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Posts posted by PeterBowman

  1. 24 minutes ago, Peterk2011 said:


    LOL, my bad. :) Forgive me, I live in Europe, and it was around 5.30am in the morning, so I barely was awake by then. :)

    hahahahaha it's all good.... i'm barely awake right now after staying up watching the first round lol. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Peterk2011 said:


    Last year's trade was a fleece. But that was a different story. Top picks are in "madness territory". QB trades are unique because QB needy teams are usually willing to give up way more than the pick worths. QB's are soo important in this game, that it overrules any value charts.


    However, outside the "madness territory" (outside the top 3-4-5-6 picks) deals  tend to cool down. As we go lower, trade tend to very quickly align to the trade value chart, becoming mostly "fair", 50-50 deals. The Pittsburgh trade (they traded up for the #10 with Denver) are already a "cooled down" deal, if you do your math, both sides ended up with approx. the same value on both sides of the deal. The same can be said about the Colts deal. It costed approx. the same for both sides.


    Of course, because there were 2020 picks involved, you don't know the exact values yet, that's why future picks worth a little less than worst case scenario (e.g. a future 2nd worth a little less than a 2/32). Which probably won't happen, so ultimately, the Broncos and Colts will end up winning the deal on the numbers, but that's the nature of dealing future picks. All in all, both trades were "fair". No fleece, no under or overpayment.


    Sweat obviously didn't worth the #26 according for Ballard, otherwise he would've picked him. The Redskins had different grade on him. The fact that Ballard allowed them to pick him indicates, that Ballard thinks that he'll get someone else with the #46 th pick who has better value ther than Sweat was at #26. I agree with him, because watchning my own board at #26, only Tillery and Sweat were available who had 1st round grades. Sweat's health situation concerned me too, and Tillery is still available. So we haven't lost anyone we could've picked while acquired an extra 2nd rounder for next year.


    I would probably grab Tillery with the #34 tonight. But if Ballard won't, I'll trust his judgement.

    You're right he won't take Tillery......That's because San Diego took him last night. 

  3. 41 minutes ago, Irish YJ said:

    Just saw another interview with Tillery, this time on NBC sports. It may have just been more footage from yesterday.


    -Tillery talked about going up against two first round OL (Q and Big Mike) every day in practice, and how it raised his level of play


    -Again, they talked about people bagging on him because of his "other interests", and that he's currently in Hawaii during the draft. He's rehabbing from labrum surgery in Hawaii, which he considers his second home.


    -The announcers/host were laughing about those that have been critical of his "other interests" and said he was a special talent.


    -He said yesterday on the NFL.com interview that he's ahead of schedule on rehab, and it's not an issue at all.

    if he's the Colts pick, either tonight or tomorrow...he'll be going up against Q again everyday in practice. That would make most game days seem like a vacation. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    I know. 


    That said, I think the RB and QB classes here this year, really all of the offensive skill classes, kind of suck this year.  Most of these guys touted as first round picks this year, would be lucky to go in the 2nd in most years. Really, this whole draft class has me worried.

    I'll say this....this is a draft that I'm glad the Colts have a late 1st round pick and early 2nd, based on draft value. I think this type of draft is where scouting and patience will really come into play. 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    It is.  But this draft class has that same feel going in.  There will be a few solid players, but I think you're looking at a class with a lack of star potential.  Solid players, yes, super studs, no.  Especially offensively.  I hope I'm wrong.

    which is why i'm glad the Colts are picking towards the back AND have a high 2nd round pick. That's where they'll maximize their value...or package something to move up if one of their coveted players falls. 

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