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Posts posted by braveheartcolt

  1. Rooting for your team during the game, and hoping they don't actually win are two different things. I was clapping and cheering like crazy when we were beating the Titans, but after the game felt anguish as I do want the #1 pick.

    Why is that hard to understand, and why in Doogan's obvious insulting post (THE SHAME) do we need to flame those good honest fans that just want a brighter future. Happy clapping a post that is obviously aimed at ridiculing fellow fans should be booed off the Forum.

  2. Nice try Doog. You've been watching Independence Day too many time with that speech.

    Wanting the best for the future of your Football Club is exactly what a fan should do. Showing some contrived 'acting for the camera' is tacky and the sort of thing Polian would do to save his job.

    I'm rooting for a Colts win btw, and one win for the Rams and Vikes.

  3. I hear what you say Chad, but if teams rest their starters to get them ready for the playoffs, then they CANNOT stop teams from resting their starters for other reasons. Otherwise it would be impossible to administer.

    What they should have done is ban Polian for life rather than tinker with the schedule. They throw the yellow flag for unsportsman like behaviour on the pitch, they should do it off the pitch as well.

    If that seriously happens, I can bet that the NFL changes the way it hands out its #1 pick. They changed the end of season scheduling due to the Colts resting their starters and made it more division games at stake, which actually made it interesting for the long term. If the Colts show any indication of tanking, the commish will be on it, you can bet on it.

  4. I'll go even further than Jaric. We should rest all our starters for the game next week. Imagine Bethea getting a career ending injury just so we have a chance to finish as the 3rd worst team of the year. If we can give up on a shot at perfection then we can give up on the #29 seed.

    Painter at QB seals it.

  5. The number one pick! Don't blow it Colts!

    Whether you love or hate the FO, think we should take or leave Luck, prefer Addai to Brown, or think Caldwell should go or stay, everyone have a safe and happy festive season, and all the best for 2012.

    I'l be off the board for a while I think, as I experience my first every Christmas / New Years abroad. In Boston, then NYC. Hoping to catch the Colts game in Boston tonight....if they show it!

    Also taking my Patriot loving wifey to Foxboro on Chrismas Eve. Do I cheer for the Dolphins, or support my lovely wife? That's a tough one!

    Will be watching the week 17 Giants / Cowboys game in a house full of Big Blue fans. I just hope they have a chance to win the division.

    So, go well one and all, have a great time.....


  6. What inapproprate conduct by Bill Polian are you referring to? It's one thing to dislike him and think he's arrogant, rude, condescending, or whatever. It's another to say that he's actually done something wrong. I'm asking an honest question...

    In my book, being all those things you say is wrong, and sets a bad tone that will permiate down through the org. Being incompetent (pulling starters, v poor contracts, terrible coach hire, consistently bad drafting) is one thing, but bescmirching the good name of a fine football club on a regular basis, then banning one of your best players for going for a drunken swim (example) is just diabolical.

    Who says I dislike him btw?

  7. My guess is they wouldn't report that if they didn't have something to back it up. I know it's hard for fans to believe this but it could be true. They all endrosed Caldwell when he got the job and Caldwell was Manning's poistion for coach for years before he got the job. Odds are Manning wouldn't have endorsed Caldwell for the head coaching job if he didn't like him as his poistion coach. Like any other player I am sure there have been times he didn't like his head coach (the two Jets games come to mind) but all and all Peyton seems to like him.

    I've always found it silly that the fans have been saying Manning needs to demand that Caldwell be fired. I think that was wishful thinking from the fans who can't stand Manning because it's so anti-Manning in terms of how he has conducted himself since he's been here. Had Manning really not liked Caldwell he would not have signed a long term contract here and made sure there was a clause put into his contract that said they couldn't use the franchise tag on him again like other players have done.

    I know a lot of fans are so anti-Jim Caldwell that they can't imange why anyone would support him but to a lot of those fans Jim Caldwell should have been fired before the season even started and I don't think they really give Caldwell a chance. They only look at the negatives and anything that goes wrong is his fault in their eyes and anyting that goes well they refuse to give him any credit for it.

    With that said no I don't think Jim Caldwell is the best coach in the NFL. I've said all along I think he's average. He's not as bad as some people make him out to be but he's not as good as Tony Dungy was either. I've also said all along I wouldn't be shocked either way with what happens with Caldwell and I still wont be. There is a very strong case for him being let go but you know what our votes don't count. The people whose votes do count seem to be listening to the case against firing Caldwell which is that before losing his all world QB he had been to a Super Bowl and was 26-10 as a head coach in the NFL. I think they also look at this team and go if they had Manning (which is the way they envisioned the team when the put it together) they would probably be in the playoff race right now and it's not Jim Caldwell's fault that his franchise QB got hurt.

