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Everything posted by Happy2BeHere

  1. Titans are imploding down the stretch. Ugh amazing how we woulda shoulda coulda won this division this year. But even so we’d have stunk it up in the playoffs anyway. Very likely we would have been one and done.
  2. I’d be interested in some delicious bbq ribs I’d be interested in some BBQ ribs.
  3. Lol!! I figured the colts would lose but I didn’t think our defense would lose it for us. Sheesh!
  4. Been asleep all day recovering and wake up to an embarrassing colts game and the fact Matt Ryan still sucks 4 turnovers SMH.
  5. There are SO many people who are lonely in this world. A simple act; a kind word; a moment that they hear from someone can buoy their spirits in ways unimaginable. I am hoping to do the same for someone in the near future.
  6. 78! Wow friend that is awesome. I can only hope that by God’s grace and miracles I can make it to my 70’s (I am 42 now). I love that you have a memory of that with your dad. My father passed away when I was 10 and since we live in Utah we really didn’t have sports here…except the Utah Jazz…and my papa was frugal he saved a lot of his money because he bought land and built the family home in 1990/1991 (and had just dug the hole when he passed). The Jazz had only been here since just before 1980 (the year I was born) and back then raising 3 kids with a momma who stayed home and only he being the breadwinner we didn’t do events as such. He was a great man, provided all of our needs and our occasional wants. He loved us and his wife and I couldn’t have asked for more other than more time with him. He was my best friend as a kid I followed him everywhere like a puppy dog. I flew out to Indiana in 2007 to see the Chiefs play the Colts in the RCA Dome by myself. I wasn’t married at the time although I was in a relationship. I now have one biological kid with my ex-wife and 7 kids that are from my wife’s previous marriage and of course they are my kids and I raise them and provide for them the same. I always promised my biological son I would take him to a Colts game (this was before I married again with 7 more kids). That was supposed to happen in Vegas a few weeks ago when the Colts played there because we still live in Utah (born and raised) but unfortunately due to my emergent medical situation and pending surgery in a few days now I was not able to take him. I’m praying that next year he and I can fly up to Indiana to watch the Colts play at Lucas Oil…I have not been to that stadium yet. On the other hand I think it’s great you’ll be moving closer to your daughter. Family is everything. Again everyone. I just absolutely love hearing all of your stories. Please keep them coming they put a smile on my face and joy in my heart.
  7. Wow this thread was pinned. That’s the highlight of my twilight I love LOVE hearing all these stories it’s amazing!
  8. They should have called a timeout to run that 3rd down play. Dumb
  9. I don’t think it was roughing. Running into the kicker maybe. It wouldn’t have changed the outcome if it had been a 5 yard penalty.
  10. He sucked that’s what happened. I am kidding I don’t know what happened
  11. Cmon defense! I could see Steelers going for it on 4th Moore down
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