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Posts posted by indyagent17

  1. Ignoring the 'leaving the wife' comment aside, as this was obviously a joke, the rest of your points are pretty foolish. Sport is an entertainment vehicle for those who don't make a livoing from it. Staying to the bitter end if you are not being entertained, no matter the sport or team, is an option, but it does not define you as a better human being. Or more loyal or manly.

    I am at a loss here, you say this to me but you agree with the following comment?


    someone that leaves early is less of a man, a worse human, and most definitely less loyal

    Couldn't agree more.


    This is not about entertainment is about team loyalty, Leaving early shows disrespect to the team that so many say they bleed blue. The true test of loyalty is to stay until the end, always rooting OUR team on.


    I don't mind the banter but calling someone "foolish" is not cool!

  2. I have never left a game early including the St Louis game and games in the past that were unwatchable. If you "love" a team you dont give up on them. Its like leaving your wife because she is not making a good meal


    I also dont like fans that sell their tickets for profit or because they dont want to go


    Either you are a fan or just have a crush on the team, There is no in between folks

  3. I don't know if anyone agrees, but I forsee Whalen getting more looks this week vs. the Pats. With them surely keying on TY and possibly Fleener, we'll need a 3rd down possession receiver to go to. The kid just seems to make catches and will probably not have much defensive focus on him. I'd trust him on 3rd downs over Rogers and Brazil as his shorter height lets him "sneak" into space especially on blitz route breakoffs.

    me too, as you can see i have been an advocate for Whalen since he got here.


    All he does is catch the ball!!

  4. We need to keep the running backs and receivers from crossing the short middle. this is where Freeman can change a game


    We need to frustrate Tom, when he gets upset he seems to come apart for a while 


    We need not just Mathis in his face but expect to see Walden and Werner in the backfield.


    This game is decided within 10 yards of the line of scrimmage, we get pressure and stop the screens and crossing routes we have a good shot

  5. Don't worry the weather will change as the week goes on, it just the luck we get in NE in that cesspool. I sure hope it stands but I have seen this weather movie go against us time after


    Go Horse

  6. If you watch Mayock long enough you will learn he is a narcissist and acts like he is Omniscient. He always refers to his play as a DB and he only played in 9 NFL games and never started a game or had any stats to speak of.


    He likes to be the man with the answer and he kept going on about the fumble after the strip sack and saying that was a good challenge by the Chiefs but its an automatic challenge!  He said a lot of derogatory things about the Colts during that game.


    When i watched the replay I just had shake my head at his comments


    I prefer Mel Kiper for my draft information and Mayock just gives me a headache

  7. Two points..


    1. Why do we always have to play there in the late game with that nasty weather black hole??!!


    2. There is little or no love for the Colts and the media praises the pats 


    They haven't won anything since we took them out in 2007 and who knows what they would have won if they got caught earlier by cheating in recording team communications


    All they cry about is how poor Brady's receivers are so they can gloat when they win any game and cry pity when they lose.


    Who cares that we took a beating to them last year, this is a new year so Tom Curran can go on pontificating

    about his beloved team.


    Hey Pats fan, This game is played on the field NOT in the paper or on Social media. 


    See you later this week and the boys with the horseshoe on their helmet are coming with their heads up and several hard hits for ya!


    Go Horse
  8. You got to love those cocky patriots fans and writers.


    They haven't won anything since we took them out in 2007 and only because they got caught cheating and barely got a slap on the wrist for it (losing a 1st round pick, when they already had another first round pick)



    All they cry about is how poor Brady's receivers are so they can gloat when they win any game and cry pity when they lose.


    Basically this team is Raiders East with all the misfits on that team including their coach who is NOT the husband of they for cheating on his wife at least two times. What a classy guy!


    Bill sure fits well as the pats coach with all the players they have had and still have on their team.


    Who cares that we took a beating to them last year, this is a new year so Tom Curran can go on pontificating

    about his beloved team.


    Hey Pats fan, This game is played on the field NOT in the paper or on Social media. 


    See you later this week and the boys with the horseshow on their helmet are coming with their heads up and several hard hits.


    Go Horse



  9. Can I count Fredd Young, We wasted two picks on him


    But the first pick the Colts made in Indianapolis was Leonard Coleman. 


    What a way to start a draft with in a new city. Contract dispute, Setting out the 1984 season to play in the USFL


    B Irsay had something to do with this

  10. Great posts everyone and that game was an instant classic!!


    Bottom line, everybody was in on this one. Rogers may get the nod because of that long catch but all the receivers made big catches 


    I though Sheppard made some good plays and a few bad ones too but the stars sure stepped up (Luck, Mathis, Hilton)


    This was a team when. I cant speak for you but I dont care who we play next week! 


    We have a shot to win and as I have said before its 1 game at a time, its not a best of 7 its a best of 1!


    Go Horse 

  11. This is priceless with people praising Jerry Hughes.  There must have been hundreds of posts and thousands in agreement that Hughes was a bust and needed to go.


    You are all great Colts fans like I am. its time to quit this and move back to more relevant conversations about our team


    Lets hope Sheppard gets better because he is the player we got and he wears the horseshoe


    Lets not bash the kid, lets root for him

  12. Ummm, no. It doesn't take three years to see the value of a trade like this. It was a veteran player for a veteran player. One has given his team excellent production at a premium position, the other has been very inconsistent and has done little to make a difference for his team. The Bills won this trade six ways to Sunday.


    Might take longer to see the value of a draft day trade, or a trade involving younger prospects that can't or don't contribute right away. Or if it's a vet for vet trade and both players perform well to begin with (like Champ Bailey for Clinton Portis.) But for something like this, the proof is clear right away.

    Seriously?  So If Hughes has a has a injury or does not play well next year  and Sheppard becomes a starter and improves his game and becomes a pro bowl the Bills still win??


    I still think it takes 3 years to see who won the trade. Hughes is on a losing team and Sheppard is on a playoff team. Hughes didnt work in the 3-4 and we got a solid LB in trade how did we lose????


    Its apples and oranges folks. Show me 10 Colts fans that were unhappy to see Hughes go


    We wanted him gone so he was traded, now everybody wants him back in a format he is not solid at?


    I know we all have opinions but I am allowed to have mine right?


    Go Horse

  13. Hilton





    D. Brown

    T. Richardson



    That other guy from that place

    Then DHB...

    There you go... much better now

    you forgot Jerrell Freeman and everyone else on the roster incuding Chapman 

  14. We might have a good offense but we will never "light up" anybody with Pep's play calling and the conservative philosophy of this staff. We are trying to play old fashion conservative power football don't make mistakes don't beat yourself, etc. while Denver/Philadelphia are pushing the envelope forward.

    Power football is the key to winning in the playoffs:  Ball control and good defensive play

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