    The team has not quit on Caldwell now three times when they have had a chance to, insteade they have played very hard for him after he sat the starters and they were upset, when they were 6-6 last year coming off three straight loses and four of their last five games, and this year. Each time the team has rallyed and played hard. Yesterday was proof this team has not quit they just aren't good enough because they have a real lack of talent namely at the QB spot. Last year they rallyed and made the playoffs and they came out after resting the starters and won two playoff games and got to a Super Bowl. So rather fans like him or not it seems pretty clear the players do or they would quit on him and they don't.

    Again I know it's really easy to scapegoat a coach the fans already don't like but this team has more issues than coaching. Coaching alone has not cost us 13 straight games and you know what even if we did have another coach I am not sure we would have won many of those 13 games without Manning the way this team is put together. Have their been coaching mistakes? Yes, I am not trying to say there haven't been but I just don't think coaching is the main problem this year. I think not having Peyton Manning is.

    Like I said there are strong cases both ways. I am not laying out the fire JIm Caldwell case beacuse that's been made a lot of times by a lot of people and I am well aware that's where most fans side but again we don't get a vote. Personally I would probably lean more towards fire Cladwell right now based on what I see and even with Peyton Manning Caldwell wouldn't know a second half adjustment if it mugged him on the street. However, I also understand I don't see everything and I don't know eveyrthing that goes on with this team and Jim Irsay and Bill Polian are in a much better spot to answer that question and with their track records I am willing to trust their decision on this.

    Well said. Coaching alone has not cost us 3-13 or 1-15.That is all on the hopeless Polians. Caldwell is average you say? Why would a team with perhaps the GOAT QB, and only one SB to its name, accept an average coach? This team has made some pretty pathetic decisions in the last 5 years, and supporting both Caldwell and the Nepotism Twins mearly highlights people's lack of ambition.

    If Caldwell is not fired or demoted at the end of the season, then end is near for this franchise.....

  8. There are all kinds of problems with this. Polian is not really the problem...he just got too focused around Manning and build the entire offense and defense to work around his talents. Without Manning the house has crumbled. This will need to be fixed, but I still think both Bill and Chris are still the best football minds out there who can do this. History speaks for itself.

    The coaching staff needs to go: Caldwell must go...no excuses for 0-16 in any league. Look for a new coach in the waiting. Someone younger and excellent at getting players to play. I would look to the Packers, Ravens, or Saints as their coordinators have been great for some time and could be the next great coach in this league. I do think that Spagnoula would be a great defensive coordinator for us. He knows the 4-3 inside and out and is a proven defensive coach. Special teams also needs to be fixed but I'm still not sure if the problem is Rychleski or the fact that this team's depth doesn't even qualify for roster spots in 1/2 the league.

    You do realize that if you trade down you will miss out on Luck, Barkley and RGIII don't you? No team willing to make a trade for quarterback has a pick high enough to keep us in the running for the top 3 quarterbacks at this time. With Miami, Seattle, and Washington right behind us, trading down amounts to getting out of the QB hunt in this draft. Now things might get rearranged in the final 2 weeks but that has yet to be determined.

    As for your picks...I like RG III but if given the choice between a Baylor QB putting up great stats or more "NFL ready" picks like Barkley and Luck, I'm taking the latter two every time. I think RG III may be better, but I don't think there is downside to the top two QB's here.

    Chase Minnifield is a good pick and we need the help at corner badly. Dwight Jones, (NC) or Kendall Wright (Baylor) are also great choices here as our receiving corps is starting to get old and lacks depth. I consider WR a need this year because we have a bunch of free agents this year and next. If we do go WR in round 2 then CB becomes the round 3 pick and SS the round 4 pick.

    Just run that by me again.......the Polians are the best minds in football, but due to their 'Manning-itis', the team crumbled? That's a hellva contradiction there

  9. ...Are you being serious? I can't tell because it seems sarcastic to me. There is no way that having 2 CB's would give a better chance to win though...

    Not sure I was being serious, but I wasn't being sarcastic either. Hughes is worthless, and will be cut, so he's not worth a spot. Thomas has showed me very little, and in fact I'd say he won't make it to camp next year either, therefore making non impact players inactive, it gives us a better chance of a win. Only my unexpert pov though....

  10. You make a good point about if PM had been playing.

    Its also true you do want to crush opponents to show superiority and knock the wind out of their sails.

    As you pointed..there weren't many sails to knock out :)

    To give your opponents a chance ( a remote one I grant you) when you had them dead and buried is not good coaching, no matter how you spin it, and how it ended up. If you can't see that, then you are just in denial....

  11. I was certainly pleasantly surprised by Orlovsky's play. I was neither pleased nor surprised by your post. Incredibly in-mature, particularly for an older fan. You must be busting with pride.

    More usefully I will say that what primarily impressed me about Orlovsky was his making smart decisions to keep the chains moving. He is clearly more stable mentally than Painter, was less bothered by the rush, took what the defense gave him, and was accurate. Most of it was pitch and catch, but he did make two really nice passes near the end of the game that I wouldn't have thought him capable of.

