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Posts posted by Mitch

  1. My question is...where did you get this GIF of the famous...now infamous head bobbing Satele?


    This is number 64 at his very best?   :)


    That bear or the moon would've been a better Center than Satele. Actually, even that bookcase next to the bear would've been better.

  2. How is T.J. Ward in coverage? Could he be a cheaper, but still very effective option?


    He's a strong safety. He could play either, but Byrd is more of your prototypical ball-hawk FS. Ward may not be a bad fit with how our scheme works. We just switched Bethea/Landry at SS/FS from play to play. Personally I'd rather get a true FS in Byrd, even if the price is high and keep Landry at SS, his coverage skills aren't the best.

  3. Does anyone think Grigson will go after just one truly elite FA? I think the front office will do what they did last year. I dont see any big first day over paying signings. Yes Satele gone is a good thing for the team but it sucks the man lost his job. I wish him the best on whatever team he signs with.


    If they do, it better be Byrd.

  4. Nonsense. Rogers has been dropped from other teams and spent a lot of time on the practice squad. Decker is a proven commodity who can stay healthy and productive. Go ahead and draft someone. They will probably be this years practice squad phenoms...

    He's been dropped because Buffalo doesn't know talent if it hit them in the side of the head. That was the only team that had him/got rid of him. He was a rookie this year and had his debut with us. Decker is going to be highly overpaid. I truly think in this class of WR we could find someone useful if Rogers isn't that. It's very deep in the position and you could still get high talent/high ceiling players in the 2nd/3rd round. Decker isn't as proven as I think everyone acts like he is. He's only really blown up stats wise since Peyton got there and we all know he can make anyone look better than they are. 

  5. Only reason I like the idea of a G is cause Thomas has already had two season ending injuries in not many starts

    Agreed, it's not the best situation. It's unfortunate because when he did play, he looked good. It'd be nice to have a  back-up plan, but it'd probably be someone cheaper. Like Reitz.

  6. we have a chance to have a fantastic D if we just sign the right players but I don't think we will :( we should go hard after Byrd and Shields then on O get EDS and Asamoah or Geoff Schwartz

    Re sign Vontae of course too


    I'm scared as well. I hope we don't undervalue Byrd. The guy would improve us drastically. I hope we get him in the room and offer him a contract he can't refuse. We are also a very young winning team with a dome, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to get out of the cold. I think Byrd and Shields would complete our defense, outside of a DT/DE. EDS would be awesome but I really don't think we will be signing a guard, at least not a higher priced one. I think our FO likes Thornton a lot and we got Thomas coming back from injury. I'd be cool with it though, can never have enough depth on O-line. 

  7. Has nothing to do with Byrd. The position Byrd plays just isn't important enough to the overall Defensive Scheme to justify paying him the amount he'd require.


    Not that deep.


    I don't care what scheme you run, FS is one of the most important positions in today's NFL. With the passing NFL age we are in you gotta have a ball hawk. Bethea has slowed down over the years and just isn't the same pro-bowl safety that we are used to seeing. I just see it as the biggest upgrade we could get in FA/draft this year outside of Vontae, especially without a first pick. I really think having a FS makes your whole defense better since they know they got a safety net behind them. Look at the seahawks, they are built on a good D-line and great safeties, along with the self-renowned "best corner in da league". Their LBs are all young and make so many plays due to that line opening up the holes and Earl Thomas makes so many big stops when they need it the most. I see Byrd as our Earl Thomas. How I look at it, we just got an increase in cap(about 8-9 million) that we didn't think we would have a few weeks ago. I'd be more than happy to spend that money on the best player in FA.

  8. YES to both. ;)


    Seriously, please tell us why you don't want Byrd. I've seen you on every Byrd or FA thread saying No to him but you never give a reason. The guy can PLAY.




    i kinda really don't wanna see conner go


    Me neither. I thought he never really got a chance but everytime he was on the field he played with a ton of energy. I'd be cool with our ILBs being Freeman, Jackson, Mcnary, Connor, Muamba(maybe).

  9. There is one guy that has been talked about that I would complain about...and that guy is Eric Decker. I just REALLY don't want him on the team. I know he will be overpaid and he won't improve us that much, if at all. I truly believe that Rogers will be a monster next year if he is given an opportunity. Draft a WR if we truly want one though, I just say draft Bruce Ellington in the 5th round, he's a playmaker plain and simple. With that #2 we should draft a CB.


