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Posts posted by indyagent17

  1. I just find it a bit sickening that coaches can destroy a program and find another job so easily.


    I have never trusted either one of these coaches because of their past activities and how it has hurt kids.


    Carroll let and caused the USC program implode and moved to the NFL 


    Calipari caused Memphis to forfeit 38 games and hurt UMass as well. 


    Both of these coaches moved on and won championships at another program 


    I wish perpetrators like this weren't allowed to coach again or have a 3-5 year suspension, that would keep the cheating and misuse of their power to a minimum.


    I have no respect in either one of them



  2. ...


    I'm so confused.


    You post about how we should be ticked off because we haven't drafted good players, and you use some kind of formula that no one can make heads or tails of, and when you get feedback, it's labeled as "bashing"? 





    I got it right off of wikipedia. I just took the 2010-2013 seasons and I listed that the Grigson era was still under consideration but the 2010-2011 draft classed were awful 

  3. You should do that breakdown again, or give us the parameters you used. Grigson has only drafted 15 players. There's no sense counting players drafted by a different front office for a different coaching staff. It's like comparing Star Trek to Star Wars.


    And once you figure out what percentage of Grigson's 15 are still on the roster, maybe go look at what percentage of the Seahawks drafted players are still on the roster, or the Niners, or the Pats, or the Broncos, or any other front office that fans seem to be infatuated with lately. And while you're at it, dig a little deeper and figure out how many of those drafted players actually contribute to the team's success.


    A little perspective would do a lot of posters good. No front office bats 1.000. 

    I was mostly comparing the 2010-2011 drafts and not putting down Grigson.


    I wish you people would allow a person to post an opinion without bashing!

  4. To see the final four teams in the playoffs and how they have such dominate players on both sides of the ball that came from great drafting and free agency?


    I only wish we had such great draft picks and free agent pickups in the last few years that could make such a difference as those four teams


    Of the 30 players we have drafted only 15 remain on the team 


    of the 13 players drafted in 2010-2011 only 3 are still on the team 


    Lets hope for a great offseason and draft so next  year we can change the tide and contend for a title

  5. Garcon took about two seasons to come around so lets not count out Rogers.


    Whalen has proven to be a great possession receiver and Brazill shows flashes but both will never be # WR's


    Hilton is showing elite status but not consistently but he is going to a very solid #2 


    Wayne is the variable, if he comes back at 100% then he is your #1 but the window is closing fast 


    That said I think we need to look elsewhere in the draft to fill need, CB, OL, DL

  6. Ignoring the 'leaving the wife' comment aside, as this was obviously a joke, the rest of your points are pretty foolish. Sport is an entertainment vehicle for those who don't make a livoing from it. Staying to the bitter end if you are not being entertained, no matter the sport or team, is an option, but it does not define you as a better human being. Or more loyal or manly.

    I am at a loss here, you say this to me but you agree with the following comment?


    someone that leaves early is less of a man, a worse human, and most definitely less loyal

    Couldn't agree more.


    This is not about entertainment is about team loyalty, Leaving early shows disrespect to the team that so many say they bleed blue. The true test of loyalty is to stay until the end, always rooting OUR team on.


    I don't mind the banter but calling someone "foolish" is not cool!

  7. I have never left a game early including the St Louis game and games in the past that were unwatchable. If you "love" a team you dont give up on them. Its like leaving your wife because she is not making a good meal


    I also dont like fans that sell their tickets for profit or because they dont want to go


    Either you are a fan or just have a crush on the team, There is no in between folks

  8. I don't know if anyone agrees, but I forsee Whalen getting more looks this week vs. the Pats. With them surely keying on TY and possibly Fleener, we'll need a 3rd down possession receiver to go to. The kid just seems to make catches and will probably not have much defensive focus on him. I'd trust him on 3rd downs over Rogers and Brazil as his shorter height lets him "sneak" into space especially on blitz route breakoffs.

    me too, as you can see i have been an advocate for Whalen since he got here.


    All he does is catch the ball!!

  9. We need to keep the running backs and receivers from crossing the short middle. this is where Freeman can change a game


    We need to frustrate Tom, when he gets upset he seems to come apart for a while 


    We need not just Mathis in his face but expect to see Walden and Werner in the backfield.


    This game is decided within 10 yards of the line of scrimmage, we get pressure and stop the screens and crossing routes we have a good shot

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