    The total statistics are pretty meaningless unfortunately, because the game was over shortly after half-time. As I said, the long-early drive was very impressive. The endless three and outs, the sacks and the interception that surrounded it were more typical of the Colts offense this year. The three scores in garbage time were gratifying, but not predictive of much. The problem was that the only way the Colts were going to win at that point, was to push aggressively to score quickly. If they had tried, the result would have more likely been more three and outs or turnovers, and a much bigger loss. So you could make the argument that they were playing keep the score close, not to win, which was simultaneously gratifying and frustrating to watch. Gratifying because they got some stuff done on offense instead of embarrassing themselves. Frustrating because "trying to win" is kind of the point of the game.

    So you flame the guy way back then (make him out to be stupid), and now when he sort of defends his stance, you call him immature (sorry, in-mature)? Don't quite get that.

    For what it's worth, one game does not make Dan any better than Curtis. I'll reserve my judgement until Week 17....

  12. That was a very bad decision by our coaching staff or whoever set the gameday roster. We has 3 CB on the roster in Powers, Lacey, and Rucker! When Powers got injured we has 2! What sane person allows their team to have 2 CB's available against a spread offense like the Patriots??? That doesn't make any sense and I am wondering why Kevin Thomas wasn't playing.

    Also, how about Jerry Hughes? He was inactive after having 3 tackles against Carolina and playing for several weeks in a row. If we are trying to develop him then what dumb person once again prevents him from getting any playing time? How is he supposed to become our 3rd pass rusher if he doesn't even suit up?

    Why the heck are there inactives anyways if they are healthy? That's got to be the stupidest list I have ever heard of. What if we have injuries to some of our DE's and CB's? The colts are so unprepared that they don't know what they are doing half the time. The only time this should happen is if a guy gets into serious legal trouble or breaks serious team rules.

    Because it gave us a better chance of a win......

  13. Poor coaching from BB. He took the foot off the gas, and was unprepared for what happened. As GoPats said, it was just a little too close for comfort. Once you relax in a game, it can be quite hard to get the momentum going again (sorry all you Polian crazies, it is important no matter what your Lord of the Dance says) and that showed up yesterday. All it told me was that there is no such thing as running up the score, you keep playing till the last drive. Like the Saints did.......

    Just imagine if you had Hank Baskett covering that last onside kick.......

  14. My daughter woke up from her nap at the start of the 4th. Usually I stay downstairs for the whole game but I went up to hang out with the family and missed most of the quarter. I looked up to see it had gone from 31-3 to 31-17, and missed the second Garcon TD too.

    I guess, at least, it gave us ammo for the next "the Patriots run up the score" thread. :D

    Or the 'we nearly blew another big lead' thread.......

  15. Which is further proof Caldwell has to go. He has a fabulous draft class to work with, and an existing cast of Pro-Bowl caliber stars, yet here we are on the cusp of going 0-16.

    TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH! I just hope we clear the decks and get some decent coaches to bring these rookies on in their second year....

  16. Same story, different link:


    By Greg A. Bedard, Globe Staff

    FOXBOROUGH - Had a chance to discuss a few things with Colts quarterback Peyton Manning in the locker room. But he came back a few minutes later because he didn't want to leave without saying how appreciative he was of the reaction he got from Patriots fans while he was signing autographs before the game.

    Here's what he wanted to say:

    "These Patriots fans, who obviously while I’m playing through the years, like good fans, they make it tough on the opposing quarterback," he said. "But they were sincere about, ‘Hey, I hope you get back. We miss seeing you out there. Sorry you’re not playing this game.’ So it was classy. I was real appreciative."

    Manning was obviously touched that it came from the fans of his biggest rivals.

    "This is such an intense rivalry," he said. "Your own fans are going to tell you they miss seeing you out there and get back soon, but when kind of your biggest rival does it, I don’t think they’d be saying it if they didn’t mean it."

    See that? Even Peyton thinks we're classy. :P

    Same story, different link:


    By Greg A. Bedard, Globe Staff

    FOXBOROUGH - Had a chance to discuss a few things with Colts quarterback Peyton Manning in the locker room. But he came back a few minutes later because he didn't want to leave without saying how appreciative he was of the reaction he got from Patriots fans while he was signing autographs before the game.

    Here's what he wanted to say:

    "These Patriots fans, who obviously while I’m playing through the years, like good fans, they make it tough on the opposing quarterback," he said. "But they were sincere about, ‘Hey, I hope you get back. We miss seeing you out there. Sorry you’re not playing this game.’ So it was classy. I was real appreciative."

    Manning was obviously touched that it came from the fans of his biggest rivals.

    "This is such an intense rivalry," he said. "Your own fans are going to tell you they miss seeing you out there and get back soon, but when kind of your biggest rival does it, I don’t think they’d be saying it if they didn’t mean it."

    See that? Even Peyton thinks we're classy. :P

    Yep. I stll have vivid memories of the t-shirt I found in a back street shop in Boston. "I hate Peyton Manning' on the front, and "Eli sucks too" on the back.

    I put it down to jealousy.......

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