    I don't care if we "overpay" for Byrd though, actually if I was Grigs, I would gladly "overpay" for Byrd. 

  10. Well we got Jackson and I don't even think Byrd will even visit indy I don't see Grigs giving 10 mill for a safety


    He gave Landry a big deal, I wouldn't bet against Grigs spending on Byrd. I think 10 mil for Byrd would be 100% worth it. Whoever pays him will forget about the contract almost immediately. I wonder if he would take a little less to come to a winning team, he seemed to hate losing/the cold in Buffalo. Go get em Grigs!

  11. Byrd dreams again? Lol Byrd will only ce if the money is right! He already put it out there that being the highest paid safety is not enough. I don't think the Bills are that dumb just to let Byrd walk. He wanted way way too too much that's why they didn't even bother tagging him. I would much rather resign Bethea to a cap friendly deal and draft a safety. Then maybe with all the money left over we can sign One center and Two guards that can start and improve our line!



    I really think he just didn't want to play for the Bills anymore. Losing and playing the cold would wear down on anyone. I believe he deserves to be the highest paid safety, next to Earl Thomas, and he would be completely worth it. I'm all for drafting a safety too(Trade up and get Pryor PLEASE) though, but I really like Byrd, he's a beast and would pair up great with Landry.
  12. I love all of this and totally agree. Except...


    I still dont think 11 mil guarenteed over 2 years is "a bit much." Obviously, we wont know til we see him play if hes worth it, but it seems like a fair value for a good veteran player with a great personality and leadership, for a position that we need to get filled.


    And of course if we cut Satelle and/or someone else, we can make up that extra cash. Still have PLENTY of room for our other needs.

    You're probably right. I just looked over LB money/contracts and it looks like we got him for what he's worth. Mostly rookie contracts after his. His deal is very close to Elvis Dumervil's and I think they are pretty similar players as well. Some team(s) obviously feel he's worth even more. I think all these people saying he got overpaid is getting to me haha. But yeah, once again we need to wait and see him on the field to determine if it's a good move or not.


    Next on my list of FAs to get: Byrd, Dietrich-Smith, Browner.


    Love this response from D’Qwell Jackson (@DQ52) during text exchange just now. Why the Colts? “Chuck Pagano. Great coach… Better person."



    I understand people's knack against Pagano, I really do. Questionable Timeouts, bad challenges, bad 4th down decisions, starting the wrong player etc etc. But at the end of the day I think we can all agree that his players love playing for him. I've rarely seen a locker room that's as close to each other as the Colts. The "adversity" they all faced together brought them closer and laid one heck of a foundation for our dynasty to be built on. I see very bright things in the future.


    D'qwell turned down more money elsewhere to come to the Colts. That's all Pags/Chud right there and a little bit of Luck. Who wouldn't want to come join the Colts? In our first 2 "rebuilding" years we have been 11-5 and with a playoff win, that's amazing for a team that was 2-14 2 years ago. I give a lot of credit to Chuck and think more people should, he was like a rookie coach last year anyways, he was gone for most of that first year. 


    Now on the signing, I think it's a good one, maybe even great but we will have to wait and see.I think the money is a bit much, but that's the nature of FA. We even got $9 more cap space from league-wide increase. This is money spent that we never even thought we would have. Now cut Satele/Sheppard and we are right back where we were with even a little more. We just got another leader on that defense which is awesome and a reliable tackling machine(4th most tackles in NFL last year). 


    Now go get BYRD!

  14. RJF was a back up player coming from SF. He is young and I guess grigson and company thought he would play a lot better here if he was given more time to play. Can we even cut RJF? Would that hurt us cap wise or help us?


    Yeah, we'd lose about 1.8-1.9 million in cap space but we'd be paying him about 5 million, so it saves 3 million if we cut him. I'd do it if we go get Arthur Jones. 

  15. My guess is it's front-loaded so it's more like a 2-year, 11 million contract. I think it's a good signing, but we will have to wait and see if it was worth that money. It fills a need and now narrows down our needs going into draft. Now go get BYRD!


    On the bright side, he turned down more money to play for Colts instead of Broncos/Titans/Dolphins(one of those was offering more). 

  16. I like most of this. I don't see much point to bringing in an aging kick returner like Hester and I don't think we'll land Smith at ILB but I understand this is a "dream" off-season rather than a mock. Also I've heard now that we do have a 6th round pick apparently, btw.

