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Posts posted by sfergson727

  1. Patriots are going to pick him up and he'll destroy us.


    Just watch. 

    My grandmother, rest her soul, could destroy us by rushing....so I'm not real concerned about TRich coming back to destroy us.


    For those of you literal folks who can't read between the lines:  My Grandmother is dead, she isn't coming back to put up 200 yards rushing on us, so relax.  We let no name running backs to it to us regularly, so why would TRich be any different.


    In fact, TRich thinks he is a good running back.  Why is that???  I'll tell you why.  It is because he practices against our run defense.  That is why.

  2. Speaking of turds..... Trying to pull for patriots is like trying to pick up a TURD on the clean end.... IT JUST CAN'T BE DONE...


    Actually, it can be done, someone just has to polish it first... ;)



    But I agree with the sentiment.  I guess I'll be rooting the for the Sea Chickens in this Superbowl.

  3. Ill have to look up who Bob Gregory is unfortunately before can I appreciate the reference.


     But moving on, I have never felt "danger" about a game? So does that mean I should have expected that we may have lost the game to New England? Because if that's a "reasonable expectation", how is maybe winning the game an unreasonable expectation? Besides, in my post, I never stated I have a problem losing, its "not showing up on the big stage" was my issue.


    Notice I said "was my issue." My knee jerk reaction to the end of our season has come and gone. I'm proud to be a Colt, heck, I dont even care about Deflate Gate.  


    Well, on the bright side, at least your got the part about the world scratching its head part right....;)

  4. Well, we really missed the boat when we let Jim Gaffigan go back in training camp. The team was never the same once it lost its spiritual captain.  First thing we need to do is sign Jim to a five year contract.


    Could be worse I suppose,  I could have the Bengals as my favorite team....(I'm slowly letting go of the anger...see!)

  5. You guys are mixing up nice too much

    Nice off the field is true. Carroll isn't nice on the field. You mess up, he gets in your face. Keeps you motivated, and gets you fired up. Guys like Harbaugh & Tomlin after losses say what's real. Guys like Pagano give that same tired speech "We have a good team, we just need to play better"

    Tomlin says things like "We stunk it up today. Played terrible."

    There's a difference

    Exactly.  Thank you.


    I'd much rather players have a little fear towards their coach, not someone who is a best friend.

  6. How about jim harbaugh and tom coughlin? Or are they secretly members of the injustice league? [emoji14]

    Both of those guys are tough as nails, although I like both of them, they are definitely nice guys.....Unless you think SF got let Harbaugh go for being too nice?  (I wish he came here instead of going to Michigan, but that is just me)


    Members of the Injustice league?  They are charter members my friend!  :)

  7. yes I'm sure, because I don't think Luck is quite at the elite level that a few seem to think he is.  He's well on his way, but he still makes plenty of mistakes that the coaching staff and rest of the team have to overcome.  regardless of what a few people like to think, the Colts are not currently a one man show with Luck like they were with Manning.  

    Fair enough..

  8. Don't think you have a clue to the difference between opinion and fact.  For instance, the comment above...

    See my response to Jason....and stop taking everything so dang literal.  People like you drive me insane.


    Oh, btw.  Look back on my previous conversations on this forum, you'll find I am dead on most of the time.  Which makes me wonder, do you ever get tired of being wrong?

  9. sure, if you focus on those bad games then it appears that the staff doesn't make adjustments.  However, when you consider their entire body of work...ALL of the games they've coached which includes many come from behind victories, then you come out with you being wrong.  

    Are you sure those are adjustments, and not just Luck's heroics?  I'm not.

  10. yep, and we have that.  try again

    I'm curious what adjustments were made in our most recent spectacular failure?  Please enlighten us, all knowing one.


    This coaching staff is notorious for failing to make adjustments, for examples, look at Steelers, Dallas, and Patriots X 4.  Heck, even the Browns had our number until Luck pulled it out at the last moment.

  11. Luck looked below average last night. He actually looked pretty terrible if I'm being quite honest.

    He did look bad, but how much of that was Pep not adapting to what the Patriots were doing to us and changing his scheme accordingly?


    Me thinks a lot.

  12. Not enough good players on the roster. Yes the Colts have some great players but not enough talent across the board. It's not hard to understand. This is going no where as long as you are so upset with the Colts you are not seeing the big picture.

    With smart coaching, you don't need great players.  The big picture expands far beyond the players, it also involves the coaching staff, which apparently has no clue as to how to scheme to make the most of the players on the roster.


    This coaching staff is not part of the big picture, if we ever hope to make it to the big dance, IMHO.

  13. Well, at least the Packers only have one scapegoat (when did Hank Baskett change his name?)  We had a complete meltdown, we were out of this game from the very start.  It was embarrassing, it was pathetic.


    The Packers were in it and fought back to take it to overtime, but were out coached and out played at the end. Still, it is better than rolling over and playing dead.

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