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Posts posted by Mitch

  1. Hilton was all the Colts had. Sanders is joining the most potent offense that the NFL has ever seen. He will be the number two receiver and he will have a great year. TY is a very good receiver. He just would not make the Broncos team as a starter.

    LOL T.Y would totally make the starting position over Emmanuel Sanders. Sanders is a joke compared to Hilton. 


    Denver has actually gotten worse at receiver. Decker was even better than Sanders. 


    And bad route running? When the dude is open is it a bad route? I've never once heard someone say that T.Y has poor route running...ever. Especially being so small, he has to run the routes right to get open. 



    I am going to do exactly that next week and I am a Colts and Luck fan but that 1 TD spread is just too much to resist. $1000 on the orange next week.



    Why would you ever bet against your team? I have a rule in betting, personally I don't bet on games that the Colts are playing. I can see betting for your team...but against...why?


    I'm starting to question your "Colts" fandom.

  2. Not bad at all. Just too much media attention (what you called "baggage")

    Media destroyed the man's career partly

    Bears gonna sign him though cause their GM was targeting him after the draft


    Yep, that's what I meant by "baggage" and it's not even his fault. I honestly think it's ridiculous how much the media covers it, just let him be and focus on football. I was honestly amazed with his production even with all the background "noise". I hope he gets a legitimate shot at a roster and maybe even some playing time. He deserves it after showing up in preseason like he did.


    I think the bears would be a good fit for him, much better fit then our defense. 

  3. Poor Champ Bailey..


    Colts pick him up and make him a safety :36dancing:




    Oh boy, that can't except that he's just not that good of a player.

    I mean, he had a pretty good preseason. Granted so did Caesar Rayford and he's not very good. I think he's just too much "baggage" whether it's right or wrong. He was the SEC defensive player of the year, I mean he's not totally useless/bad. 

  4. Nice to see all 3 of them make the roster. All of them have impressed me throughout preseason, especially Kerr and Muamba. I like Purifoy's potential. People need to remember these are all rookies, they aren't going to be perfect but we see big potential with all 3 and didn't want to risk losing them. I think the roster cuts this year were exactly what we all wanted. Not one cut I have a problem with. 


    Now time to buckle down and start the season off right with a W in Denver. 

  5. So you would be fine with getting a jacked-up haircut on your first day at a job? Would it help you bond with your team mates? Is there some scientific study that shows forcing the "new guy" to be dominated by the vets in any way creates cohesiveness within a unit? Or are you just believing this because you heard some people say it before? 


    I'm shocked there are so many fans on these forums against it. It's only hair, it grows back. Are you guys that self-conscious about your appearance that this would be offensive to you? If it helps the team forget about football for a little while before the first pre-season game, I'm all for it. The rookies seemed to get a kick out of it anyways, especially Mewhort.


    They weren't "dominated" by the vets...that's dumb to say. Redding even said if they didn't want em to "touch this or that" then they wouldn't. Also a player could've said no to the hair cut, but they still said yes because it's hilarious and once again it's HAIR, it grows back relatively quickly. They can get a fresh shave. Plus these guys are football players, not Models(Exception is Tom Brady and his hair cuts are worse than some of the one the rookies have)  :clap: . 




    Teenage gangs do the same thing. Called a "jump-in", they beat the hell out of the new guy before accepting him. If one looks closely, we see many parallels between professional sport and a typical gang mentality, both in respect toward the players and the fans. The epidemic of fan violence in the NFL stands speaks volumes in this regard. 



  6. I'm optimistic about a 34/44 combo in the running game.

    Re-signing Bradshaw was one of my favorite off-season moves. I was advocating it from the day Bradshaw got hurt, he completely beasted the 49ers by himself till he got hurt. I think IF and BIG IF he could stay healthy a whole season with Trich improving we could have a top-3 offense in the NFL. 

  7. It sucks for the fans, especially on saturdays which would be a big day for fans to come to camp. 


    I'm sorry you wasted time/money and that your kids were disappointed, but these practices are not there for the fans. They are there for the players and if the coaches make a decision to change the time, then it's their choice and in their mind, for the benefit of the team. 


    I got alerts on my app/twitter. I just wish I lived in Indy still so I could go to a practice or 3. 

  8. Really? For 1 year you wouldn't take Andre Johnson over TY....Or Cruz?...Nelson?...Cobb?.....You pick the absolute bottom rung guys (Wallace) or the low hanging fruit (Desean is a bad guy!), and dont mention how actually talented they are. Its not the Top 10 Wr who are also the best teammates, or the top 10 wr who are also not nut jobs, its the top 10 WR, and those guys are better WR than TY....If you want to include mental stability, or locker room presence, we can have that conversation, but right now its BEST WR.  