    The Hester thing is more of a dream of the past, man he was good lol. But 6th round pick? From Caesar or someone? lol, I'll have to check that out. 



    i like it for the most part. i think the Colts will let McAfee go. He can be replaced by Steven Clark, Auburn or Cody Webster, Purdue.

    i honestly don't think the Colts will touch Browner with a 10-ft pole!  I totally agree with on Attaochu...the guy reminds me so much of Robert Mathis. I don't think he makes it out of the 2nd Rd though. i have watched tape on Jean-baptiste and i'm not really impressed. his measurables at the combine weren't all that great either. I, personally, would rather have Phillip Gaines, Rice.  Bruce Ellington looked fantastic when i watched him play.

    all in all i liked your post, just some things i would personally do different.

    I see us letting Pat walk as well. It's too much money. But this is a "dream" scenario so why not keep my favorite personality on the team? I'm kinda thinking the same about Attaochu, maybe we should just draft him in that #2 spot and pick up a CB in the 3rd. I can definitely see the Mathis in him, just a lot bigger haha. I do like Phillip Gaines for his speed though or Victor Hampton because he's very physical, Brent Grimes-type. 



    I agree with a lot of this, but if we sign Browner we will almost have to keep Toler. That's what's great about signing Browner. He would come cheap enough for us to keep Toler. The secondary would be stacked. Davis, Browner, Toler, Davis, and Gordy. In the draft I would switch Baptiste with Moncrief, and I wouldn't sign Hester. Also, I just read Browner will be suspended probably the first four games, but that's ok in my opinion if he's cheap enough. I do think we need another DT though.

    Probably right. I just don't want Toler, I hate injury prone guys and he seemed to just give up on plays. But with a cheap Browner(even with suspension), whenever Toler pulls another hammy or gets injured again, we will have a replacement after first 4 games. Browner would be a great luxury to have. Moncrief is awesome, but I just don't want to draft WR that high. However, I'd rather draft a WR in 2nd round then spend on one in FA. I really just want to give Rogers another offseason and see if he improves. The sky is the limit for him, I mean he already made a game saving play vs KC in the playoffs.

  17. Post-Combine/Pre-FA Edition.


    Let me start by saying, I’m not a cap expert but I do know the process of how it works. I’ll try to put some contract #’s up that I expect players to get paid, but as we all know(especially with Grigs) who knows what these guys will command on the market. I’m going to start by solely worrying about Free Agency then I’ll move on to potential targets in the draft at our drafting positions(with one draft day trade).  This is what I believe gives us the best 53-roster we can get this year. I have made a few changes from the Pre-Combine edition I had and kept some things the same. Here we go:


    Cap Space before Cuts: ~41 million



    Greg Toler- +4.2 million

    Samson Satele- +4 Million


    I left Matt Hasselbeck off this list because I don’t see anyway that we cut him. I can get past paying for Matt. Cutting Matt only saves about 2 million anyways. RJF was another option but one I don’t see happening so why bother?





    Vontae Davis- (4 yr, 35 million)

    Pat McAfee- (4 year, 14 million)

    Joe Reitz- (2 year, 1.5 million)

    Josh Gordy-(1 year, 900,000)

    Sergio Brown-(2 year, 2 million)

    Adam Vinatieri-(2 year, 6 million)

    Kavell Connor-(2 year, 3 million)


    I think we get OL depth back with Reitz and solidify our kickers for the future. I really don’t want to pay so much for kicker/punter but I can get over it since they are both awesome dudes. I also think they both love Indy and will take a little less to stay. I really like Connor and hope he gets a chance to play more at ILB. He plays with a ton of energy and is great on special teams. Even if he is from Clemson haha.


    Money Remaining: ~$32 Million


    Biggest Needs(no particular order): CB, S, ILB, C, DE, PR/KR


    Free Agent Signings:

    Jarius Byrd- (4 year, 38 Million)

    Evan Dietrich-Smith- (3 year, 10 million)

    Brandon Browner-(1 year, 2 million)

    Daryl Smith-(2 years, 6 million)

    Devin Hester-(2 year, 5 million)


    Here’s where it got tricky. I tried to make the numbers as close as possible but with players such as Browner coming off suspension and Hester being older and overpaid with last contract, it’s easier said than done and I’m probably off on a couple. I think with these 5 guys though we cover many needs. I could’ve spent more here, but wanted to spend smart and not spend it all after paying draft picks.


