I'm not willing to judge him after one season.


    While I get your point, I ultimately do think a pro coach can be fairly evaluated after one year.  That’s tougher to do for a GM than a coach.


    There’s no way, for instance, that Cam Cameron deserved a 2nd year at Miami after the 1-win debacle of his first and only year as an NFL head coach.


    But it’s also entirely fair to decide that the jury’s still out after 1 year.


    I might argue otherwise for a college coach — because they have to play the roles of both coach and GM.  And bad rosters can’t be made into good rosters in just one year.

    • Like 1
  20. 21 hours ago, Chloe6124 said:

    We don’t know that. This is playoff football. We need to control the clock with the run to set up the pass.


    what does scare me is they have put  up a lot of points up even on teams like the ravens and chargers who have good defenses.




    There are similarities between this Chiefs team and our teams during the Manning era.


    Their defense isn’t elite, in the traditional sense of the term.  It’s designed to be playing with a lead...which their offense quite frequently provides.  They have a great pass rush (sound familiar?), but their secondary is a weakness.


    The way you beat a team like this — the way teams used to beat us — is (a) pressure the QB relentlessly, (b) control the ball.  Go watch what the Steelers did to us in the ‘05-06 playoffs.  They ran for 112 yards, sacked PM 5 times, and had the ball for 35 minutes.

  21. 1 hour ago, SteelCityColt said:


    No... you have a contingency plan for the problem before it becomes a problem.


    No kidding.  I own and run a fair sized business — it would be chaos if we didn’t have plans to deal with anticipated problems before they actually begin having material effect on our operations and performance.


    Saying you shouldn’t deal with foreseeable problems until they materialize is...well, it’s a bad idea.  There’s even a word for it:  reactive.

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