    TY is really good. A fantastic player. But I think some people over sell his impact.....He had a really great season, and it was barely 1kyards (without Reggie or another serviceable WR) and had 2 games in which he scored a TD......Lets pump our breaks a little bit on calling him 1 of the 10 Best WR in the NFL. 



    And for what its worth...Tavon Austin had 1247 yards from scrimmage, and 6TDs....TY had 1248 yards from scrimmage and 5TDs....not the end all be all by any means, just a little info.....


    Oops I missed Jordy Nelson in that list. I still think it's pretty close with the others(Cobb and Cruz) to TY then a lot of people think. Still, not very hard to argue that TY is a top 15 receiver which is real good after his first 2 years. 

  9. Im sure we as Colts fans appreciate the love, but I can't agree with this


    TY has had some pretty monster games for us, and is a phenomenal player. But I wouldn't put him near the top 10. 


    If Calvin, AJ, Dez, DT, Alshon, Marshall, Jones, Fitz were offered straight up for TY we would take it no questions asked. Thats 8 guys. 


    But its the remaining WR that makes this an argument.....


    Allen/Patterson/Brown/Nelson/Harvin/Cruz/Ffloyd/Crabtree/Desean/Garcon/Wallace.......What about older guys like Andre/Colston/Roddy?....What about some of the rookies like Evans/Watkins?.....Is TY better than Tavon Austin or just in a better situation?


    Honestly I expect him to hover around the #15 range for his career,  maybe having a monster season here and there but never a truly elite guy......but thats still awesome. 

    Why can't you agree with it?You just said yourself that 8 are above him. That puts him right at 9 or 10. I'm sorry but I wouldn't take any of those others listed after 8 for TY. Harvin is always hurt, Desean is a locker room cancer and overrated, Wallace is trash, etc etc. None of those guys are "better" than TY. TY shows up in the big games, then you have guys like Crabtree who disappear during the big moments. 


    And yes...TY is definitely better than Tavon Austin. 

  10. Mathis and now Irsay...what will we ever do? 


    Seriously though that's pretty minor. I expected more to be honest. But after seeing Ray Rice's suspension and now this, I'm thinking the Commish is taking it easy on people this offseason. 

  11. If he is he is.  I don't think it really matters.  Anyone who thinks Sherman is dumb is probably dumb in their own right.  The man went to Stanford so clearly he's smart.  Doesn't mean he's not a loud mouth who is pretty full of himself that most people who aren't Seahawks fans wouldn't mind seeing humbled a little bit. 

    Even some Seahawks fans that I know wouldn't mind him calming down. But as long as he keeps his play up and they keep winning, they could careless. 

  12. I also am in the Carolina's like you and Carolina is my nfc team as well. I think Luck can bet Cam, and I've been voting for Kap only because I think he would be easier to beat in the finals then Sherman.  Being a colts fan in NC is very hard especially with all the NE and Steelers fans around,..  (in a whisper) there everywhere....


    Browns fans too...  ::shrugs::


    hahaha how correct you are. There are so many NE/Steelers fans here, even Browns and Redskins are popular as well. I give respect to the Browns fans though, they've been through a lot.


    Luck could beat Cam, I just think Cam will win. I've been voting for Kaep as well so Luck can beat him. I don't believe in the madden "curse" and think it would be awesome to see Luck on the cover. 

  13. How is beating the DPOY easy? Didn't Kuechly win DPOY?

    Kap had an average season at best. Nothing compared to the super bowl season


    From a resident of the Carolinas, there aren't many Panthers fans. There are however many 49ers fans.


    Most Panthers fans are like me, whereas Panthers are my 2nd team(or NFC team in my case) because we all moved from somewhere else. I go to many games and even own a Cam jersey, but my fandom for Colts is above all others.


    Oh and Kuechly is a ridiculously better player than Kaepernick, it's not even close. Panthers have been killing those drafts...Cam, Kuech, Star...


    Luck will probably lose this round however because of Cam's personality. Luck is just an awkward goof, which is why we all love him. Well that and his knack for winning football games.

  14. We need this type of attitude on are D. I am sick and tired of nice guys Colts Defense. I hope his attitude is infectious.


    We definitely need some more personalities on that defense. I would love to see one of our secondary players to step up and be a leader back there but Vontae doesn't seem like the type and Bethea is gone. My guess is D'Qwell becomes a leader relatively quickly. He seems like a perfect candidate with Redding and Mathis.

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