    Money Remaining: ~ 12 million


    Draft Needs after FA: CB, DE


    Round 2- Stanley Jean-Baptiste, CB, Nebraska

    Round 3- Jeremiah Attaochu-DE/OLB, Georgia Tech

    Round 5- Bruce Ellington, WR, South Carolina(this is a little hopeful, maybe we trade up for him? Go Gamecocks!)

    Round 7- Ben Gardner, DE, Stanford


    I kept Stanley in the second round on this as I really like him as a prospect and want him more than I want Toler back on this team. I don’t like injury prone players and with Brandon Browner coming in(in this scenario) I say draft him and put him at #2 corner. We would have a great back-up plan with Browner in place and for cheap. In the Third Round, we get a little lucky and Attaochu drops to us or maybe we trade up? Get him someway somehow. I can’t stop watching his film/highlights. He makes so many plays and would be a great future replacement for Mathis. He could probably even start over Walden very quickly. We need more pass rush…and badly. Bruce Ellington is a playmaker and is the one addition at WR which so many people think we need. I like giving the young guys(Rogers, Brazill, Whalen) time to improve and grow with Luck. I see bright things in Rogers’ future as long as he keeps his head on straight. Ben Gardner missed a lot of the 2014 season at Stanford due to injury but was voted Team Captain before the season. He’d be great value at the end of the draft.


    Starting Line-up 2014:


    QB - Andrew Luck

    RB - Trent Richardson/Vick Ballard

    WR - Reggie Wayne, TY Hilton

    TE - Dwayne Allen, Coby Fleener

    LT - Anthony Castonzo

    LG – Donald Thomas

    C – Evan Dietrich-Smith

    RG – Hugh Thornton

    RT - Gosder Cherilus


    DE - Ricky Jean Francois, Cory Redding

    DT - Josh Chapman

    OLB - Robert Mathis, Bjoern Werner/Attaochu

    ILB - Jerrell Freeman, Daryl Smith

    CB - Vontae Davis, Stanley Jean-Baptiste

    S - Laron Landry, Jarius Byrd


    K-Adam Vinatieri

    P-Pat McAfee

    PR/KR-Devin Hester


    With all of these moves I think this gives us a great starting line-up and enough money to sign our draft picks as well as it’s “spending smart” like Grigson and Co seem to want to do this year. I think our OL will get a huge boost with Dietrich-Smith coming in and Thomas coming back. Our safety position looks much better and we can use Landry much like the Seahawks use Kam Chancellor. We will push Landry down to the box to pretty much play another OLB while Byrd covers downfield. Let’s hope Landry learns to tackle again in the offseason. Our ILB spot replaces Kelvin Sheppard with Daryl Smith, a beast of an ILB. He's better than D'qwell and much better than Sheppard. This move would pay dividends immediately. Jean-Baptiste gives us a better option at CB than Toler in my opinion and hopefully will be healthy unlike Toler was. Bruce Ellington is a playmaker and solo-handedly won the bowl game for the Gamecocks this year. He's a dual-sport athlete(Basketball/Football) but is foregoing his basketball season to focus on the draft. He would be perfect for our "No-coast offense" and wouldn't cost much at all. No reason to spend on a WR in FA. We also get a real PR/KR in Hester, one position we tried to fill all season last year.


    I know this probably isn’t perfect number-wise but I tried to be as realistic as I could with the contracts. Let me know any suggestions you guys may have but I think this would truly “Build the Monster”. 

  18. I live in Greer. How about you? Please don't tell me you are Clemson fan :)




    I am in Moore. Just right up the road from you and I am full Gamecock's fan!  :fb:   :D



    WOOOO! SC Colts fans! Go Gamecocks/Colts!


    I'm about to graduate from USC-Columbia in May. Happy birthday too SC-colts fan, I wish I got a PFM signed Helmet/Jersey haha.

  19. I'm all for it, been thinking it since he got injured. Get him for cheap, play him lightly at start of season and see what happens. With ballard coming off an ACL injury and Trich being VERY questionable, I say bring back the guy that won us a game(SF). I really don't want to re-sign donald brown unless it's cheap anyways, I don't like one-year wonder players(same reason I don't really want Verner).

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